Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 113 Brother, can we show some face?

Chapter 113 Brother, can we show some face?

The scene was silent for a while.

Everyone saw the danger before, and it was clear.

Instructor Feng was injured, and the other instructors Ji Ming were also in danger. ,
The disciples in the Daoyuan class thought that they were doomed. Once Feng Zhenhua's mentors were killed, they would have no resistance in front of mid-D-level monsters, and would only have to be trampled and killed.

Feng Zhenhua also thought he was going to die.

It's all my fault that I was too big before, asking for help but not asking for help.

When he released his mace and the Iron Armored Flame Tiger was about to perish with him, he felt timid again.

The situation was instantly reversed!

Good thing...

Someone showed up just in time!
It really is Lin Xuan!
After a moment of silence, the audience immediately shouted enthusiastically.

"Damn, the posture of beating the tiger just now is so handsome! The mid-D-level monster is like a piece of rag in his hands!"

"Simple! Rough! It's awesome! It's so enjoyable..."

"Lin Shen, thank you! You are my eternal God!"

"The realm of monsters is in the middle stage of D-level, isn't Lin Xuan's realm even higher?!"

"Needless to say, even Supervisor Feng and the others were saved by Lin Xuan, and Director Feng's realm is definitely not as good as Lin Xuan's! Of course the Iron Armored Flame Tiger is also..."

"Lin Shen, I will always love you!"

"I love you too!"


Song Lei and the others who had looked at Lin Xuan disliked, envied and hated Lin Xuan just now, and even wanted to strangle Lin Xuan to death, saw their faces stunned.

Can't help but gasp.

Lin Xuan's methods seem to be stronger than that of Teacher Feng and the others.

Know that he is strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong!
I'm also glad that I didn't continue to find trouble with Lin Xuan just now, otherwise I don't know how to die.

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger D-level mid-stage, his body was like steel and iron, but when Lin Xuan held his tail, he fell violently, hitting ten or twenty big pits, and he was also thrown half to death at this time.

Seeing Lin Xuan stop for a moment.

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger lying on the ground, lingering on its last breath, opened its huge mouth and sharp claws, and even wanted to sneak attack Lin Xuan when it was dying.

Lin Xuan stomped on the head.

Then he went down several times, and directly stomped the Explosive Flame Tiger's head into the ground, completely dying.

"Lin Xuan, I knew you would make a move! You are the hero in my heart!"

Fang Lingbo ran over at this time and said excitedly.

Liu Tingting and other girls also ran over and surrounded Lin Xuan, their eyes were full of peach blossoms, and the corners of their mouths were drooling.

If not in front of everyone.

I rushed forward early and took a bite each.

But it doesn't delay, they raped Lin Xuan a thousand times and ten thousand times in their hearts...

"Lin Xuan, great job, well done! I will report to Dean Liu when I turn back!" Feng Zhenhua patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder and said enthusiastically.

He was cut bloody by the Explosive Flame Tiger.

But not in the way.

The other tutors surrounded Lin Xuan and praised him fiercely.

However, these mentors, including Feng Zhenhua, felt ashamed again.

even ashamed.

The dignified teacher was unexpectedly inferior to others, and was rescued by a disciple...

"It's all right, all this is what I should do! This is all taught by the instructors!"

Lin Xuan rubbed his hands and smiled, and put a high hat on the mentor by the way.

He's not some bad guy.

But it's not a cold-blooded scum who refuses to save his classmates and mentors.

What's more, the task given to him by the system is to help him enjoy helping others. The more he helps others, the more rewards he will get.In this case, he can only "do his best" to help others.

And for the Iron Armored Flame Tiger in the mid-D level.

Although the realm is one level higher than him, he has activated a skill that is always a little bit stronger than yours.

In addition, it was another sneak attack.

Exploding Flame Tiger concentrated on dealing with Feng Zhenhua and others again.

Therefore, after Lin Xuan succeeded in one blow, he smashed it ten or twenty times in one breath.

"Now, report to the dean, and you won't be able to escape if you escort him to the Lingfu of Zhongzhou!"

"That's right, this is a cultivation genius born out of nowhere in our entire Jiangcheng!"

