Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 115 Did These Three People Just Do Something? !

Chapter 115 Did These Three People Just Do Something? !

Fang Lingbo couldn't help being angry: "Lin Xuan, don't push yourself too hard!"

"Yeah brother Lin Xuan, think about it carefully! Really, there is no need to be in such a hurry..." Liu Tingting's expression was also a bit unbelievable. Speaking of which, when did brother Lin Xuan become so anxious, and also so will play.

"Can you take it off?" Lin Xuan asked Liu Tingting.

"Don't take it off!" Liu Tingting said immediately, in front of Fang Lingbo, she had to be more reserved no matter what.

Moreover, she didn't believe what Lin Xuan said about the green juice at all.

Fang Lingbo's pants were splashed with green juice.

Why does she have it too?

It's okay to take off your pants, why do you take off your shirt?

Brother Lin Xuan is also a big pig's hoof!

It's all deceptive nonsense. The purpose of saying so much is not...

Seeing that Liu Tingting had the same attitude, Lin Xuan said helplessly, "Tingting, your trousers and jacket are because you accidentally touched them when you dug up the beast pill of the golden-backed wolf. Don't believe me. You heard it yourself. "

"No smell, no taste!" Liu Tingting said directly.

Lin Xuan was completely speechless.

Why don't you two girls believe what I said?

After hearing a wolf howling in the distance, Lin Xuan decided not to wait any longer and acted immediately.

Then Liu Tingting saw Lin Xuan coming hard.

Immediately, it was like a frightened quail.

Protecting the vitals with both hands, he said: "Lin Xuan, don't! You will hurt yourself like this! Help..."

Fang Lingbo heard Liu Tingting's animal sound.

Can't stand it anymore: "Lin Xuan, you beast!"

After cursing, he rushed over with his long bare legs and wanted to pull Lin Xuan.

However, the next scene surprised her.

"Brother Lin Xuan, please, let me go, or next time, you can come one by one, I will be ashamed if you do this, and I will lose face..."

Liu Tingting said in her mouth, and her movements were also in the form of resistance.

An expression that would rather die than surrender.


Lin Xuan's movements of returning her trousers and blouse one after another were indeed extremely smooth, without any hindrance, and it was done in one go.

It took much less time than taking off Fang Lingbo's pair of trousers alone.

This Liu Tingting is not resisting, she is clearly cooperating!

In particular, the water polo, still holding a pipa and half covering its face, made people dizzy. Fang Lingbo was dumbfounded when he saw it. It was much bigger than his current one...

Fang Lingbo was momentarily shocked and speechless.

There was a whine and self-comfort in my heart.

Or, forget it? !
give it to him? !


However, just when Fang Lingbo was still hesitating, Lin Xuan walked out of the cave with the clothes he had taken off.

There was a wolf howling outside the cave.

Just at this time, another group of golden-backed wolves followed.

The number looks like forty or fifty.

It was about the same as Lin Xuan predicted.

Lin Xuan ran aside for a while, attracting wolves, and then threw the clothes away.

The magic brick of the system was taken out.

Then he rushed into the pack of wolves and slapped hard.

In the early days of his D-level, he naturally crushed the golden-backed wolf of the nine-fold martial artist. At this time, he is alone, so there is no need to worry about the safety of others.

So let go.

bang bang bang bang...

Only the sound of beating drums was heard.

Lin Xuan's figure was like a ghost, he shuttled among the wolves, and dealt with a golden-backed wolf with bricks, all bones were broken, and flesh and blood flew all over the place.

In an instant, a large piece was shot down.

In less than 10 minutes, the kill is almost done.

The last remaining golden-backed wolf wanted to escape, and threw a brick at Lin Xuan. The double damage from the D-level powerhouse immediately smashed into a pile of flesh and blood.

Lin Xuan took a breath.

I walked over to pick up the bricks and looked around again, there was no danger.

This is back in the cave.

Killing these forty or fifty is a bit strenuous, and if you really have to come back again and again, the trouble is really not small.

When Lin Xuan returned to the cave, his face was stunned.

I saw Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting lying side by side in the cave with their long bare legs, staring straight at Lin Xuan.

Moreover, there are tears in the corners of the same eyes.

He looked aggrieved, even a little humiliated, as if he had made the most important decision in his life.

"Lin Xuan, no matter what, you won, we promise you!"

"But, just this once! Don't worry, we won't pester you after we go out, and we won't say anything, just pretend nothing happened..."

"Brother Lin Xuan, I hope you can be gentler and gentler!"

"We don't expect anything, no matter what happens in the future, I hope you will remember us, and this day, this moment..."

The two girls finished speaking aggrievedly, bit their lips, and closed their eyes at the same time.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was really sweating.

I couldn't help laughing.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "I said you two, you are doing this, it makes me very embarrassed! Why, why don't you give each of you a spanking?"

Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting were taken aback, and there was such a euphemism.

They looked at each other and said, "Okay, you can fight."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

There was an imperceptible blush in his face.

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised, did he really agree? !

Well then, I will do what I can, and give you a good spanking to make your memory long.

So he stepped forward with a smile on his lips.

Then, there was a crackling sound from the cave.

and the screams of two women.

That cry was so miserable that the listener shed tears when he heard the sad sound... Alas!


three hours later.

The fog has completely dissipated.

Lin Xuan, Fang Lingbo, and Liu Tingting finally found a team. Li Qin and Xu Na's sisters who were paying customers were also there, and Chen Hao was also there.

It turned out that when thousands of golden-backed wolves attacked.

The large team led by Feng Zhenhua was not dispersed by the wolves. Instead, when the attack of the wolves was weak due to the heavy rain, most of the disciples were quickly gathered on a hill.

Condescend against the wolves.

There are three cliffs on the top of the mountain, no matter how many golden-backed wolves there are, they can only attack from one direction.

Because of this, Feng Zhenhua led everyone to stabilize their position.

The golden-backed wolf is no more than the ninth level warrior.

Among the teachers and students in the Daoyuan class, a small half are above this level, like Feng Zhenhua is a D-level.

Therefore, under the command of Feng Zhenhua.

Everyone changed shifts to defend, and even withstood the attack of the wolves.

When the thick fog dissipated, the wolves left one or two hundred corpses before retreating unwillingly.

And as the wolves receded.

The escaped disciples, including Lin Xuan and others, returned one after another.

Feng Zhenhua counted the number of people and was pleasantly surprised to find that after the attack by the wolves, except for twenty or thirty people who were injured and five or six people who were seriously injured, there were actually quite a few of them!
Everyone felt it was miraculous.

But if you think about it carefully, it does make sense.

The ones who escaped were all of higher realm and more courageous, basically they would be fine if they found a place to hide.

After all, the main attack target of the wolves is Teacher Feng's side, as long as Teacher Feng leads the remaining disciples to defend it.

Fortunately, both sides made it.

After the catastrophe, the disciples were very excited.

When I saw Lin Xuan, Fang Lingbo, and Liu Tingting, I was even more surprised and curious.

Because Lin Xuan was shirtless and wearing shorts.

Fang Lingbo Mingxuan was wearing a pair of men's pants, obviously Lin Xuan's.And Liu Tingting was bare-legged, and she was wearing a loose shirt, which was obviously also Lin Xuan's.

Everyone stared at the three of them.

Surprise, curiosity, surprise, shock, obscenity, envy, all kinds of expressions are staged in turn.

what's going on?
These three people dressed up like this, did they just do business together? !


(End of this chapter)

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