Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 116 Iron Armor Explosive Flame Tiger, The Little Two Are Disturbed

Chapter 116 Iron Armor Explosive Flame Tiger, The Young Couple Was Disturbed

"Lin Xuan's red flag doesn't fall down at home, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside. It's only been a while before he dares to eat wild food!"

"Still in the secret realm, one vs two!"

"Did you notice that Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting walked a bit awkwardly when they came here?"

"What, are you still injured?"

"Hiss! By the way, Lin Xuan is really ruthless!"


A group of boys were talking in low voices with wretched expressions.

Everyone admired Lin Xuan's ability, and even more envied him to have such an affair in the secret realm.You know, Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting are already the top beauties in Bailu Academy...

None of them are serious.

Lin Xuan turned out to be two at a time, not to mention that there is a top-notch saint in his family, the saint of Tianyi sect.

Hey, I envy the dead...

Many girls were also in complicated moods, some were envious, some were jealous, and some secretly scolded Lin Xuan for being a big pig's hoof and a scumbag.

Li Qin and Xu Na, two paying users of Lin Xuan, saw Lin Xuan come back.

A look of surprise.

Before the three of Lin Xuan came back, they thought they were in danger, but they were all fine, even though they seemed to have just done something...

However, they didn't care too much.

No matter what Lin Xuan said, he was also a figure that the two of them could not reach. Seeing that the two sisters who paid for a piece got it at this time, to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a fat water that does not flow into the fields of outsiders, isn't it...

So he quickly greeted him.

Chattering with Fang Lingbo's second daughter, they held hands and chatted affectionately.

Xu Na also purposely moved closer to the two of them, and whispered excitedly: "I really envy you two for being favored by God Lin!"

When Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting came back, they didn't look very good at first.

Listen now.

Even the two pretty faces turned black.

God is so envious, God is so favored!

Unexpectedly, the two of them felt extremely depressed in their hearts.

In that dark cave, the two of them finally reached an agreement.

Finally agree.

Finally go all out, don't think about the future, and don't think about anything else.

Make up your mind and let Lin Xuan "spank" together.


In the end, he really hit it!

crackle crackle crackle!

Pat mercilessly.

One click after another.

In the end, my buttocks were red and painful, and now I can't walk well, and even if I move a little, it hurts...


In fact, Lin Xuan was also very embarrassed.

I don't want to be shirtless and wear shorts, so that people will misunderstand him as a scumbag.

But the two girls found out that they had misunderstood Lin Xuan's meaning, and they were tricked and spanked in the end. They were angry and disappointed, and refused to let go. They stripped Lin Xuan's clothes like tigers and wolves.

Each person gets one piece and puts it on himself.

Lin Xuan couldn't help it either, their clothes couldn't be worn anymore, they still took them off by themselves.

Lin Xuan went through the space equipment later.

A usable dress was not found either.

Before coming to the secret realm, he emptied most of the supermarket.

However, because time was tight, I just forgot and stuffed a few clothes inside.

Fortunately, the girls had plenty of clothes, so they donated two clothes to Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting.

Only then did Lin Xuan ask for the shirt and trousers.

Put it back on.

"Mr. Feng, Lin Xuan, Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting... don't you care?"

Next to the crowd, several instructors had noticed the situation of Lin Xuan and the others, but Feng Zhenhua didn't intend to ask, and one instructor couldn't help it, so he asked.

Feng Zhenhua touched his chin and snorted coldly: "I care? How do I care?"

"But this matter is too out of line!" The instructor continued.

The others also nodded.

This kid, even if his hair is not even tied up, dare to play this, and he is still in a secret realm, it is simply too rampant!
"Okay, what's too outrageous... let's just leave it alone!"

Feng Zhenhua said something meaningful.

Turn away.

Several other instructors looked at it and had no choice but to follow behind.

Several instructors didn't understand, but he, Feng Zhenhua, could see it very clearly.

Has he managed someone like Lin Xuan?
Dare to control?
It's not surprising that this kid has ruined the leader.

——No, no, it is impossible for the leader to be soaked...

But no matter what, such a monster-like genius has a limitless future, and now the instructors are all ashamed, it's too late to flatter, and they still want to take care of it, want to offend?I want to fart!

What's more, they didn't kill and set fire, at most it was a matter of style.

And, if it weren't for this kid.

