Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 122 The eye-popping coquettish operation

Chapter 122 The eye-popping coquettish operation
Seeing these two iron-armored flame tigers who are not shameless, anytime and anywhere.

Everyone was embarrassed.

It turned out that the young couple was making out, but we were watched by a group of humans. At first, we thought that the screaming was the clarion call of a new round of battle.

Now it seems that it is really...

Lin Xuan was also convinced when he saw it.

By the way, when they were approaching the fortress of the third camp, the two Iron Armored Fire Tigers that Fang Lingbo disturbed were also having sex, right?

So this monster is good at this? !
At this time, Lin Xuan looked out of the wall and glanced at the other Iron Armored Flame Tigers.

It was found that the other eight Iron Armored Fire Tigers were also two by two together, and they should be one male and one female.

And under the influence of those two shameless guys.

It's all a bit of a feeling of being around the corner.

Lin Xuan was a little puzzled.

Could it be that spring is here, everything is revived, and it's the season for animals to breed again, and the air in the forest is filled with the smell of hormones?

"What are you looking at? What is there to see!"

Seeing that many male disciples were still stretching their necks and standing on tiptoes, watching the life of the two iron-clad explosive flame tigers, Feng Zhenhua couldn't hold back his face, and immediately reprimanded him solemnly.

"And you, Lin Xuan, haven't seen it, have you?"

Feng Zhenhua saw that other disciples had gone back, but Lin Xuan was still fascinated.

He couldn't help but stepped forward and said.

"No." Lin Xuan scratched his head and asked back: "But Teacher Feng, have you read it?"

There was a burst of laughter all around.

Feng Zhenhua was embarrassed for a while, and almost laughed out to himself.

Of course he hasn't seen it either.

What's more, this is a secret realm, and there are still two mid-D-level armored flame tigers doing such weird things in public...

If it wasn't for the presence of his disciples, he would also like to take a second look.

In fact, it's not surprising that everyone is curious.

Even if you meet two stray dogs in your life and suddenly this happens, there will be many people around, and the good ones will drive them away with sticks and stones in the name of being indecent.

just now.

Feng Zhenhua is such a good person.

No way, who made him a mentor.In front of your disciples, you have to be a bit airy.

"You kid, you want to make fun of your mentor?"

Feng Zhenhua pointed at Lin Xuan and smiled helplessly.

It is impossible to train such a genius disciple, so why did he heal his injury just now.

"How dare you!"

Lin Xuan immediately denied it with a smile.

But suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and an idea popped up.

"Mr. Feng, I have a good idea. If it is implemented, it should allow us to escape?" Lin Xuan said to Feng Zhenhua.

"any solution?"

Feng Zhenhua immediately became interested.

He doesn't need to listen to other disciples, but Lin Xuan must listen to his ideas.

Now the big guys are about to complete this trial, but they are trapped in the third camp.

Outside are ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers.

Hard punching is impossible.

It is impossible to ask for help because the signal is cut off for a while, unless the outside world notices something is wrong after staying in the secret realm for a long time, and it is possible to come in for rescue.

However, this time is not good.

Over time, anything can happen.

It's not certain whether it can keep ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers at bay all the time.

Feng Zhenhua was full of anticipation that Lin Xuan could come up with a good solution.

However, when Lin Xuan told his plan in his ear, his first reaction was to object.

"No! Absolutely not!"

"This is too risky!"

Feng Zhenhua shook his head with a strange expression.

Lin Xuan expected Feng Zhenhua's reaction, and asked with a smile, "Does Teacher Feng have a better way?"

"Let's think about it again."

Feng Zhenhua gave an ambiguous answer.


After half an hour.

The disciples in the camp fortress burst into excitement.

"What? Are we leaving? Those ten armored flame tigers outside haven't left yet!"

"Yes, it was explained by Teacher Feng himself!"

"It is said that Lin Xuan came up with the idea to take advantage of the weakness of the Iron Armor Explosive Flame Tiger..."

"Damn, what's the weakness of this Iron Armored Flame Tiger in the mid-D stage? Could it be that he wants to take advantage of the Iron Armored Fire Tiger to do something embarrassing, let's run away?"

