Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 134 The White Tiger Appears!

Chapter 134 The White Tiger Appears!

It was getting late now.

However, the two of them, one late C-level and one late D-level, have excellent eyesight.

What's more, the cave itself is humid Hunan.

In the daytime, there is not much difference.

As you go deeper into the cave.

The surrounding miasma and poisonous gas became more and more intense.

There are also more and more Gu worms.

Xiao Qingyao was in front, and with a wave of her jade hand, the spiritual power of the late C-level surged out, instantly sweeping away the Gu insects and miasma poison gas!

Lin Xuan is behind.

Focus on eliminating Gu insects.

The Gu power in the body is constantly circulating, refining the killed Gu insects, and transforming them into pure spiritual power to improve cultivation.

And move forward.

He was also surprised to find that the miasma gas caused by Gu insects in the cave was very energetic.

In other words.

That voodoo white tiger has always had sufficient food supply.

No wonder it has continued to grow over the years.

Let the head and Tianyizong regard it as a time bomb, and this place has also become a forbidden area for Tianyizong!
The two walked another [-] meters, and from time to time in the passage, the roar of the mountain wind, like the roar of a beast!
Can not help but be surprised.


The two of them had reached the depths of the cave.

But see.

The area in front of him was shrouded in a blue Gu mist.

Gu worms one after another, fluttering their wings, flying around in this gu fog
Just look at the screen.

It is indeed very beautiful and soul-stirring.


Both Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao knew that there was definitely a murderous intention here!
There was a look of surprise in Xiao Qingyao's eyes.

He even couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that in ten years, the Gu poison here has condensed to this extent!"


She looked at Lin Xuan with a worried expression and said, "Are you afraid?"

Because it feels very dangerous.

At this moment, I regret bringing Lin Xuan in.

Lin Xuan: "I'm afraid I won't come."

Xiao Qingyao: "But, life is in danger here."

"It's all right."

Lin Xuan smiled lightly, and squeezed Xiao Qingyao's little hand: "I am willing to fight side by side with the master, even if I am injured!"

Xiao Qingyao's pretty face flushed.

My heart suddenly became warm.

It is sweet and speechless.

Well, this man's mouth is really full of honey!


Because of self-reliance on Gu skills.

Lin Xuan was the first to step into the azure blue Gu mist.


The Gu worms in the Gu fog were suddenly disturbed, and all of them bared their scarlet fangs and rushed towards Lin Xuan!


Xiao Qingyao exclaimed.

I saw the strange power released by thousands of ancient Gu worms.

Xiao Qingyao herself felt extremely strong pressure.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, seemed very calm at this time.

The Gu power in the body was automatically activated, condensing into halos one after another.


Then I heard an inexplicable strange sound coming from Lin Xuan's body.

Obviously not loud.

But it seems to come from the soul. If people with lower realms are here, they will definitely feel trembling and creepy!

And with this "voice".

Those Gu worms that rushed towards Lin Xuan fell to the ground one by one.

Even weirder.

It can be seen that these ancient Gu worms did not die after the shock fell to the ground, they curled up on the ground in a somewhat humane manner, trembling!


Those Gu fog around Lin Xuan.

It also gradually sank.

It seems to be crawling at Lin Xuan's feet...

Xiao Qingyao, who watched this scene with her own eyes, was so shocked that she almost lost her mind.

She knew that Lin Xuan's Gu skills were powerful.

But I didn't expect it to reach such a superb level.


In fact, Lin Xuan unknowingly activated the ninth-level Gu power, just like the king of the Gu.

Even if the world's Gu God sees it.

It will definitely be shocking!



Lin Xuan was about to clean up all the Gu worms in the cave.

A deafening sound resounded.


Earth Dragon surges!

A giant white tiger more than three meters high opened its scarlet eyes from the depths of the cave!

It roared angrily, and then rushed towards the two of them.

Because the momentum is extremely fierce.

At the same time as the attack came, the cave collapsed in an instant.

And at this time.

A gust of fragrant wind hits the nostrils.

Xiao Qingyao has come to Lin Xuan's side.

After hugging Lin Xuan's waist, he quickly dodged and left the collapsed area in an instant.

Although Lin Xuan has extremely high attainments in Gu art.


After all, his cultivation is only D-level, if he is smashed into the collapsed cave, he will inevitably be injured.

Lin Xuan was held tightly by Xiao Qingyao.

Nose full of aroma, and soft touch.

Because of this, I was in a trance for a while.

I thought to myself, it would be great if it continued like this.


Lin Xuan and the two came outside the cave.

Xiao Qingyao immediately let go of Lin Xuan.

And the white tiger also followed it in a moment.


With a loud bang.

A giant white tiger shook away the collapsed rocks and got out from the previous hole.

all of a sudden.

Around it, cracks spread like spider webs.

It is also outside.

It was Lin Xuan and the two who really saw Baihu's true face.

"Sure enough, it has become a nest of Gu worms! All the parasites in the body are Gu worms..." Xiao Qingyao murmured in amazement.

Lin Xuan was also surprised.

Every move of this white tiger seemed to be alive.

The energy breath that emanates is impressively strong in the late C-level.

But actually.

It is just an empty shell, and it is controlled by the endless Gu worms in the body!
"Let me come!"

Xiao Qingyao stood up at this moment.

With a loud sound.

A long sword vibrated out and appeared in her hand.

She can see it.

This white tiger is extremely violent and weird, and its strength is the same as the previous detection, it is a late C-level.

And only she, with the same late C-level strength.

Might be able to handle it.

Although Lin Xuan is very good at Gu skills, she still has to take the lead in the real fight!

"Let's be together."

Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Qingyao, smiled and said, "Didn't you cooperate well in the cave just now?"

In the cave just now?

Do you cooperate?
Xiao Qingyao was taken aback for a moment, thinking that there was nothing there.

But I saw Lin Xuan smiling maliciously again.

Responding quickly, the cooperation he said should be holding him by himself.

He couldn't help but look embarrassed and annoyed, what time is this person thinking!

After killing the white tiger.

Isn't there time...

Here, Lin Xuan and the two are still talking.

The white tiger over there really didn't waste any time. Its huge head twisted twice stiffly, and its bones rattled.

Then he made a sudden vertical leap.

Huge claws, bloody mouth.

With an incomparable momentum, he rushed towards Lin Xuan.

The white tiger has been Gu worms for many years, and many of them are already level nine Gu worms, and have more or less their own consciousness.


Lin Xuan killed many Gu worms in the cave.

It has been irritated already.

At this time, he tried his best to kill Lin Xuan with a blow of incomparable fury!

The white tiger hadn't pounced yet.

Just a ray of momentum that oscillated away caused a strong wind to blow up around, and boulders collapsed and flew!


Xiao Qingyao exclaimed.


(End of this chapter)

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