All of them, including the mentor and disciple, were wiped out by the Iron Armored Flame Tiger at that moment, okay?
This man must have a conscience!


Under Feng Zhenhua's organization, everyone went back on the road.

Continue toward the third and final camp.As long as you arrive at the camp, it is basically the end of this trial.

It took most of the day.

About [-] to [-] kilometers away in the vast jungle wasteland.

The third camp, the dead zone, is already in sight.

The third camp, so called the dead zone, is actually related to the development and exploration of this secret place back then.

When exploring the secret land and building this camp, they were suddenly attacked by monsters and many people died.In the grief of the leader, Tong killed all the monsters around him, and then named the camp the Dead Zone to commemorate this event.

Near the camp, there are cemeteries of those who died at that time.

Every time there is a disciple trial, he must go to their graveyard to pay respects as usual.

So the name sounds creepy.

But in fact, it is not scary at all. On the contrary, the disciples who came here after the general trial packed up and went back.

But this time.

Ever since the appearance of the Iron-armored Flame Tiger in the mid-D level, Feng Zhenhua felt a little worried.

Don't dare to take it lightly.

Sure enough, after that, it was the golden-backed wolf.

There were golden-backed wolves before, but there were never so many of them. Hundreds of them were unbelievable. However, this time, there were one or two thousand wolves densely packed!
Generally speaking, the secret realm is the most sensitive to spiritual energy recovery.

There is such an abnormality in the secret realm, could it be that the recovery of spiritual energy has accelerated?

Feng Zhenhua muttered in his heart.

The accelerated recovery of spiritual energy means that the spiritual energy in the world is more intense and the speed of cultivation is accelerated.

This further means that there will be more terrifying and powerful monsters, and more unbelievable cultivation powerhouses.

This world will definitely be more lively!
Perhaps it was because of the imminent arrival at the third camp.

This trial is coming to an end.

Many disciples began to relax, and there were constant noises on the road.

Lin Xuan is still with his five paying customers.

Anyway, I couldn't drive a car on the road, so I walked leisurely, thinking about when the sect master would end his retreat.

Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting ignored Lin Xuan for most of the day.

But the end of this trial is approaching.

He felt a little bit reluctant to Lin Xuan.

After all, I misunderstood what Lin Xuan meant, after all, I was greedy for other people's bodies.

"Brother Lin Xuan, this trial is almost over." Liu Tingting said to Lin Xuan first, having nothing to say.

"Yes." Lin Xuan said casually.

After the trial is over, I have completed the system task, so I don't have to think that the first one must be my own.

"Going home from the secret realm, we don't take the college bus." Seeing Liu Tingting speak, Fang Lingbo himself said, "Lin Xuan, you want to send us back!"

The tone is still relatively blunt.

Thinking about the cave, I was still a little angry.

So at this time, he wanted Lin Xuan to make compensation.


Lin Xuan stopped in his tracks and made a silent gesture.

"What are you doing? Lin Xuan, you have let down Tingting and me! You don't want to help me with this little help?" Fang Lingbo was furious all of a sudden, thinking that this Lin Xuankong has a good skin, why is he such a scumbag!

Others were also baffled, thinking that Lin Xuan was a bit too much.

However, Lin Xuan didn't answer Fang Lingbo's question, and said in a low voice, "I advise you to keep your voice down."

When Fang Lingbo heard this, he almost exploded with anger.

It's almost the end, whisper your sister!

So he stomped his feet angrily and said, "I won't keep my voice low! I'm going to yell loudly!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly heard the extremely comfortable low moan of a monster in the dense forest on the right.

Fang Lingbo was taken aback.

Following the direction pointed by Lin Xuan, he immediately found an Iron Armored Flame Tiger!

No, it's two!

The low moan just now was made by one of them.

Soon, not only Fang Lingbo, but others also found out.

All are amazed.

It was difficult to deal with one before, but now there are two at once!

However, while shocking everyone, it was also extremely embarrassing that these two Iron Armored Flame Tigers, one male and one female, were secretly doing some embarrassing things...

The young couple was having a good time.

But the arrival of everyone just now, especially Fang Lingbo's yelling, obviously disturbed the interest of the young couple.

The Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger couple shook their bodies.

After standing up.

Looking straight towards Lin Xuan, the scarlet eyes are filled with endless anger, bloodthirsty, and cruelty!


(End of this chapter)

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