Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 114 That's all, give it to him...

Chapter 114 That's all, give it to him...

Due to the sudden incident.

The team of two to 300 people was caught off guard, and with the thin mist, it felt as if there were more golden-backed wolves coming.

For a time, the whole team was overwhelmed by the wolves.

Suddenly messed up.

I don't know where Teacher Feng and others are.

At this time, it began to rain heavily again.

Seeing the mess around him, Lin Xuan didn't care about anything else, and rushed forward with a few of his paying users.

In the dense pack of wolves, kill for a while.

After all the conflicts and conflicts, he finally rushed out.

When I got outside, I found that there were only Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting left beside me. The other two girls, Li Qin, Xu Na, and Chen Hao, had gone to nowhere.

Three less!

Lin Xuan still has a strong sense of responsibility. He said that he had to bring one with him in the secret realm, and he spent a lot of money on it.

Lost three people at once...

Is this okay? !
You can't smash your own brand.

Just as he was about to rush back, Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting held him back.

"Lin Xuan, what are you doing?" The two said together.

"Look for Li Qin, Xu Na, and Chen Hao." Lin Xuan said.

"Then take us!" Fang Lingbo said again: "You left the two of us here and found them. What if we can't find us when we come back?"

Liu Tingting followed: "Yes, what should I do if I come back to find us?"

"Then what do you say?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Take us along and look for them together." The two girls said together.

"OK then."

Lin Xuan thought about it, it would not be a problem to keep the two of them here, and after glancing at them, he walked back the way he had come.

Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting glanced at each other, and then followed closely behind Lin Xuan.

But this time.

The three found that in the mist and chaotic forest, they got lost and couldn't find the original way at all.

And after the heavy rain.

The chaotic and noisy sounds in the distance just now also fell silent.

"We got lost?! What should we do now? What about Teacher Feng and the others, we won't die here, right?"

It was Liu Tingting who spoke, and there was fear in her tone.

She is Dean Liu's niece, and she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. When she suddenly encountered this situation, she panicked.

"Don't worry, you won't die!"

Fang Lingbo gave a word of comfort.

But she was also apprehensive.She had participated in a trial in this secret realm before, but she was basically safe.But this time since the Iron Armored Flame Tiger appeared, the situation is different from last time.

This time, thousands of golden-backed wolves surrounded them all at once.

Very sinister and weird.

"Lin Xuan, what should we do? This trial in the secret realm is so different, I feel that we will die this time..." Fang Lingbo said solemnly.

"Don't worry, you won't die!" Lin Xuan said.

Fang Lingbo: "..."

How did this person learn how to speak from me?

"Then what shall we do next?" Fang Lingbo asked again.

"Walk and look, first find a safe place." Lin Xuan said, suddenly looked to the left, and immediately reminded: "Be careful, there are five on the left!"

The voice just fell.

Five golden-backed wolves had rushed over.

The golden-backed wolf has nine levels of martial artist, and his attack behavior is single, mainly because of his better defense.

Lin Xuan is an early D-level player, so it shouldn't be too easy to deal with.

He stepped forward to punch and kick, and killed three of them.

Fang Lingbo was a late E-level wolf, and he also killed two of them, but before the last wolf was killed, he spit out a mouthful of green juice. She couldn't dodge in time, and a small part was splashed on her pants.

The green juice had a strong fishy smell.

Because it was in a secret realm, Fang Lingbo didn't have any clothes to change, so he had to roughly wipe it clean with a paper towel.

After killing the golden-backed wolf, he was about to continue walking.

Liu Tingting shouted from behind:

"Wait for me! It will be ready soon!"

It turned out that she was still digging for the beast pill from the golden-backed wolf.

"I can't help you much, so I have to help everyone get some loot..." Liu Tingting said embarrassedly.

Lin Xuan glanced at her: "Are you also in the Ninth Level of Warrior Realm? Next time, you actually try to kill one."

"I really can?" Liu Tingting asked with wide eyes.

"Yes." Lin Xuan said.

Liu Tingting immediately looked expectant.

Not long after walking, another wave of golden-backed wolves came, this time there were eight in total.

Lin Xuan killed four of them.

Fang Lingbo killed three of them.

The remaining one was left to Liu Tingting.

It took four to five minutes before Liu Tingting finally killed the golden-backed wolf.

"Brother Lin Xuan, I can really kill the golden-backed wolf!"


As he said that, he rushed to Lin Xuan excitedly.

It almost hung on Lin Xuan's neck.

In fact, Liu Tingting is not bad in figure. The two big water polos in front are just inferior in terms of appearance and temperament.

This blow.

Lin Xuan finally realized what it means to hit someone with the ball.

