Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 124 A Soul Question from Aunt Lan

Chapter 124 A Soul Question from Aunt Lan

Three more recovery fruits were rewarded.

This can be regarded as compensating for the three he consumed in the secret realm.

It seems that the LSP of the system is still looking forward to the effect of using the recovery fruit.

Overlord armor is good.

Absorbs 50% of attack damage, as well as magic resistance.

But self-explosion, absorbing 100% damage, what's the matter?

Could it be, an armor that can self-explode and continue life?

Wangzai's steamed buns are a reward that is better than nothing.

One can make you not hungry, which is not bad.

But what kind of woman is fasting, can't it be the dog system playing tricks on it?
"Lin Xuan, are you here?"

They were still far away, so Aunt Lan came up and said enthusiastically.

The head of the sect is very fascinated by this kid. Of course, she will not neglect this kid.

"Yeah! I haven't seen you for a few days. Come and see Aunt Lan." Lin Xuan laughed.

"Look at me? Don't make fun of me!"

Aunt Lan was very happy.

For a guy like Lin Xuan who is both handsome and good at talking, she is becoming more and more fond of him, and she thinks that the leader has a good eye for choosing him!

"Are you here to see the master?" Aunt Lan looked at Lin Xuan and asked with a smile, "Unfortunately, the master is still in retreat. If she leaves the retreat, she will contact you."

"That's true." Lin Xuan patted his head.

"What, you have something to do with the head?" Aunt Lan looked at Lin Xuan slightly disappointed, and comforted her with a narrow expression, "I know you are a newlywed, but don't worry, it won't be a few days."

When Lin Xuan heard it, Aunt Lan had something to say.

What is Xiaobiesheng Newly Married?
Not newly married yet...

"Aunt Lan, what are you talking about, you, the head and I... are still innocent! I came because she said that she would give me a surprise after she left the customs." Lin Xuan explained helplessly.

"Give you a surprise?"

Aunt Lan's expression changed, and her tone was rather surprised: "So, you haven't..."

"Of course! What do you think?" Lin Xuan said immediately.

"The head and I are both innocent so far, and we haven't done anything disrespectful! Please, Aunt Lan, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Xuan simply spoke clearly.

In case Aunt Lan doesn't believe it, she thinks she's trying to cover up, and she goes around talking nonsense.

"Oh, that's it! I thought..."

Aunt Lan had a knowing expression on her face.

But the expression was still somewhat suspicious. He looked at Lin Xuan, paused for a moment and said, "But Lin Xuan, it's not that I'm troublesome. It was that day when I came to be the head of the bedroom, how could I accidentally..."

After talking halfway, I didn't go on.

"Accidentally what?"

Lin Xuan wondered why this Aunt Lan was always frank and talkative, so she suddenly hesitated.

"That's right, that day when I came to head the bedroom, I accidentally heard some strange noises inside."

Aunt Lan simply said it.

No way, I really can't stop my curiosity.

So he pretended to be surprised, and continued: "Among the weird voices, there is also the headmaster, which seems to be particularly painful... So, are you really not with the headmaster?"

Facing soul questioning from Aunt Lan.

Lin Xuan broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it.

Weird sound?

Particularly painful feeling?
Lin Xuan couldn't help but glanced at Aunt Lan.

By the way, this Aunt Lan is quite old, it is said that she is an old maid who has never been in love in her life, how can she know so much, and she has a hobby of listening to the wall!

How can this work.

next time.

Next time, I must ask the head to drive her away...


Regarding Aunt Lan's accusation, Lin Xuan flatly denied it: "Although Aunt Lan heard some strange voices that shouldn't be heard, if there is nothing, there is nothing."

Aunt Lan looked at Lin Xuan suspiciously again.

Frowning and wondering: "But it's all like that, it shouldn't be!"

Then he suddenly seemed to think of something, and excitedly said: "I see, you and the master, should you use..."

After talking halfway, Aunt Lan didn't have the nerve to continue.

Say it again.

I'm afraid that her self-taught and self-taught skills will be exposed.

Lin Xuan naturally understood Aunt Lan's meaning in seconds.

Can't help taking a breath.

This Aunt Lan is really amazing, just by guessing...

So he stared deeply at Aunt Lan, and said, "Aunt Lan, to be honest, you know too much!"


Come out from Tianyizong.

On the way home, Lin Xuan stopped by the academy again.

Feng Zhenhua and other mentors brought their disciples back by bus.

All the disciples of several Daoyuan classes, not a few, were intact.

Because of the outstanding contribution in the secret realm.

Lin Xuan directly dragged Feng Zhenhua to Dean Liu's office.

in the office.

Feng Zhenhua first boasted about his good leadership.

Then there was a burst of blowing to Lin Xuan, what about Lin Xuan helping others, providing everyone with grilled skewers and cold drinks, what about stepping forward to kill the Iron Armored Explosive Tiger, what clever tricks, leading everyone out of the siege of ten Iron Armored Explosive Tigers, etc. Wait.

Of course the details.

For example, Lin Xuan wanted to charge him for the ride, the possible Shuangfeiyan incident between Lin Xuan, Fang Lingbo, and Liu Tingting, and Lin Xuan asked Iron Armored Flame Tiger to focus on the life he loved.

Feng Zhenhua didn't mention a single word.

Compared with Lin Xuan's limitless future, this small detail is not a problem at all.

On the matter of building a good relationship with Lin Xuan.

He, Feng Zhenhua, was still very sober.

After listening to Feng Zhenhua's report, Liu Yingying praised Lin Xuan a lot.

Corresponding rewards from the academy are naturally indispensable.

Of course, it is impossible to send money.

The first reward is 1000 minutes of training time in the training tower.

That time, Lin Xuan absorbed all the spiritual energy in the training tower and the learning tower in one breath, which seriously affected the teaching order in the college, and made the disciples and mentors full of grievances. Many people petitioned Dean Liu to punish Lin Xuan.

But Liu Yingying found out.

In addition to being shocked, it was a surprise.

I am amazed that such a monstrous genius has come out of Egret Academy.

Ten years after the spiritual energy revived, I haven't seen it.

Even if the head is asked to go to the cultivation tower to absorb the aura in person, it is impossible to reach Lin Xuan's speed.

and so.

Lin Xuan was not punished at all.

On the contrary, Liu Yingshi immediately asked the government to expand the training tower and learning tower.

Therefore, this time 1000 minutes of training time in the training tower.

It can be described as a big prize.

Compared with the last time when Lin Xuan passed the competition and won the ten days before defeating the Tianbang, it was much more time.

To know Feng Zhenhua himself, the training time of the cultivation tower.

Only 300 minutes!

This second reward is actually very important to Lin Xuan.

It is officially sent to Zhongzhou Lingfu!

(End of this chapter)

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