Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 112 You can do it, you can go, if you can't, don't beep...

Chapter 112 You can do it, you can go, if you can't, don't beep...

When Song Lei and the others thought about that time, they were obviously very angry, but in the end they had to be obedient and spent a lot of money to buy Lin Xuan's food.

I saw this guy again at night, hugging and leading a group of girls into the board room to sleep.

The mind exploded a bit.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you just beat the top ten in the top ten rankings before? Now in a secret realm, an Iron Armored Flame Tiger above D rank! I really think I can't do it..."

"That's right, it's just a bunch of brainless nymphomaniacs praising him like that!"

"It's still Teacher Feng and the others, who will work hard and bear the burden silently for everyone!"

"Who says no! How can such a person be like a miser, a bastard..."

"That's it, a bunch of brainless nymphomaniacs who kept yelling that they would give him a monkey... Damn it, who are you!"

So there was a burst of resentment venting.

Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and the others over there were suddenly unhappy.

Their forest gods can be buried by themselves.

Why do others?
What's more, he was even said to have no brains!

"You still don't like Lin Shen? He has beaten Song Qing, who is number one in the rankings, how about you? Why don't you spend money to ask Lin Shen to help you on a challenging trip!"

"Do you have the skills? You don't have the skills to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf!"

"That's right! You can go, if you can't, don't beep..."

Even though Song Lei was the leader of the first class, the girls didn't give him any face at this time, and they just gave him a slap in the face when they caught him.

Of course Song Lei and the others were not convinced.

But when it comes to skills, they... really have no skills.

So I had to change the attack method:
"Let me tell you, you are all nympho, isn't it because Tu Linxuan is handsome!"

"Handsome can be eaten? You are superficial!"

"Besides, don't you think it's worth the price? Lin Xuan has a girlfriend, and you're posting like this..."

Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and other girls became even more angry when they heard this.

Superficial, cheap?
It's your turn to say this, a bunch of short, poor men!

"What's wrong with the nympho? Are you crazy about flowers?"

"Yes, what you said is right! We only want to see Lin Shen is handsome, we are so superficial, we are so backward, what are you going to do..."

"Why, are you angry? Just be angry!"

The words made Song Lei and other boys speechless.

The students around who had been concentrating on watching Feng Zhenhua and the five confront each other and fight the Iron Armored Flame Tiger couldn't help laughing when they heard it now.

It's not just Song Lei and others who are popular, they are also angry.

That beautiful Tianyi sect saint is just Lin Xuan's girlfriend.

Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting, and that lower school girl Song Wanqiu, all the beauties mentioned in the academy are Lin Xuan's fans.

The other fans are even more useless.

It can be said that he, Lin Xuan, took all the good-looking girls within a ten-kilometer radius...

"...You guys are really blind, you only pay attention to your appearance! Besides, you are girls, can you be more reserved anyway?" Song Lei refused to admit defeat, and was still stubborn.


The girls categorically refused: "We just look at Lin Shenshuai, and when we see it, we want to post it upside down. Just a monkey wants to have a dozen babies with him..."

"That's right, where is it like you, when a mosquito bites your face, it will make you want to commit suicide!"

"You don't take a mirror to look at yourself, look at your facial features, tsk tsk, everyone has their own strengths, no one will obey anyone!"


Accompanied by the laughter of the girls.

Song Lei's face turned pale, and the others couldn't help laughing at the pimples on his face.


"it is good!"

"Good skill!"

At this time, Feng Zhenhua stabbed with his sword like a thunderstorm, forcing the Iron Armored Flame Tiger to retreat a few steps, and was finally driven out of the fortress, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Chen Hao nearby also cheered.

Song Lei's eyes lit up when he saw Chen Hao.

He has always had a good relationship with Chen Hao. He was made things difficult for him a few times before, but Chen Hao made it easy for him.

So he hurried forward, wanting Chen Hao to comment.

He thought to himself, because the woman is a fan girl, so she speaks for Lin Xuan, so the boy can't be a fan girl.What's more, this Chen Hao, because of the competition before, he still resented this Lin Xuan.

"Brother Hao, you can judge me. I said those girls are brainless nympho, but they still don't accept it. You say that Lin Xuan is greedy for money, lustful, bragging, what's so good..."

Chen Hao glanced at Song Lei: "Are you talking about my elder brother?"

Song Lei was a little confused: "Your elder brother? Didn't he recognize it?"

