Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 125 The beautiful and beautiful flowers explain the language!

Chapter 125 The beautiful and beautiful flowers explain the language!

After the revival of spiritual energy, institutions of higher learning, especially advanced spiritual institutions, still exist and are very important.

Although young practitioners can choose to go to the sect to study and practice.

But more, still go to the advanced spiritual institute.

Because most of the practice resources in the current world are in the hands of the government, and entering a high-level spiritual institution run by the government means more resources for practice and a better future for development.

Zhongzhou Lingfu is the top high-level spiritual institution in Longguo.

Because of the full support of Youtian Yizong, Bailu Academy also has some exam-free quotas for admission to Zhongzhou Lingfu every year.

As a rare evil genius in Egret Academy.

This time, the cultivation in the secret realm was so outstanding.

Lin Xuan was recommended to enter Zhongzhou Lingfu, which is well deserved.

A few months ago, Lin Xuan's aunt was still dreaming, hoping that Lin Xuan could be admitted to a high-level spiritual school, even a very ordinary one.

But at that time, Lin Xuan had a headache every time he took the monthly exam next month.

The matter of being admitted to a high-level spiritual institution is simply a luxury.

Who would have thought that now Lin Xuan has easily obtained the qualification to be escorted by Zhongzhou Lingfu.

"My aunt should be very happy to know that I was escorted to Zhongzhou Lingfu."

After Lin Xuan left the academy, he was muttering to himself on the way home.

Actually speaking for himself.

It doesn't matter if he can't get into Zhongzhou Lingfu or other high-level spiritual schools. Anyway, he has a system and is a coward. He can't go anywhere.

But my aunt took him out of the orphanage back then.

The kindness I have treated him all these years is as great as a mountain.

Although they are not related by blood, they are many times better than relatives.

Therefore, he is also willing to make his aunt happy.


When I got home, it was time for my aunt to get off work.

Lin Xuan received a text message from my aunt, saying that she was busy with work and would be on a business trip for a while.

"Yes, the head is still in retreat, and my aunt is on a business trip again..."

Lin Xuan sighed helplessly.

He was also a little puzzled.

Obviously the family is not short of money, why does my aunt work so hard.

Is it careerism, or a sense of accomplishment?

Lin Xuan didn't understand.

However, my aunt was on a business trip, and the direct result was that no one was cooking at night.


Lin Xuan was sitting outside the door, taking snacks to satisfy his hunger.

In the deserted forest in front, two huge energy fluctuations suddenly came.Judging from the energy fluctuations, the realm is very likely to be no lower than D rank.

"Could it be that a master made a move?"

Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

Thinking that there is nothing left and right, it is better to go to see the excitement, and put water in the woods by the way.

In the wild forest.

A downcast black bearded man was being pursued by a woman.

"Hua Jieyu, I didn't expect you to be such a follower! After chasing me for half a month and traveling thousands of miles, you still won't let me go!"

Panting heavily, Blackbeard mocked in a strange way.

While speaking, he turned around and punched two extremely powerful punches.


He forced Hua Jieyu, who was following behind him, back two steps.

"No way, the responsibility lies!"

Hua Jieyu dodged the black beard's attack, although he looked disheveled after chasing him for a long time, but the black clothes wrapped in him still couldn't conceal his pretty and proud appearance.

At this time, his eyes were even colder, and he said in his mouth:
"Blackbeard, my Ability Bureau has issued a ban a long time ago, and practitioners are forbidden to attack ordinary people! But you, Blackbeard Jiangyang, have been a bandit for many years, and you still don't stop now. Relying on your own cultivation to do evil, in my Ability Bureau Killing people and stealing money under their noses! Is there no one in the Ability Bureau?"

Blackbeard heard a sneer.

"Since that's the case, let's talk nonsense! Director Hua, you've been chasing me for so many days. Today is life or death. Let's make a decision!"

After all, there was a bang.

The violent momentum erupted completely.

In the howling wind, he attacked and killed Hua Jieyu.

