Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 131 Auntie's Big Discovery

Chapter 131 Auntie's Big Discovery

Hearing that his aunt had come back, Lin Xuan was a little flustered.

My aunt knew that he was in love with the head of the sect.Later, she also had a general understanding of the matter with the little loli.

But this is all normal.

They are still relatively regular.


What to do with the mother leopard?
We didn't know each other for a day, and then we went to the last step together by accident...

If my aunt knew about it, what would she think of herself?
I'm afraid I won't think that I've learned badly, so bring all the naughty women home!

"How about you hide?"

Lin Xuan said something hastily.

Hua Jieyu was also a little restless.

Although she is the director of the Ability Bureau.

I have seen a lot of strong winds and waves.

But for the first time in Breakthrough's life, he was bumped into by someone as soon as he finished his work here, especially the other party's aunt. For some reason, there was always a feeling of... being caught.

"Then where am I hiding?"

Hua Jieyu asked subconsciously.

She wanted to hide in Lin Xuan's room immediately, but if Lin Xuan's aunt found out.

Isn't that even more inexplicable?
The two were in a panic.

"Aren't you at home?"

Zheng Li had already come in over there, and when she raised her foot to check Lin Xuan's room, she immediately spotted Lin Xuan and Hua Jieyu.

Seeing the panicked expressions of the two, he was slightly taken aback.

"Lin Xuan, who is this?"

Zheng Li looked Hua Jieyu up and down.

He looked at Lin Xuan suspiciously.

"She, she is..."

Lin Xuan couldn't answer for a moment.

Answer the students definitely not.

As for Hua Jieyu's extremely mature figure, how could he look like Lin Xuan's classmate.

Let's talk about friends.


The lonely man and the widow are together, with a panicked expression, it's no wonder that the two of them have nothing to do...

Lin Xuan was in trouble, Hua Jieyu spoke over there.

"You are Lin Xuan's aunt, right? I am Hua Jieyu, the director of the Dragon Nation Ability Bureau. I came to your house to get some information from Lin Xuan."

After all, he is the director.

Emotions can be stabilized quickly.

To prove his identity, Hua Jieyu took out his ID.

"Director of the Ability Bureau?"

Zheng Li was a little surprised when she saw the certificate.

You must know that the director of the Ability Bureau can be regarded as a big shot in the Dragon Kingdom. After the recovery of the aura, he has great authority and fully participates in the public safety issues of the society.

Unexpectedly, such a person suddenly came to the house.

She suddenly became a little anxious.

"Director Hua, our family, Lin Xuan, did something wrong, right?"

"Our Lin Xuan is a bit skinny, but I can assure you that he is young and has no evil intentions. He really won't do anything bad!"

When Hua Jieyu heard Zheng Li's defense for Lin Xuan, he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Your family, Lin Xuan, is young and not evil-hearted?
Won't do anything bad?
What a big joke!

What does this kid not understand?
what won't?
Although it was my old lady who took the initiative at first, this kid went crazy last night and almost tore my old lady's body apart, okay...

"I'm here this time, not because of Lin Xuan's crimes, but because a cultivator and criminal fled to Jiangcheng recently, and happened to pass by your house. I wanted to find out about the situation with him."

Hua Jieyu slandered in her heart, but said calmly on the face.

"Yeah yeah!"

Lin Xuan hurriedly followed up and said, "Auntie, you don't know that the cultivator criminal has committed many crimes before and allegedly killed several people...I happened to bump into him last night, and I started fighting with him! The director came here early in the morning just for this matter."

"You still have hands on him?"

Zheng Li was startled, and quickly looked at Lin Xuan's whole body, making sure that she was not injured before she felt relieved.

"You said you child, that's a criminal, a criminal who committed a life, what did you do? It was a joke? Fortunately, he was not injured..." The expression complained to Lin Xuan endlessly.

"Next time, don't take risks casually. If you find the situation, just call the police immediately, you know?"

"Understood!" Lin Xuan replied with a smile.

Hua Jieyu looked at Zheng Li's intimate attitude, and looked very concerned and nervous towards Lin Xuan.

I felt inexplicably displeased.

"I basically understand the situation clearly, and it's time for me to go."

"Director Hua is leaving right now? Why don't you leave without a cup of tea?" Zheng Li hurriedly said politely.

"no need."

Hua Jieyu nodded towards Zheng Li.

Stepping out.

"Lin Xuan, go, send the Flower Delivery Director!"

Zheng Li just came back from a business trip here, she was very tired, and she still had some luggage to pack, so she told Lin Xuan.

"it is good!"

Lin Xuan followed and went out.


outside the courtyard.

Hua Jieyu had only taken a few steps before he gasped.

In other words, she is also a C-rank powerhouse.

how come...

By the way, this calf is too cruel!

So I saw Lin Xuan following, and came to the gate of the courtyard.

There was a moment of embarrassment and silence.

The two really had nothing to say.

"Okay, let's go back."

"Just remember what I told you before." After a moment of silence, Hua Jieyu said with a cold expression.

"Alright then." Lin Xuan said.

Since the mother leopard has said so, he has no objection.

"This is a suburb, do you want me to call a car for you?" Lin Xuan asked again.

"No, someone will pick me up."

Hua Jieyu directly refused.

After pausing for a moment, seeing Lin Xuan's expression hesitant to speak, he said coldly, "If you have anything to say, just say it. If you don't say it now, you won't have a chance in the future."

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

It's really hard to say.

There is really no relevant experience.

After enduring it again and again, I lowered my voice and said, "Director Hua, won't be pregnant, right?"


Hua Jieyu's pretty face flushed immediately.

Seeing Lin Xuan hesitate to speak at first, she wondered if this kid would say something warm and caring.

Even though there is still dissatisfaction in my heart, I still have a little hope.

But who would have guessed.

Such a kind reminder!
Hua Jieyu's teeth itch with hatred for a moment, if he was not worried that he would not be able to beat him, he would have gone up and wanted to catch this kid with a hammer.

Take a deep breath.

Then he gave Lin Xuan a hard look: "Thank you, you don't have to worry about that!"

Enduring the pain after speaking.

Tread away.


In the room.

Zheng Li sorted out her luggage and put it away.

After resting for a while, he took another sip of water.

He thought about washing the dirty clothes he wore on business trips these days before making breakfast for Lin Xuan.

Judging from the situation just now.

This kid Lin Xuan must have slept in again.

Maybe he got up lazily when Director Hua came to the house and asked him about the case.

Definitely didn't eat breakfast.

Well, I have been on a business trip these days, and I have tasted a lot of good things outside.

I figured it out and learned how to do it.

Just let this kid try something new.

Zheng Li was thinking happily while packing up some clothes, because there was not enough for a washing machine.

I went to Lin Xuan's room to find some clothes.


On Lin Xuan's bed, after rummaging for a while, he collected some dirty clothes.

His expression froze for a moment.

"This is?"

Zheng Li stared at the bright red on the bed sheet, and was suddenly shocked in her heart.



(End of this chapter)

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