Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 133 The gentleman speaks but does not

Chapter 133 The gentleman speaks but does not

Feel the slightly ambiguous breath in the ear.

Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

Don't think about it, you know it must be the leader.

Lin Xuan asked: "Do you really want to guess?"

"Of course."

Xiao Qingyao's tone was a little coquettish.

"I guess?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Whose cat or dog is this?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Qingyao let go of her hand and pinched Lin Xuan's waist.

"You are a cat and a dog! The guy who can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth..."


Lin Xuan shouted exaggeratedly: "How long has it been since we saw each other, and the sect leader wants to murder his husband?"

"Who told you to tell me I'm coming?"

Xiao Qingyao gave Lin Xuan a coquettish look.

Then turned around.

As soon as she came out of retreat, she heard from Aunt Lan that Lin Xuan had just come to see her.

Immediately ran down the mountain to find Lin Xuan.

After catching up with Lin Xuan, his heart suddenly became hot.

But when Lin Xuan said that she was a cat and a dog, he was naturally a little unhappy.

And Lin Xuan is here.

Seeing that the head of the sect is clearly a murderous female devil, but at the moment she is in a proper daughter's mood, it feels funny for a while.

"Is the master angry?"


"The head has missed me these days?"


"It's been a few days since I've seen you, the head is beautiful again!" Lin Xuan laughed.

Only then did Xiao Qingyao raise her eyebrows: "Then what do you mean, I wasn't very good-looking before?"

"looks good!"

Lin Xuan immediately said, "In my heart, the sect master is the most beautiful in the world!"

"Really?" Xiao Qingyao asked in disbelief.

"Of course!"

Lin Xuan then said without hesitation: "The master is the most beautiful in the whole world! Besides, no matter whether the master misses me or not, I think about him every day these days."

In fact, he has always been quite glib.

But this kind of ecstasy soup like smearing honey on the head's mouth.

In fact, he felt ashamed.


Who would have thought that Fang Lingbo and Liu Tingting would be seduced in every possible way in the secret realm, but he would be able to clean himself up and be invulnerable to all poisons.

Who came up with the mystery.

But was accidentally broken by a female leopard...

It's really unlucky, good luck tricks people!

To be honest, compared to playing with other women, he really has a different feeling for the head of the sect.

Over there, Xiao Qingyao heard Lin Xuan's love words.

The heart also moved.

But on the surface, he denied it: "Hmph, it's just like the real thing, who would believe it!"

"Don't believe me? I can prove it to you!" Lin Xuan said.

"how to prove?"

Xiao Qingyao was still stubborn and wanted to refute again.

It was suddenly blocked.

"You! Mmm..."

Xiao Qingyao had no time to resist, and was instantly thrown down by Lin Xuan.

"Didn't you ask how to prove it? I will prove it to you now!" Lin Xuan smiled triumphantly.

Xiao Qingyao was horrified.

I never thought it would be this kind of proof...

But nothing happened.

Lin Xuan's mouth was sealed, and he could only express his protest intermittently afterwards.

"Here, it's outside..."

"Lin Xuan, I warn you, don't do anything! Isn't it okay to use your mouth..."


After half an hour.

Lin Xuan thoroughly expressed his longing, and only after he understood clearly did he let go of Xiao Qingyao.

course process,

He is still very careful.

According to what the master said, try not to move your hands...

Nothing particularly excessive.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Xiao Qingyao sorted out the slightly messy clothes, and then gave Lin Xuan a coquettish look.

"Is the master not satisfied?" Lin Xuan smiled.


Xiao Qingyao blushed and spat.

After stabilizing his emotions, he said leisurely again: "Do you still remember what I told you before I retreated? When I come out, I will give you a big surprise."


Lin Xuan said, "At that time I asked you how big the surprise was, and you said it was as big as I could think of..."

Of course he remembered such a big event.

However, for this kind of thing, he still felt that it would be best for the head to take the initiative.

"Just remember it!"

Xiao Qingyao blushed inexplicably, "Don't worry, I will do what I promise you."

"It's just that I just came out of retreat now."

"There's one more thing to do right now."

