Chapter 121 Something Unspeakable

Lin Xuan saw that the Iron Armored Flame Tiger took a step back.

A joy in my heart.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and took another step towards the other Iron Armored Flame Tiger.

The Iron Armored Flame Tiger was seven or eight meters away from him, and he took a step back unconsciously.

What the hell!

Is this being beaten by Lao Tzu, or is it being beaten by Lao Tzu? !

Lin Xuan saw that the duration of the skill that is always a little bit stronger than yours is still 5 minutes.

He secretly took a few deep breaths.

I feel that I have enough energy to escape in an instant.

So I went to die again...

He first tried to charge towards the other Iron Armored Flame Tiger, and stopped after four or five steps, but that Iron Armored Flame Tiger was bluffed and turned around and ran, retreating seven or eight meters in a row.

Lin Xuan saw that it worked.

Shouting "Grandson, grandpa is here!"

He rushed towards a group of Iron Armored Flame Tigers.

This time, I rushed for another four or five steps and then stopped. I was really worried about going forward again, so I confessed my life.


A few of the group of armored explosive flame tigers were staring at Lin Xuan, not wanting to run away.

But after an Iron Armored Flame Tiger took the lead and ran away.

Followed and ran!
A group of Iron Armored Flame Tigers retreated more than ten meters away.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"A bunch of bad grandsons, mob!"

"Scared away by grandpa! Hahaha..."

But seeing the Iron Armored Explosive Flame Tiger was a little timid at this time.

He didn't dare to get carried away, and continued to chase.Instead, he accepted it as soon as it was good, and retreated into the doorway cursing.

The people behind were almost dumbfounded.

All of them looked stunned, their eyes were unbelievable, and an egg could be stuffed in their open mouths.

What's the matter? This is it?

Lin Xuan, beating and cursing all by himself, actually scared away a group of D-level mid-term Iron Armored Fire Tigers? !

This kid called the Iron Armored Explosive Tiger his grandson, but in front of him, the gang of Iron Armored Explosive Tigers, who were originally arrogant and angry, now look like a group of grandchildren?

If you retreat far away, you can't be cowardly!

Wow, it's amazing!

"Isn't this awesome? Lin Xuan chased away ten armored flame tigers by himself?!"

"It's not enough to drive away, the group of Flame Tigers are still outside, but they are a little farther away!"

"That's right! But it seems that these Iron Armored Flame Tigers are really afraid of Lin Xuan..."

"Who is Lin Shen? I haven't seen Lin Xuan's fireball skills. Just now, the three fireballs in a row are better than the group of Explosive Tigers!"

"Actually, when Lin Shen competed in the academy's trial platform, he had demonstrated the fireball technique!"

"Shen Lin's ability is really unimaginable! Especially this time, the operation is too showy!"

"That is, with Lin Shen here, anything is possible!"


Everyone, regardless of boys or girls, praised Lin Xuan for arresting Lin Xuan at this moment.

Several instructors were also amazed.

Full of praise.

Seeing this, Feng Zhenhua kept feeling ashamed.

I just felt a little lost in my heart.

Immediately strangled by himself.

He cursed himself secretly, it is a great honor for such a genius disciple to be brought by you, and he still wants to compare with him, do you deserve it!
"Lin Xuan, it's amazing!"

"The mentor is proud to have a genius like you!"

Feng Zhenhua went up to meet him first, and punched Lin Xuan affectionately.

"Everywhere, it's all thanks to everyone." Lin Xuan smiled and said modestly, he was a completely different person from the arrogant kid who was yelling at the Iron Armored Flame Tiger just now.

Everyone didn't care about Lin Xuan's kind words, and all the stars surrounded Lin Xuan.

Just like Lin Xuan has become a hero in everyone's mind.

But Feng Zhenhua felt something was wrong when he heard Lin Xuan's words.

What is everyone's credit.

What's the credit everyone, let's take a look at your pretentious credit later?

The words are obviously a polite word, why is it so Versailles once you put it in your mouth...

Fang Lingbo looked at Lin Xuan who was surrounded by stars.

There are little stars in his eyes, wishing he could pounce on it and take a bite, and then take another bite.

My heart is more and more regretful, regretful, regretful.

It was in the cave, what an opportunity.If I were more proactive and bolder, would there be a different result with Lin Xuan?
Suddenly turned to look at Liu Tingting.

Sure enough, she found that she was the same, with a resentful and regretful expression on her face...


The Iron Armored Flame Tiger was frightened away by Lin Xuan for a while.

But it didn't run far back at all.

It's about thirty meters away from the outer wall.

Moreover, there is obviously no intention of retreating.

In fact, it was no wonder that there were so many weak prey in the camp fortress, how could the Iron Armored Flame Tiger be willing to part with it.

So, the danger is not lifted.

Now that the signal in the secret realm is interrupted, rescue from outside is hopeless.

With the current Iron Armored Flame Tiger looking at Lin Xuan in shock, Lin Xuan should be able to go out alone.

Even taking a few people along is no problem.

But the key point is that the teachers and students of the Daoyuan class in this trial, a total of 300 people, were protected by Lin Xuan alone, and they went out safely.

