Chapter 123

When the boys passed by, they looked upright.

Girls are thin-skinned.

She blushed with embarrassment, but she was still curious. When passing by, she secretly looked at it.

They didn't expect that after being trapped by ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers for a long time, this is how they finally escaped.

But don't think about it, it must be Lin Xuan's coquettish operation.

Only he can come up with such a way.

Several instructors including Feng Zhenhua repeatedly asked everyone to pass quickly and not to watch.

But no one listened.

Everyone can't help but take a look when they pass by.

Because it's so weird, so spectacular...

Besides, Feng Zhenhua himself was also watching.

Of course he does.

What's more is to monitor the situation of the ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers to prevent the situation from changing, just in case the Iron Armored Flame Tigers suddenly explode and hurt people.

Lin Xuan is the only D-level powerhouse.

He also followed Feng Zhenhua.

Looking at it openly, of course he is also monitoring the situation of the ten Explosive Tigers.

But thinking about it.

Suddenly, a strange idea popped up in my mind.

This recovery fruit is so awesome.

With its assistance, wouldn't the legendary tempered film also have to bow down? !

The ten Iron Armored Flame Beasts who were surrounded were struggling in pain.

On one side is the prey that has been besieged for a long time, and wants to take the opportunity to escape.

On one side are intimate lovers, passionate desires, and the blissful world in which they cannot extricate themselves.

How to choose, so as not to be disappointed?
How can it last for a long time?

Please, kids are the ones who have to choose, I want them all!

Fuck, I'm so busy, I can't get away!

I can't help myself!
So in desperation.

The ten Iron Armored Flame Tigers had no choice but to enjoy the sweetness of love while watching their prey escape one by one.

Tears of incomparable happiness flowed out of his eyes.


Come out of the third camp.

After walking for a long time, they came to the exit of the secret realm.

Feng Zhenhua, Lin Xuan, and several instructors left the secret realm, but they didn't find any Iron Armored Flame Tiger chasing after them.

Presumably under the blessing of recovery fruit.

All the color-hungry Flame Tigers probably haven't finished fighting yet.

"Lin Xuan, thank you!"

At the exit of the secret realm, Feng Zhenhua patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder and thanked him again.

Indeed, if it weren't for Lin Xuan's slapstick operations several times before and after, the team he led in the secret realm trial this time would have been wiped out.

"Lin Shen, thank you! You are amazing!"

"Thank you God Lin!"

The students also surrounded Lin Xuan with a clatter, expressing their thanks one after another.He seemed to regard him as a hero, and Lin Xuan was almost overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the scene.

"It's okay, it's what I should do."

Lin Xuan grinned and said politely casually.

He tried his best to pass through the besieged crowd, and released the seven-seat SUV on the side of the road.

After getting in the car.

Chen Hao rushed over immediately and consciously acted as the driver.

Several paid users of Lin Xuan, including Fang Lingbo, Liu Tingting, and Xu Na, also came over and boarded the car.

"Lin Xuan, drive slowly!"

"God Lin, slow down!"

"See you, God Lin!"


Seeing that Lin Xuan and the others were about to leave, everyone including Feng Zhenhua waved their hands.

They have to wait for a while on the bus.

But no matter what, after a trial in the secret realm, several adventures, and finally leaving the secret realm, it was somewhat sad when we parted.

"See you!"

Lin Xuan also waved his hand.

When the car is about to leave.

Suddenly he explained again: "By the way, each of you still owes me 1000 yuan! Don't forget..."

In other scenes, everyone must be speechless.

Said that you kid is still thinking about asking for money, talking about money, talking about money hurts feelings!

But this time.

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

They all agreed.

"Okay, Scrooge!"

"When the time comes, I will give you [-], don't you want it!"


There is also a bold girl who picked up Lin Xuan instead:

"Lin Shen, what should I do if I don't have money, or I will promise you with my body!"

"Lin Shen, my whole body is yours, you can come and get it anytime!"


Because you don't start with the bus, you don't have to wait for time.

So they quickly returned to Jiangcheng.

Chen Hao actually paid for the seven-seater SUV. Given Chen Hao's family background, he definitely didn't like this car, and the car must have been disposed of in the end.

But this is not what Lin Xuan considers.

He asked Chen Hao to put him down when he passed Tianyizong.

Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting originally came back by car together, wondering if there would be any other stories with Lin Xuan.

After all, at close range, I watched the life of Iron Armored Explosive Tiger Ai on the spot.

There is no reaction in my heart, and it is impossible.

Besides, the two of them still remembered what happened in the cave.

If they do it again, the two of them have made up their minds that they will never let regret and regret happen again!

When it was discovered that Chen Hao's first stop was Tianyizong.

His expression immediately resembled how many catties of lemons he had eaten.

Very disappointed.

It seems that Luohua still has intentions, and the flowing water is ruthless!


Lin Xuan looked at it calmly, and could only sigh helplessly in his heart.

Please, can you two look in the mirror?
Get out of the car.

After saying hello to them, he went straight to Tianyizong Mountain.

It is said that I stayed in the secret realm for so many days.

He really wanted to be in charge.

Thinking of the extremely majestic and extremely mature body under the head's capacious robe, Lin Xuan couldn't help breathing shortness of breath, and his mouth felt dry.

The head said that he would retreat for a period of time, and he would give Lin Xuan a big surprise after he left.

The two of them have almost done what they can do without shame or impatience.

The rest are things that shouldn't be done.

And this big surprise.

Needless to say, it's definitely worth the wait...

I just don't know if the head of the gate has left the customs at this time.

If exit.

It's much more fun on Tianyizong Mountain.

It is also possible to linger for several days in a row.

Lin Xuan thought in his mind.

Involuntarily, his steps became much lighter, and he went straight to the master's bedroom on the top of the mountain.

Because of his special status, people from Tianyi Sect, no matter what their status, are very polite to him.

So all the way smooth.

When approaching the top of the mountain.

A system voice suddenly sounded in his head.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, being willing to help others, and winning the first place. Mission evaluation: Well done! 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the task reward, 1 pair of Overlord Armor]

[Congratulations to the host for getting the task reward, 1 pack of Wangzai steamed buns]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the task reward, and recovering 3 fruits]

Overlord Armor.

From the hands of a mysterious master refiner, it has strong defense power, can reduce attack damage by 50%, and can self-explode in critical moments to absorb 100% damage. It is a treasure that countless people in the cultivation world are jealous of.

Wangzai steamed buns.

Small snacks produced in a magical place, sweet and delicious, one can not be hungry.Note, women are fasting, otherwise there will be uncontrollable situations!


(End of this chapter)

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