Over there, Hua Jieyu also cheered up and fought with all his strength.

As the two fight.

The trees around tens of meters were smashed one after another, their branches and leaves were flying, and there was a constant clicking sound.

There were big holes in the ground.

Lin Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, secretly marveled at the scene in front of him.

Because these two people can see from the breath they exude.

The repair is at least above C level.

Although I have seen C-level masters fight before, but such a desperate and dangerous fight with all means is really rare.

What surprised Lin Xuan even more was the young woman named Hua Jieyu.

From the previous conversation, she should be from the Ability Bureau.

But the figure and appearance are all superb.

If Lin Xuan is the head of the sect, he has never seen such a good-looking girl, but this Hua Jieyu is not worse than the head of the sect, in terms of figure, appearance, beauty, and grand scale.

Just then.

The situation on the field changed.

However, in the midst of a fierce fight, Hua Jieyu suddenly changed his moves and sent Black Beard flying with his extremely stern palm.

Hua Jieyu succeeded in one blow, and then made repeated moves.

Under repeated blows, Blackbeard was like a kite with a broken thread. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, it flew more than ten meters away.

"Blackbeard, let's get caught!"

Hua Jieyu sneered, looked down at the black beard, and approached step by step.

The black beard was seriously injured.

Although he knew that escaping was impossible.

But after spitting out a mouthful of blood foam, there was a ferocious smile on his face: "Arrested without a fight? You are thinking too much, Chief Hua!"

The voice did not fall.

A black stone suddenly appeared in the hand.

Then throw it towards Hua Jieyu.

The black stone suddenly turned into a huge boulder of about ten meters in the air, and it smashed towards Hua Jieyu as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top.

"Dry sky stone?!"

Hua Jieyu's pretty face changed, and her eyes were shocked.

Suddenly, the boulder has arrived.

Hua Jieyu couldn't avoid it, and was immediately sent flying, a bloody arrow spewed out, his face pale.

"That's right, it's the Dry Sky Stone!"

Heibeard used the dried sky stone once and consumed a lot of it. Panting heavily, he smiled triumphantly and said, "Hua Jieyu, do you think that I, Heibeard, dare to fight with your supernatural abilities and have no cards? Tell you that the cultivation world is missing." The magic weapon for many years, the Qiantian Stone, is in my hands! Hahaha..."

"The power of Qiantianshi is comparable to that of a B-level expert."

"How about it, do you want me to catch you without a fight?"

"Why don't you let me capture you for the sake of how pretty you are?"

Blackbeard smiled sinisterly, and once again used the dry sky stone.

That Qiantian Stone is a B-level magic weapon, and for Hua Jieyu, a C-level weapon, it is pure crushing.

Hua Jieyu couldn't stop it at all.


He was hit hard again and flew out, knocking down a large area of ​​trees.

Blackbeard felt proud.

He calculated that after two heavy blows, Hua Jieyu might have half his life left, but just in case, he threw a dry sky stone at Hua Jieyu again.

He has a hole card, but Hua Jieyu doesn't?

Just smash it to death.

If you can't die, you still have one breath left, or if you faint, it's convenient for you to pick up the corpse.


However, just listen, boom!

A loud bang.

The dry sky stone, which turned into a ten-meter boulder in the air, missed the target, but was kicked back in mid-air by something!
Blackbeard's complexion changed suddenly.

The power of that Qiantianshi is equivalent to that of a B-level. It has crushed countless masters before, but this time it missed a hit? !

Could it be that there are B-level masters ambushing nearby? !

Impossible, looking at the whole world, there is only one B-level master.

Blackbeard's expression changed drastically, could it be the one who sits in Skynet? !
He hurriedly took back the dry sky stone.

He stared intently in panic.

But in the forest, a young man in white shook his hands, pulled up his pants, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "I said, you black beard, can you show some face? I'll just pee. As for hitting me with such a big stone?" ?”

black beard:? ? ? ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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