Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 129 The Octopus Sudden Attack

Chapter 129 Octopus Sudden Attack

“Fresh and delicious, full of milk flavor!”

“Small steamed buns are not bad!”

Hua Jieyu ate Wangzai's steamed buns and praised them endlessly.

Seeing Lin Xuan's strange expression, he seemed very deflated.

He couldn't help but sneered again: "Why are you looking at me so weirdly? Why don't you just eat your little steamed buns? I think it hurts you..."

"If you want, sister will return you a bunch of buns later!"

Lin Xuan looked at Hua Jieyu overjoyed.

Speechless for a while: "..."

Please, that's no ordinary bun!
It is a system prize.

Small snacks produced in a magical place, sweet and delicious, one can not be hungry.Although it looks very hanging, but women fast, otherwise there will be uncontrollable situations!
Take the dog's system so unscrupulous urine.

Who knows what kind of moths will come out of women's fasting in the end.

What's more, this female leopard eats so much.

A pack of small steamed buns was almost eaten up.

In the end, wouldn't it cause the mother leopard to become fierce and treat herself like a furnace?

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but tremble all over.

What the fuck? !
That won't work!

Although the mother leopard has a very high appearance and exquisite curves, her figure is that of an extremely mature and seductive royal sister.


However, we are principled people, rich and powerful cannot be promiscuous, and mighty cannot be subdued.

Why can't I be sorry to the leader!

Hua Jieyu over there happily finished eating the steamed buns. She didn't understand what Lin Xuan was thinking at this time, and thought the kid was scared.

Then he stood up and clapped his hands.

He smiled at Lin Xuan:
"Okay, I'm done eating too, thank you for the little steamed bun!"

"For the sake of saving me, I won't kill you."

"However, it's time for interrogation. Sister, I'll ask you a few questions. I hope you can answer them truthfully!"

Hua Jieyu wanted to follow in the end, but now something happened.

She just wanted to check on Lin Xuan's situation, which was also her duty as the leader of the Ability Bureau, and she would not let any suspicious person go.

This kid was secretly lurking in the woods, and she and Blackbeard, two C-level masters, didn't notice it.

After that, he beat Blackbeard away.

That dry sky stone is as powerful as a B-level, this kid can also block it, and it seems to be a little bit stronger.

Although she was twisted and twisted afterwards, she struggled to control it.

Suddenly, I felt that this kid's strength was much worse.

But no matter what, this teenage brat has a lot of skills...

"What's your name?" Hua Jieyu asked, as if his identity had been switched to that of the Director of the Ability Bureau.

"Lin Xuan." Lin Xuan answered honestly.

"How old is it?" Hua Jieyu asked again.

Lin Xuan was taken aback: "About 20."


Maybe, okay? "

Hua Jieyu was dumbfounded again.

It sounds like you're at a loss, so you don't even know how old you are?
"According to my estimation, are you still in school? Are you 20 now?" Hua Jieyu asked doubtfully.

"So you asked about the age!"

Lin Xuan scratched his head, his expression suddenly changed: "You said it earlier, I happen to be 18 this year."

Hua Jieyu wondered, didn't I ask about age?
"Okay, let's continue the interrogation..."

After that, I asked a bunch of messy questions.

Hua Jieyu had a general understanding of Lin Xuan's personal and family situation.

I know that he is studying at Egret College and has an aunt at home.

But what she wanted to know the most was that she didn't even ask about cultivation, because Lin Xuan insisted that he was a natural talent, coupled with his sudden enlightenment or awakening, his cultivation base suddenly skyrocketed.

But Hua Jieyu didn't believe it at all.

Because the one with the most innate talent and the best chance in the whole world is the B-level god of Skynet.

at the same age

That great god is no match for this kid!
"Forget it, let me spare you for now, and take me to your room for a visit."

Hua Jieyu spoke again.

She didn't believe Lin Xuan's words.

Professional instinct, I thought of looking for his residence, maybe I could find some more reliable clues or clues.

"You man, why don't you believe what I say, can I still lie to you?"

Lin Xuan said unwillingly.

He doesn't want others to enter his room, even when my aunt cleans up the room sometimes.

Let alone this strange woman.

"What are you talking about? Have you cheated too much?"

Hua Jieyu pushed back unceremoniously, "Do you want me to punish you?"


He stretched out his hand towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shivered, and hurriedly led the way in front of him, leading him to his room.

Turned on the lights.

Everything in the room is clear at a glance.

Hua Jieyu looked around carefully.

Slightly nodded, the room is fairly neat and clean, nothing messy.


After half an hour.

In the dark room, Lin Xuan lay on the ground with his eyes open, tossing and turning, thinking about the day's events.

Can't sleep.

Because the female leopard checked the room for a long time, but couldn't find anything except the panties. Afterwards, she didn't know what kind of nerve it was. She felt tired and thought it was too late.

So after washing up, he actually fell asleep in his room...

Naturally, the female leopard lay on the bed by herself.

Let Lin Xuan sleep on the ground.

In order to prevent him from escaping, while Lin Xuan was tied into a rice dumpling, a part of the rope was still tied to the head of the bed.

If there is any movement on Lin Xuan's side, the mother leopard will know immediately.

"Sleep, you mother leopard!"

"Right now labor and management can't beat you, but wait until midnight, labor and management's skills have been refreshed, let's see how to deal with you!"

Lin Xuan kept saying indignantly in his heart.

muttering at the same time.

I was also very disappointed with the dog system for a while.

What's the deal? Wangzai's little steamed bun woman is fasting, and something uncontrollable will happen if she eats it.


People almost ate the whole package.

Isn't it still fine, falling asleep on the bed? !

Lin Xuan scolded the dog system again, and then he felt a little sleepy.


At this moment.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound.

A warm and soft body clung to her like an octopus.

Lin Xuan was about to exclaim.

I felt my mouth was sealed.


A weak and boneless little hand was in his palm, poking and scratching, and finally drew a small circle!


(End of this chapter)

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