"In fact, student Lin Xuan, not only has a high level of cultivation, but also such a high level of awareness, he is indeed a role model for our Bailu Academy!"

The instructors praised it again.

When complimenting, they coincided with each other and refrained from asking about Lin Xuan's cultivation, because it was really shameless to ask...

Lin Xuan over there heard the continuous compliments, and couldn't help being a little flustered: "You may not know the tutor, but I have always been very enlightened. ..."

Song Lei and a group of classmates heard it.

The awe and reverence accumulated towards Lin Xuan dissipated in an instant.

It's not good to have a dark face.

Nima, are you united and friendly?Helping others?
In particular, how much do you respect your teacher and make selfless dedication? !
Lying in a groove!

Before that, who was the one in the secret realm who collected 20 yuan?Who is it that charges 1000 yuan for dozens of kilometers in your car, and who wants to charge the instructor [-] yuan for the fare?Who is the one who charged me double the price for the challenge trip?

Also, who took all the good-looking girls away, and made me wait for the single dog to watch helplessly, who is it? !

It's not bad if you didn't scold you profiteer, miser, and Neptune!
How dare you put gold on your face...

Lin Xuan was praised by the tutors and classmates around him for a while, and he couldn't help feeling elated again.

ten minutes later.

Only then went back with a happy face.

Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting and other girls gathered around again.

Lin Xuan rescued everyone in danger, and as Lin Xuan's "paying customers", they also had pride on their faces.

I feel more and more worth the 20 flowers!
"That's right, that's right, Lin Shen really came to his senses this time, and saved the audience, but he didn't charge everyone a penny! Tsk tsk..."

Fang Lingbo said with a smile.

Originally, this was a sincere compliment from her, but Lin Xuan was awakened at this moment.

What the fuck?

Forgot to ask everyone for money? !
How can this be done, I, Lin Xuan, just like to help others casually?Anyway, not to mention too much, each person also charges 1000 yuan.

"That's right, I forgot to collect the money! How about 1000 yuan per person?"

Lin Xuan said with a painful face.

Then, he went to find his younger brother Chen Hao and issued a task of collecting money from everyone.

Fang Lingbo panicked.

Depend on!
I didn't expect this product to really want to collect money!What about the high awareness just now?What about helping others just now? ! !

Liu Tingting and others also saw that something was wrong.

Together with Fang Lingbo, Lin Xuan was stopped immediately.

"Brother, brother! Can we show some face?"

"Just now, the mentors praised you for your high awareness, you can't slap yourself in the face! Besides, it's been so long, you still have the nerve to collect money..."

"Yes Lin Shen, next time, let's do it next time!"


After persuading for a while, Lin Xuan said regretfully: "Okay, let's do it that time! You must remind me next time."

Fang Lingbo's daughters: "Good!"


Feng Zhenhua guessed right before.

There were indeed some changes in this secret trial.

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger in the mid-D level suddenly appeared and attacked the second camp they were in.

This is a very rare thing in previous trials.

But that's just the beginning of an anomaly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a thick fog, and all signals were interrupted.After discussing with several mentors, Feng Zhenhua intends to apply for base rescue, but the rescue signal could not be sent out at all.

In the secret realm, you can only rely on yourself.

Two teams of 300 people were forced to rest in the second camp for two days.

Afterwards the fog thinned a bit.

Feng Zhenhua and several instructors believed that staying any longer was not an option, so they decided to head for the third camp.

Going back is unlikely.

And as long as they reach the third camp, this trial of the secret realm is basically over.

However, halfway.

Another monster appeared, it was the golden-backed wolf!
It's normal to meet monsters in the secret realm.

As for the golden-backed wolf, the warrior Jiuzhong, for Lin Xuan, Feng Zhenhua, and many disciples of the Daoyuan class, killing him was not a problem at all.I've killed many before.

But here's the problem.

There are too many golden-backed wolves this time!
Overwhelming, densely packed, at least one or two thousand, after discovering the teachers and students of the Daoyuan class, they surrounded them all at once.

And quickly launched a fierce attack.

Such a number of monsters with nine levels of warriors.

Not to mention other people, even Lin Xuan himself was a little terrified, he might be exhausted after killing him!


(End of this chapter)

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