Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 120 Brother, what kind of show are you doing? !

Chapter 120 Brother, what kind of show are you doing? !
Everyone saw Lin Xuan provoking him to death.

In the end, there was no danger, and they were able to hold the top of the wall, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Secretly thought that this kid would kill the star if he didn't pretend to be X.

【Ding! 】

[The system reminds the host that the skill that is always slightly stronger than you has been used for 5 minutes the second time, and there are 25 minutes left...]

The second time has been used for 5 minutes, and there are 25 minutes left?

Hearing the voice of the system in his head, Lin Xuan was startled. After all, he still used the second time of the day.

But use it.

The remaining 25 minutes cannot be wasted.

"Grandson, come again!"

"Grandpa, I haven't had fun playing yet!"


So under the astonished eyes of everyone, Lin Xuan started a new round of provocations.

But this time.

Only one Iron Armored Flame Tiger rushed over.

After being kicked away by Lin Xuan, the other Iron Armored Flame Tigers, no matter how provocative Lin Xuan was, they would not throw themselves at Lin Xuan against the wall.

Lin Xuan's mouth was so dry that those Iron Armored Flame Tigers actually lay down on the ground.

That's right, just lie down and watch Lin Xuan provoke.

This made Lin Xuan anxious.

Seeing the passage of time, these grandsons are still very arrogant. After the duration of this skill, if he tries again, he will almost be finished...

So, Lin Xuan got off the wall.

Then, without the others being prepared, they opened the iron gate of the camp fortress!

This action frightened the people inside.

Is Lin Xuan crazy? !

Open the iron gate, and the ten iron-armored flame tigers outside, can they stop it? !
Please, don't wear the big guy if you want to die, okay? !
Now the others didn't understand, neither did Feng Zhenhua, Fang Lingbo, and Liu Tingting.

Even Chen Hao, Lin Xuan's loyal younger brother, couldn't understand.

What's wrong, big brother? What kind of show operation is this?

Are you stupid?
Once the iron gate is opened, everyone will die!
The mentor who was in charge of guarding the gate subconsciously wanted to pull Lin Xuan in and close the gate, but what was shocking was that he couldn't pull Lin Xuan at all.

And Lin Xuan stood at the iron gate.

don't move!

Just as the mentors were preparing to get together and forcefully pulled Lin Xuan in, Feng Zhenhua said: "Wait a minute, let's see what this kid wants to do!"

He couldn't hold Lin Xuan's thoughts.

But when I think about it, this kid can't let everyone die together, can he? !


Lin Xuan's expression was as steady as an old dog's, and he looked like he was bursting out of breath in the second grade, extremely arrogant.

The heart is also a group of panic.

He didn't know if he could do it himself.

But no matter what, you can't waste a skill that is a little bit stronger than you!
At any rate, I want to temporarily calm down those ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers so that they don't act rashly, at least until tomorrow, when I refresh my skills...

"Come on! Grandson!"

"If you don't come, grandpa is coming down to look for you!"


Lin Xuan was provocative again.

Those ten iron-armored Flame Tigers finally stood up again, their scarlet eyes showing bloodthirsty and brutal gazes again.

Three fireballs hit over immediately.

Lin Xuan dodged immediately, and the three fireballs missed.

Afterwards, the three Iron Armored Flame Tigers rushed towards the door quickly.

For the sake of defense, the door was built extremely strong, in fact, it was more like a door opening.With the huge body of Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tigers, they could only rush towards them one by one.

Following Lin Xuan's mouth, "Come and have a leg" four consecutive times.

It fell through once in the middle.

Lin Xuan immediately kicked again.

The three Iron Armored Flame Tigers who rushed forward were quickly kicked away by Lin Xuan.

The Iron Armored Flame Tigers in the back rushed up one after another, and Lin Xuan followed suit, kicking all of them away.

within 10 minute.

Lin Xuan kicked the 10 Iron Armored Flame Tigers all over the place, and one or two in the middle were kicked twice.

Just got kicked out of temper.

It's no use opening a clawed mouth.

With a kick, I can't prevent it at all.

It was hard to miss once, but in the blink of an eye, it was kicked again, the angle was incredible, and it was impossible to guard against.

In the doorway, I couldn't move it.

It can only be kicked out by this hateful human being.

After a fierce fight, Lin Xuan was also exhausted.

Sweating and panting.

It was like washing the whole body with water.

Especially when I exerted too much force in one breath just now, I have lost my strength at this time, but I have no choice but to grit my teeth and persevere.

Seeing the three Iron Armored Flame Tigers about to charge over again, when they were about to charge forward, they trembled for a while, stopped, and waited and watched outside the door opening.

Lin Xuan saw that time was running out.

He simply tried his best, and suddenly a fireball spewed out of his mouth.

The moment the lasing came out.

Everyone behind and on the wall exclaimed.

Can Lin Xuan still do this? !
The Iron Armored Flame Tiger outside was also stunned for a while. Damn, this hateful human can also fireball?

And this fireball.

It seems to be bigger and fiercer than the fireball I sprayed!
Moreover, it turned out to be three bursts of fireballs!
The moment the three Iron Armored Flame Tigers outside the door were stunned, the three fireballs arrived in an instant, hitting him with a bang bang bang bang.

Although the Iron Armored Flame Tiger has steel-like scales to protect it.

But got a fireball.

The same is rolling and jumping violently, screaming, and a large scale has been burned...

That's why Lin Xuan knows how to fireball.

Naturally, it is because of skills that are always a little bit stronger than yours.

Physical data such as strength and speed are a little stronger than you, and the abilities awakened because of special physique are also a little stronger than you.

And the fireballs are three in a row.

It also basically exhausted all the strength in Lin Xuan's body.

I was so paralyzed that I almost couldn't stand up.


Lin Xuan still has to hold on, pretending to be X is going to this point, and he has to test everything and make up for it.

I saw him laughing and walking slowly to the door opening.

"Grandson, grandpa is out! Come on..."

"I'll ask you if you accept it or not!"

Saying that, he provocatively took another step closer to an Iron Armored Flame Tiger.He only dared to take a step closer, and if he took another step, he was also afraid that the armored explosive flame tiger would suddenly pounce on him, and he would die on the spot.

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger didn't know that Lin Xuan was already bluffing.

At this moment, Lin Xuan took a step towards him.

Subconsciously, he backed up a bit.

There's no way, I was also scared by Lin Xuan.

Throwing on the wall and kicking him down.

He was kicked out of the door hole.

I am a monster in the mid-D level, but time and time again, like kicking a sack, being scolded and kicked away...

As a top monster in the secret realm, I am shameless.

What's more, the other party has one, and I have ten.

Hit, but can't hit.

Scold, I don't know how to.

It's so frustrating...

The most exasperating thing is that this nasty guy can also fireball, and the fireball is bigger and stronger than his own!
Damn, you're bullying me and waiting for the Flame Tiger...


(End of this chapter)

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