Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 126 A Sister Lin Falls from the Sky

Chapter 126 A Sister Lin Falls from the Sky

When Blackbeard went to see it, he originally thought that there was a B-level expert hidden there, or that the one from Skynet had come.

Mentally on high alert.

Ready to run away at any time.

But who would have thought that it was... a young man who was releasing water in the forest.

Blackbeard's eyes almost popped out on the spot.

Was it this kid who kicked back the dry sky stone just now?

This kid has a B-level cultivation? !

But on the ground next to him, Hua Jieyu lay motionless, apparently passed out.

There was no one else around except this kid.

"Boy, you blocked my dry sky stone?" Blackbeard asked in surprise.


Lin Xuan said solemnly, "I was just about to talk about you. You said that you are not young, and you have a beard, so why do you throw things around? I was pouring water on such a big stone, so you just threw it over. Don't be particular about it? Fortunately, I reacted quickly and kicked it back."

After being scolded by Lin Xuan for a while, Black Beard was a little dazed.

I was throwing things around?
Intuit do not pay attention?

I was going to kill someone, okay...

Also, according to what you mean, you were releasing water, I threw a dry stone over there, and you took the time to kick it back? !

You know, that dry sky stone is comparable to the power of a B grade!

Blackbeard looked incredible.

Can't help but gasp.

The B-level expert sitting in Skynet, couldn't it be this kid?

Black Beard looked Lin Xuan up and down.

I really feel that apart from being a bit handsome, this kid has nothing special about him...

"You're not the one from Skynet, are you?" Blackbeard asked tentatively.

"Sky net, earth net, I don't have any net." Lin Xuan replied casually.

Blackbeard felt relieved immediately.

As long as it's not the B-level from Skynet, things will be much easier.

He tried to threaten: "Boy, this is my grievance with the Ability Bureau. If you don't want to die, go away! It's none of your business here!"

He thought about it.

I still don't quite believe that this young boy blocked Qian Tianshi's blow just now.

I think it might be Hua Jieyu's desperate fight.

"Is it?"

Lin Xuan wrote lightly, "You hit me with a stone, it's fine if you don't apologize, and you dare to threaten me? It seems that you still don't accept it!"

"So what if I threaten you?"

As Blackbeard said, he threw the dry sky stone in his hand again.

The ten-meter boulder suddenly fell towards Lin Xuan.

For Blackbeard, as long as it's not from Skynet, it's okay to kill a bunch of trash.

Lin Xuan over there was angry when he saw this.

This black beard seems to be pushing his nose on his face!

"You have a leg!"

After swearing angrily, he kicked it out, hitting the dry sky rock right in the middle.

There was a loud noise.

Then, Blackbeard saw helplessly that the dry sky stone was kicked back by the boy.

That's right, it was kicked back.

What the fuck? !
This really offended the Great God!But where did this great god come from...

Heibeard took back the dry sky stone, and ran away without saying a word.

"Want to run?"

Lin Xuan snorted, and a black brick flew out of his hand, hitting the back of Heibeard's head.

Blackbeard was photographed eating shit.

"Aren't you going to run away? Are you convinced?"

Lin Xuan picked up the black brick and slapped Heibeard violently.

The black beard interrupted him to pee, he just didn't apologize.

He also wanted to assassinate him to kill him.

How can this be tolerated? !

Blackbeard is a gangster who has been rampant in the Jianghu for many years. Relying on his C-level cultivation, he murders people, steals incense and jade, and has never done anything bad.

At this time, he was slapped face-to-face for a while, and almost cried.

It was really a black brick in Lin Xuan's hand, and it hurt so badly when he hit it.

But there is no way.

Who made Lin Xuan, who is always a little better than you, be the reference object of Qian Tianshi this time.

Under the blessing of skills.

One kick can kick dry sky stones away.

The brick in his hand naturally made Blackbeard scream.

"Blackbeard, you still want to run, are you convinced now?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Admit...not accept!" Blackbeard was still stubborn, as a well-known thief in the world, he still wanted face, not to mention, the other party was just a teenage brat...

"Hehe, don't you agree?"

