Chapter 130 Tempest
Lin Xuan was shocked.

Wangzai's steamed buns finally worked? !

But this battle looks a bit fierce, and I feel caught off guard...

Although Lin Xuan is always talking nonsense.

Take a little advantage.

But in fact, he is still a gentleman, and he is still very principled.

Really not that LSP...

"I say sisters, Director Hua! Calm down!"

"Calm down!"


Lin Xuan is a bit square at this time.

No matter how he went through such a battle, when he was most glued to the head of the sect, he still missed the final kick.

But this Hua Jieyu is different.

His eyes were red and he was panting heavily.

He couldn't listen to Lin Xuan's dissuasion at all.

The C-level power envoy will come out, and the D-level Lin Xuan has no room to resist.

Not to mention the tied rice dumplings.

He just asked Hua Jieyu to calm down.

The mouth over there was sealed again by Hua Jieyu.

Lin Xuan panicked.

Damn, 18 years of labor and management's purity...

Headmaster, disciple, I'm sorry for you!

woo woo woo...


It was a night of violent storms, and it didn't gradually stop until the dawn of the next day.

The torrential rain has greatly eased the drought in Jiangcheng.

But it also caused great inconvenience to people's travel the next day.

Jiangcheng Railway Station.

Zheng Li, who had been at the station for a long time, waited anxiously outside the train station hall.

She was on a business trip, but she had already arrived at Jiangcheng Railway Station before midnight this time. She wanted to take a taxi back at night, go home and sleep, and not delay making breakfast for Lin Xuan the next morning.

Her business trip is a bit long this time.

When he came back, he didn't know if Lin Xuan had returned from participating in the secret trial. If he came back, would he have been alone at home for several days?

This child is usually not in the habit of cooking.

As long as she's not at home, eating can be dealt with as soon as she can.

The better situation is eating out.

If you are lazy, it is a bowl of instant noodles.

Zheng Li was in a hurry to go back because she was concerned about Lin Xuan and worried that he would not be able to eat or sleep well these days.

But last night it rained heavily.

It made the outside of the train station a swamp of water, there were no buses, and taxis couldn't get there at all.

Until dawn, the rain stopped.

I just took a taxi outside and went back.

"It's already open at eight o'clock!"

Zheng Li checked the time and hurriedly got into the car.

The taxi was also under her command, and quickly sped towards the suburban home.


In Lin Xuan's room.

After a night of fighting, Lin Xuan was the first to wake up in bed, and it was already past 8 o'clock.

Shaking his head.

Then I saw the mess in the room.

Then he saw Hua Jieyu, who was still sleeping soundly beside him, with a blushing face, Director Hua, female leopard!
Lin Xuan was surprised for a while.

God, what happened last night? !

Although the scene is vivid.

But it was still like a dream, what a ridiculous night!



This Hua Jieyu was violent and crazy last night, really like a female leopard, but now she is quiet and obedient, curled up like a cat.

It's really weird!
After a moment.

Hua Jieyu woke up with a bang.

Seeing Lin Xuan, he instantly realized what happened last night.

There was a strange man next to him, he was naked, and the mess in the room was his own clothes...

This is all self-evident.

The role of Wangzai's little steamed bun made her unable to help herself at the time, but it didn't make her lose her memory.

So she has an idea of ​​what happened, how it happened.

It is clear.


With a kid under 20, take the initiative?

This is too scary, too incredible!
She is a lady from a famous family, and she is the head of the Ability Bureau!

Hua Jieyu's pretty face instantly turned red.

Staring at Lin Xuan with an unbelievable expression, is this the man? !Take away your first time? !

And this time.

Lin Xuan also stared at Hua Jieyu.

One is that he is also adapting, after all, it is the first time in his life...

Second, the done deal.

I want to see what this female leopard will do next.

It is impossible to kill him.

This is already the second day, and the skills that are a little bit stronger than you have been refreshed.

"Is there something wrong with that little steamed bun?"

Hua Jieyu stared at Lin Xuan, and suddenly asked this question.

Thinking that I suddenly lost control last night, it is impossible for me to take the initiative, it must be affected by foreign objects, or I ate something unclean.

"Yes." Lin Xuan nodded.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Hua Jieyu said angrily.

"I said you can't eat it, but you don't listen..."

Lin Xuan helplessly spread his hands.

Hua Jieyu thought about it, it really is.

At that time, Lin Xuan refused to let him eat, but he didn't believe it at all. Instead, he looked embarrassed: "You won't let me eat, I'll cheat!"

A whole brain is eaten up...


Even so, Hua Jieyu was still angry.

Willow's eyebrows are upside down.

With a fist of Hu, he smashed it.

Lin Xuan sighed.

"You can't beat me." He easily caught Hua Jieyu's punch with his hand.

Hua Jieyu was taken aback for a moment, wanting to earn back.

But I found that my fist seemed to be welded, it was impossible!
Hua Jieyu was shocked.

Could it be that this kid is really good, and he really showed weakness before? !

"Stop struggling, say you can't beat me..." Lin Xuan said kindly again, and gestured slightly in a certain direction.

"I want to struggle!"

Hua Jieyu was unconvinced, and put his other hand on it, wanting to win back his fist even more.

Why didn't he pay attention to Lin Xuan's kind reminder.

So under the fierce struggle.

Her body was about to be completely exposed to the air.

" let go!"

Hua Jieyu suddenly realized that something was wrong, and said with an extremely embarrassed expression.

Lin Xuan said: "I can let go, but you can't fight anymore."

Hua Jieyu gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

She finally understood that she couldn't take advantage of this kid.

I had to explain again:

"and also……"

"That trouble you to go out, I, I need to get dressed in the room..." After finishing speaking, her voice was like a mosquito, and her face was like a reddish peach.

"it is good."

Seeing the mother leopard like this, Lin Xuan wanted to laugh for no reason.


Just careless.

Hua Jieyu's hands were suddenly free.

Suddenly grabbed Lin Xuan's arm, and bit it hard.

"Your name is Lin Xuan, I will remember you in this life!"

Hua Jieyu is quite relieved.

Lin Xuan was in pain: "Bite again? Are you a dog or a leopard!"

"I call it tit for tat!"

Hua Jieyu raised her brows upside down, and said coldly, "Say it yourself, didn't you bite me less last night?"

Lin Xuan was embarrassed: "!!!!"


After half an hour.

in the living room.

Both of them put on their clothes and almost cleaned up.

Hua Jieyu is still wearing her clothes.

She fell into the water tank last night, and her clothes were wet. Fortunately, it was summer, and the clothes were almost dry after a night.

"Lin Xuan, what happened last night, I hope you are well and I am well, and I will act as if nothing happened in the future."

"can you do it?"

Lin Xuan was also worried about this matter.

This suddenly came one night.

He didn't expect it at all.

The key point is that if you break the ties with the female leopard in the future and let the female devil in charge know, it might cause death, right? !
"Yes..." Lin Xuan said.

However, the voice did not fall.

With the creaking of the gate outside, Zheng Li's voice rang out: "Lin Xuan, are you home? I'm back!"

Lin Xuan was shocked.

Damn, auntie is back? !


(End of this chapter)

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