"I recognized him when I entered the secret realm." Chen Hao said indifferently, staring at Song Lei with cold eyes, and patted him on the shoulder vigorously, "Lin Xuan is my elder brother, and I will support him in whatever he does."

"But let me remind you, when you mention my elder brother, you must be careful!"

Song Lei was dumbfounded: "..."

Is this kid really Lin Xuan's fanboy? !

Song Lei, who was repeatedly slapped in the face, no longer made fun of himself.

Others are not stupid, if they find fault with Lin Xuan now, they will really be beaten.


At this time the gate of the fortress.

The fighting sides have just gone through a period of confrontation.

The Iron Armored Fire Tiger has retreated outside the fortress.

But stick to it.

Relying on an iron armor, with red eyes, roaring endlessly, it is very unwilling to retreat when it sees so many prey in front of it.

And Feng Zhenhua and the other five also found out at this time.

It is also very difficult to completely repel the Iron Armored Flame Tiger.

But such a mid-level D-level armored flame tiger is here, and it will always be a threat if you don't get rid of it.

Therefore, he did not dare to relax his vigilance at all.

"Master Feng, come on!"

"Teacher Feng, you are the best!"

At the beginning of the scene, some students shouted loudly. After all, Feng Zhenhua was the main force in the battle against the Explosive Tiger. He blocked the Explosive Tiger's fireball attack several times. It was his thunderous sword just now that forced the Explosive Tiger out of the fortress.

At this time, most of the students are convinced that it is only a matter of time before they win.

Hearing this, Feng Zhenhua became energetic for a while.

People are also a little drifting.

Speaking of fighting with Explosive Flame Tiger just now, he was a little tired.

Forget it, with so many students watching, it's not a problem to be so exhausted, so don't hide it!
While the mind is turning.

The left hand is pinching tactics, and the right hand is holding a sword.

With the majestic killing intent erupting all over his body, the extremely fierce sword in his hand instantly transformed into ten swords, and then turned into ten afterimages, and suddenly slashed towards the iron armored flame tiger.

This blow.

Feng Zhenhua used all his strength.

If it hits, it will definitely kill the Iron Armored Flame Tiger in one fell swoop.

"Lore Instant Wind Slash!"

exclaimed a mentor.

Everyone at the scene also opened their eyes wide and held their breath.

The lore Instant Wind Slash is Feng Zhenhua's trump card, it can burst out double the power in an instant, because of the great loss, it is generally not easy to use.

As soon as this trump card was used, it showed that he had put all his eggs in one bet and didn't want to grind any more!

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger sensed danger.

Without dodging or evading, while the scales stood up, he still jumped towards Feng Zhenhua, opened his bloody mouth, and suddenly spewed out a fireball, shooting towards Feng Zhenhua.

Is it a trick to die together? !
Feng Zhenhua broke out in a cold sweat, he didn't want to risk his life for a monster.

The lore Instant Wind Slash made half of his attack, and hurriedly withdrew.

I was sideways to avoid the fireball.

The fireball hit a boulder behind Feng Zhenhua, and the boulder instantly cracked with a bang.

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger took advantage of the momentum to attack fiercely, and its huge sword-like claws suddenly slashed towards Feng Zhenhua's back.

Feng Zhenhua hurriedly dodged again.

Although he managed to dodge, he was still thrown to the ground by the giant claw belt, and a bloody gash was drawn on his back.

Seeing this, the other four tutors rushed to attack.

However, he was caught off guard by the Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger, who was swept away by his steel-whip-like tail and flew out.

The scene suddenly took a turn for the worse.

The disciples cried out in shock, and became a mess, scattered and fled in all directions.

Fang Lingbo glanced at Lin Xuan who was still playing games beside him, and couldn't help complaining: "Lin Xuan, you have a little conscience, you still play games..."

While talking, he already made up his mind to stop the Iron Armored Flame Tiger.

At least for a while...

Suddenly in the blink of an eye.

A black shadow rushed to the front, and suddenly, it grabbed the Iron Armored Flame Tiger by the tail.

Then it's like swinging a sledgehammer.

He swung the Iron Armored Explosive Tiger into the air, and ruthlessly smashed it onto the boulder on the ground.

Bang bang bang!
Following a deafening loud noise, the Iron Armored Flame Tiger was swung on the huge boulder on the ground, smashing ten or twenty big holes in one breath.

Almost instantly.

The extremely arrogant Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger was smashed until it spewed blood, its scales fell off, and its bones were broken.

Bloody like a sick cat!

(End of this chapter)

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