Lin Xuan carried the black brick and prepared to continue shooting.

When Blackbeard saw it, his heart skipped a beat.

Quickly defended: "I... I, Black Beard, can't beat you, so why not accept you?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Blackbeard, did you just want to kill me?"

Blackbeard is a gangster.

Also old fritters.

Seeing Lin Xuan's posture, if he doesn't peel him off, he won't let him go easily.

It's also possible to hang up.

So he rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth.

He took the dry sky stone out: "My little brother, I'm sorry, it was just me, the black beard, who couldn't see Mount Tai... This is the dry sky stone, a magic weapon that has been lost for many years in the cultivation world of the Dragon Kingdom. Liancheng..."

Lin Xuan thought that this thing could be kicked away by Lao Tzu, so what if it was so valuable?

Just about to refuse, I suddenly heard the voice of the system in my head.

【Ding! 】

[The system has detected the magical dry stone that can be fused, and the fusion object is a magical brick. It is recommended that the host collect it. 】

Now that the system has spoken.

Lin Xuan reluctantly said:
"Okay, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll accept it."

Black Beard handed the dry sky stone to Lin Xuan in pain.

Lin Xuan took it, and wanted to figure out how to integrate it with the system. Suddenly, he found that the dry sky stone in his hand was getting bigger and bigger. Almost in the blink of an eye, it became a 10-meter boulder.

Let alone tens of thousands of catties!
It was like holding a mountain in my hand...

When he turned to look for Black Beard, Black Beard took the opportunity to slip away. He had no choice but to be afraid that Lin Xuan would kill him.

Lin Xuan's head was full of black lines.

This old boy, how handsome is he who lost his car? This is it!

Lin Xuan sighed helplessly, and with a thought, he received Qian Tianshi into the system space.

Then go to the original position.

I want to see how the injured Hua Jieyu is doing.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence.

Lin Xuan looked at it for a while, felt that the matter had nothing to do with him, and left and right were boring, so he was about to piss and then withdrew.

I didn't expect it to be at this moment.

The girl surnamed Hua was thrown by the dry sky stone and landed in front of Lin Xuan. At this time, Lin Xuan had just pulled out the thing and was about to release the water.

Fortunately, the flower girl was knocked unconscious immediately.

Otherwise, how embarrassing it would be to see Xiao Linxuan...


Lin Xuan went to the original place and looked around, but he couldn't find the shadow of Hua Jieyu.

"You didn't wake up by yourself, did you?"

Lin Xuan muttered in his heart.

didn't care either.

When she found it, she still had to face the difficult problem of whether to help her heal her injuries.

Better to be less.

【Ding! 】

[The host has successfully collected the magic weapon dry sky stone, and is in the process of merging with the magical brick...]

[Congratulations to the successful fusion of the magic weapon, the host has obtained an even more amazing new magic weapon! 】

A more magical new magic weapon?

Lin Xuan was excited when he heard it.

He quickly checked the new magic weapon with his mind, and was even more excited, almost yelling at the dog system.

Because the name of the new magic weapon is an even more magical brick!
This is so special.

Sure enough, it is an even more miraculous magic weapon!


Lin Xuan returned home with mixed feelings.

I saw a large tank of water in the yard, which was warmed by the sun during the day.

I think my aunt is not at home anyway.

His body was sweating, so he just washed it in this big tub.

in fact.

When Lin Xuan was younger, in order to save money, Zheng Li often dried a large vat of water in the yard in summer and used it for Lin Xuan to bathe at night.

big summer.

Getting naked in my own yard, and jumping into a big water tank to take a bath is so enjoyable.

Later, Lin Xuan felt that it was too big, and he refused to live or die.

Zheng Li then asked Lin Xuan to wash indoors.

At this time, Lin Xuan closed the courtyard door.

He took off his clothes one by one and hung them on a rope tied to a big tree.

When I was about to jump into the big water tank.


I heard a scream of ah.

Then plop!
A woman fell from a leafy tree in the yard and landed right into a large water tank.

Lin Xuan was dumbfounded for a while.

Damn, a sister Lin fell from the sky? !

(End of this chapter)

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