Totally impossible.

"Teacher Feng, this fruit is for healing and recovery, you can eat a piece."

Lin Xuan came over with a plate with sliced ​​fruit pieces on it.

Feng Zhenhua was scratched by the Explosive Flame Tiger.

The wound was bleeding, and seeing the fruit pieces on Lin Xuan's plate, cut into very small pieces, he asked in a puzzled tone, "Can this thing heal?"

But because it was provided by Lin Xuan.

So I picked up a toothpick, tied a piece of fruit, and ate it in my mouth.


Lin Xuan said without hesitation, "How do you feel?"

The piece of fruit was tasteless, Feng Zhenhua ate it and it melted in his mouth.

I didn't feel anything at first, thinking that such a small piece, even if it can heal the injury, it won't do much.

But quickly, there seemed to be a heat flowing through his body.

Then, he saw helplessly that his wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!
A piece of fruit the size of a fingernail has such a curative effect?

It's amazing too!

If it is a whole fruit, how awesome it would be.

"Lin Xuan, where did you get this fruit? Why is it so amazing!" Feng Zhenhua asked in amazement.

"Family." Lin Xuan thought for a while.

"A family heirloom?" Feng Zhenhua was surprised, the fruit is also a family heirloom?

"Yes, this is the flat peach from the flat peach garden, of course it is magical." Lin Xuan said calmly.

"Is it the flat peach garden of the Queen Mother?" Feng Zhenhua asked again.

"That's right, this fruit was given by the Queen Mother back then." Lin Xuan said nonsense seriously.

Feng Zhenhua was speechless: "..."

If you don't want to say it, don't say it, why bother to tell nonsense.

But because Feng Zhenhua was the first to experience it, the injured students surrounded him one after another.

There are twenty or thirty wounded numbers.

One person gets a small piece the size of a fingernail, and after everyone eats it, it will have miraculous effects.

It's like a panacea.

Heal the wound!

Everyone was so shocked that their eyeballs would fly, and they all thanked Lin Xuan.

"it's okay no problem!"

Lin Xuan waved his hand politely, "We are all classmates, shouldn't we help each other?"

Hearing Lin Xuan's generous words, the injured people were very grateful.

Even Feng Zhenhua was very pleased with Lin Xuan.

This kid is still pretty good!
But I heard Lin Xuan say again: "If you don't feel sorry, I don't want too much, just give me 1000 yuan per person later."

Everyone's expression changed upon hearing this.

"Give you 1000 yuan?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, 1000 yuan isn't too much for you, is it?" Lin Xuan wondered.

Everyone: "..."

Lin Xuan's tall image suddenly collapsed in his mind.

It's time to pay again...

Please, our great and pure classmate relationship, teacher-student relationship, don't get the stink of money, okay?

Talking about money is so vulgar and hurts feelings!

Lin Xuan saw it in his eyes and knew it well, but he didn't care.

To be honest, he also felt distressed.

The first recovery fruit was used just like that.

The recovery fruit is indeed miraculous. It can restore physical strength when it is not injured, and it can heal injuries when it is injured.

As for the dosage and specific effect.

Of course, Lin Xuan experienced it in advance under the "suggestion" of the system.

After provoking ten armored explosive flame tigers and came back, he was really tired, so Lin Xuan wanted to try to restore the fruit.

But know the urine of the system.

Lin Xuan didn't dare to eat the marrow fruit like he did earlier.

Just take a small bite first and try it out.

As a result, physical strength was quickly restored.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Linxuan below also had a strong reaction.

No matter how you deal with it, it will look as hard as iron, preferring death to submission.

Lin Xuan couldn't help it.

The head is not there, so I have to let him go.Fortunately, I have strong concentration, otherwise I would go crazy, or I would ask Fang Lingbo to do bad things.

So poor Xiao Linxuan was not comforted in the end.

Standing proudly for most of the night, he finally calmed down.

Fortunately, it was night, and everyone couldn't see my embarrassment clearly. The ten armored flame tigers were also asleep. Otherwise, when a sudden battle came, I would really have to go into battle with a gun...

It was this night.

Lin Xuan pressed the system, only to finally know that this recovery fruit, in addition to making people hard as iron, also has miraculous healing effects.

Of course, the dosage is also included.

Knowing that it can heal injuries, Lin Xuan ate the rest of the recovery fruit and simply let him use it as waste.

Cut them into small pieces and distributed them among the wounded.

Sure enough, they recovered instantly one by one.



At this time, there was a sudden sound from outside the wall, the deep roar of the Iron Armored Flame Tiger.

Everyone on the wall was tense.

Feng Zhenhua, Lin Xuan and others did not go down to the wall at night because they were guarding against the sudden attack of the Iron Armored Explosive Tiger.

Hearing the sudden roar at this time, his heart sank.

So they hurriedly searched for their reputation.

But when the source of the sound was discovered, the scene was extremely embarrassing.

Because the roar came from the two Iron Armored Flame Tigers.

Nor are they roaring out of anger.

But in broad daylight, these two shameless fellows were doing something indescribable in public.


(End of this chapter)

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