"You can really think about it! Those two are shameless, well, there are eight other ones!"


Amidst the discussions, everyone speculated wildly for a while.

But as long as you can go.

Escape this place and complete the trial.

No matter what method, everyone looked forward to it, eager to try.

"Everyone has it! Organize the team and count the number of people, and there must be no one left!" Feng Zhenhua shouted from a high place.

"Mr. Feng, are we leaving?"

asked someone among the disciples.

Many people followed behind.

"Yes, we are about to set off," Feng Zhenhua said.

"But Teacher Feng, those ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers are still outside!"

"Yeah, the Iron Armored Flame Tiger is still there, how do we go..."

Some of the disciples questioned it.

When Feng Zhenhua heard this, his face was slightly embarrassed.

After coughing twice, he said:

"You don't need to worry about this, you can go out anyway, so don't worry."

After that, I can't help but say.

At the beginning, together with a few instructors, I led the students to pay respects to the cemetery of the builders near the camp.

This is also a respect for the pioneers of the year.

It is also a necessary procedure to leave the third camp fortress and complete the trial.


At this time, Lin Xuan was on the top of the wall, distributing fruits to the ten armored explosive flame tigers.

The two recovery fruits were evenly divided into ten parts.

Three of them are slightly larger.

But no matter which portion, it is much bigger than the small bite that Lin Xuan ate at the beginning, so there is no need to worry about the effect at all.

Then feed them one by one.

In fact, the way Lin Xuan told Feng Zhenhua was to use the Iron Armored Flame Tigers' nature of wanting to have sex at any time, so that they can focus on the life they love, unable to stop and unable to extricate themselves.

All of them took advantage of the opportunity to slip away.

At first, Feng Zhenhua firmly disagreed.


Lin Xuan saw a piece of recovery fruit the size of a grain of rice thrown to an Iron Armored Explosive Tiger, and the Iron Armored Explosive Tiger suddenly became fierce, and violently forced the other one beside it.

So the two big ones started doing it shamelessly.

Feng Zhenhua was dumbfounded.

I didn't expect this thing, which is not good at healing injuries, has such a magical effect!

In fact, what he didn't know was that the main effect of the recovery fruit was the magical effect, and the so-called healing was just a side effect.

Once a certain amount is exceeded.

The curative effect can only be as strong as a dragon and as hard as iron!

"If Teacher Feng doesn't believe it, you can try it again." Lin Xuan suggested at the time.

Feng Zhenhua was terrified when he heard it.

Immediately waved again and again:

"No, don't try it, just do as you say!"

Just kidding, he still has lingering fears about the situation and posture of the Iron Armored Flame Tiger after eating it.

If he also tasted it.

Didn't he let a mentor of him make a fool of himself in public...

Lin Xuan fed the Iron Armored Flame Tigers one by one, so he didn't have to worry about them not eating.

Since he came over with that good recovery fruit.

These armored explosive flame tigers smelled it and ran to the outer wall. If they hadn't been kicked by Lin Xuan before, they would have rushed forward.

Lin Xuan divided the three larger ones because three of them were injured by the fireball.

To achieve the same effect.

The required portion is naturally larger.

"My god! Tsk tsk..."

After Lin Xuan finished feeding, he looked at the ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers who had eaten the fruit.

Immediately, his expression was one of astonishment.

Because the scene in front of me was really shocking, I saw the ten iron-armored flame tigers fighting on the spot without saying a word!
Be as crazy as you want.

As savage as you can get...

At the same time, Lin Xuan was also secretly thankful that he had been careful before, otherwise he would have eaten the whole recovery fruit in one gulp.

That guy, that effect.

Don't be fooled by the dog system!

When Feng Zhenhua and other mentors came out with their disciples.

A group of disciples in the Daoyuan class lost their integrity in an instant.

Although being reprimanded by Feng Zhenhua and other mentors for a while, he left quickly for what he was looking at.

But one by one is still stubborn.

Staring at the ten armored flame tigers, the eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

They were amazed.

Holding a grass, this is too spectacular!This is too crazy!What the hell can this do? !
A life full of love.

ten? !
piece? !


(End of this chapter)

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