"What's the matter?" Lin Xuan asked.

"It's a ticking time bomb left by the Tianyi School for many years." Xiao Qingyao said with a gloomy gaze, "Actually, the main goal of my retreat this time is to completely solve this scourge after improving my strength as soon as possible!"


The beginning of spiritual recovery.

The whole world is in chaos.

The monsters are raging and killing constantly,
And as many hidden sects and big families came out one after another, vendettas between families and sects also continued to be staged.

Yu Tianyi said.

Although it was also a big sect that came out of the mountain, and its strength was tyrannical, it was in chaos at the time.

Under the double attack of monsters and enemies.

Tian Yizong also suffered a lot of losses.

And in the mountain behind Tianyi Sect, there used to be a large area of ​​forbidden land, inside which were many caves of monsters.

After rounds of killing.

The monsters and beasts in the back mountain were wiped out.

But one slipped through the cracks.

In the cave, there is also a mid-level C monster.

Ten years ago.

The Tianyi Sect organized a large number of people to kill this fish that slipped through the net completely. Since the head of the Tianyi Sect had just broken through the C-level cultivation at that time, even if they swarmed up, they would not be the opponent of the monster.

The result was heavy casualties.

It so happened that a mysterious Gu Dao master killed him in the cave!
That master is from Miaojiang.

The Gu poison used is very strange.

Even after ten years, it still cannot be eliminated!
According to Tian Yi's subsequent investigation.

It turned out that after the Gu worm killed the monster, it actually parasitized in the monster's body.As a result, the Gu worm manipulated the monster, as if it came back to life!

In particular, the aura of Houshan is relatively strong.

The "Monster Beast" is also cultivating, and his cultivation is now at the late C-level.

Like Xiao Qingyao, in the middle of C-level before, she was called the girl of heaven.

In the later stage of C-level, looking at the current world, there are not many opponents.

Because there is such a powerful "monster" hidden in the back mountain, Tian Yizong has trouble sleeping and eating, and feels thorns on his back all the time.

After all, for them, this is equivalent to a ticking time bomb.

Maybe someday it will explode!

"Because it is very dangerous, this place has always been listed as a forbidden area of ​​Tianyi Sect, and no one is allowed to enter without permission. As the head of Tianyi Sect, I have been practicing day and night since I took over, hoping to improve my cultivation as soon as possible, so that I can completely Eliminate this hazard."

"Fortunately, the past few years have been safe and sound. After my retreat this time, my strength has also reached the late C-level."

"And it just so happens that you are also a Gu expert."

"You and I, together, should be able to destroy that 'Monster Beast'!"

Xiao Qingyao looked at Lin Xuan.

There is a little heat in the eyes.

I think it's lucky to have met Lin Xuan, otherwise, she would be alone, even if she is a rare C-level late stage powerhouse.

It is also difficult to wipe out the voodoo "monster".

"That's right!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but feel complacent when he heard Xiao Qingyao's words: "Master, your husband and I are weaker than you in strength, but when it comes to using Gu, it will crush you!"

This is not his bragging.

After these days of cultivation, in fact, his level of Gu skills has already unknowingly reached the ninth level of Gu skills.

Today's world.

Even if you encounter Gu God, you will not be afraid at all!
Seeing Lin Xuan's stinky fart, Xiao Qingyao couldn't help but want to sneer.

But thinking of it, just now Lin Xuan called himself "your husband and me".

Suddenly, her pretty face turned red, and she couldn't answer for a moment.

This person is really, I haven't called her wife yet.

But I call myself my husband...

"By the way, the master, what kind of monsters are there? Are there such good fortunes?"

Lin Xuan asked again at this time.

"I've seen that monster a few times, but it's actually not special compared to the one in the secret realm. It's just a white tiger." Xiao Qingyao said.

"White tiger? That is to say, there is a white tiger inside?" Lin Xuan glanced at Xiao Qingyao, a little surprised.

"That's right, it's the white tiger."

Xiao Qingyao looked puzzled, and also glanced at Lin Xuan: "Why, are you weird?"

"No, it's not surprising..." Lin Xuan shook his head immediately.


(End of this chapter)

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