There was a burst of embarrassment on his face.

On Fang Lingbo's side, looking at Liu Tingting who was hooking Lin Xuan's neck, his eyes almost popped out.

Looks can kill.

Then Liu Tingting will die eight hundred times.

But quickly, Fang Lingbo also realized that he was not even his concubine, what kind of jealousy was he eating!

After the blip.

The three continued to walk forward, because they were lost, so they could only walk forward based on feeling, trying to find a relatively safe place.


A group of golden-backed wolves chased after them, this time there were more than a dozen of them.

The three quickly cleaned up.

But not long.

A new batch of golden-backed wolves caught up, this time more than thirty.

Because it was a surprise attack, Liu Tingting, who was the weakest, was almost injured.

Lin Xuan was depressed for a while.

Why was this road being followed?The number is increasing? !
After the killing, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of a green mark on Fang Lingbo's pants.

It happened at this time.

The three found a cave and hid in it. After concealing the entrance of the cave, they thought they could finally go in and rest.


In less than 10 minutes, another wave of golden-backed wolves came.

This time the number was more than 30, and they rushed straight to the entrance of the cave!
Hold a grass!

When Lin Xuan saw it, he sighed that he had hit the devil, it was endless, and he was so accurate...

But at this time, I also have a spectrum in my heart.

Going out with Fang Lingbo, it took a little effort to kill all the wolves.

"Lingbo, take off your pants, hurry up!" Lin Xuan said solemnly without taking a breath after entering the cave.

Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting looked shocked.

Take off your pants? !

Seeing that Fang Lingbo was puzzled, Lin Xuan explained: "The reason why the wolves were able to track us down is because of your pants, take them off quickly..."

Seeing that Fang Lingbo didn't move.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but wanted to do it himself.

What the hell, if another pack of wolves came over, the number would probably be seventy or eighty.

"Lin Xuan, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Lin Xuan's impatience, Fang Lingbo subconsciously protected himself, and said in a vigilant tone.

"This is a secret realm, and the wolves are coming, so you can't take advantage of others! Although I...have a little interest in you, you can't be so direct, okay?"

"Besides, if you are with me, the wolves won't come?!"

A blush flashed in Fang Lingbo's eyes.

I thought about it before, if I can't be Lin Xuan's girlfriend, I can't even be a child, if I can't be a child, I can steal it once.

But who would have thought.

In a cave in a secret realm, and still in danger, this person wants to attack suddenly? !

Liu Tingting is still nearby!
Lin Xuan knew that Fang Lingbo had misunderstood.

So patiently, he explained again solemnly: "The wolf you killed before spit out some green juice, right? Your pants were splashed with green juice, and those wolves were based on the smell of this green juice. Find ours!"

"Ling Bo, quickly take off your pants, hurry up!"

"What kind of green juice smell, Lin Xuan, don't mess around!" Fang Lingbo said.

She didn't believe what Lin Xuan said at all.

Speaking of which, you are so in a hurry, there is still a faint smile on the corner of your mouth, is it because of the green juice?It's all just an excuse...

In fact, it's no wonder Fang Lingbo didn't believe Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan is usually careless and behaves very improperly.

Fang Lingbo couldn't get used to the sudden seriousness...

Lin Xuan couldn't make any sense at first glance.

A little rushed.

Damn, the time was delayed in the afternoon, and there were more and more wolves, so they had to die here.

So let's do it.

Fang Lingbo protected his pants.

But Lin Xuan couldn't help saying, and returned the pants.

Fang Lingbo was half lying on the ground, closing his eyes with a humiliated expression.

That's it.

Give it to him here, it's considered fulfilled, and I won't see him again in this life...

Wholeheartedly, ready to face the storm.

at this time.

Liu Tingting who was left alone, no, the big light bulb, suddenly spoke: "Brother Lin Xuan, I'm still here, how about I go out?"

In this regard, she is more understanding.

"No, stay here." Lin Xuan said without hesitation.

Liu Tingting was surprised: "Ah?!"

Xindao, speaking of you like this, is it appropriate for me to stay here?

I saw that Lin Xuan didn't care about Liu Tingting's surprised attitude, and sniffed her up and down.

Then said: "Tingting, take off your pants too, hurry up!"

Liu Tingting was stunned: "What? Taken off?"

"Yes, take off your pants!" Lin Xuan said, and sniffed again: "And your shirt, take off too!"

Liu Tingting was shocked: "!!!!"

Fang Lingbo was not calm anymore.

In other words, my old lady finally agreed with you, and she is fully prepared.

You fucking want to play Shuangfeiyan? !

(End of this chapter)

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