Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 135 Husband and wife are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut gold!

Chapter 135 Husband and wife are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut gold!
Xiao Qingyao didn't have time to think about it.

Fly up.


Following an incomparably fierce sword glow, the long sword in his hand took the white tiger's head straight.

Lin Xuan over there reacted quickly.

Kankan escaped the fatal blow of the white tiger.

The white tiger missed a single blow, screamed, turned around and fought with the attacking Xiao Qingyao.

Both sides are strong players in the late C level.

Under the rumbling drama.

The boulder cracked, the mountain collapsed partially, and the ground was even more cracked. The surrounding trees were also bombarded and destroyed in pieces.

"System, activate a skill that is always stronger than yours!"

Lin Xuan used to think with his mind.

[Ding, the system reminds the host that your opponent is the Gu Hua White Tiger!The Gu Hua White Tiger is actually a Gu worm, and the host is already stronger than any of them, so the skills cannot be used! 】

Damn, can't start?

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

The skill of dare to love is really invincible in one-on-one, and it will be useless in group fights.

"It seems that we still have to use the kung fu of Gu worms!"

Lin Xuan muttered.

Seeing that Xiao Qingyao and the white tiger were in an inextricable fight, he also stood up and joined it - of course he couldn't activate the skills that are always a little bit stronger than you, it is impossible to fight like Xiao Qingyao in close quarters.

After all, he is a late D-level, and he is still not enough to look at in front of the Gu-turned white tiger of the late C-level.

Can only swim around.

Use your own Gu skills to consume the white tiger little by little.

He is currently practicing "Gu Canon", which is already at the ninth level of Gu art.

And the highest Gu technique is level nine.

So looking at the present, Lin Xuan's Gu Dao is No. 1, and the Gu God is willing to bow down when he sees it.

Under the blessing of the ninth-level Gu technique.

Those Gu worms, even many ninth-level Gu worms, were also under Lin Xuan's overbearing Gu power.

They all fell to their deaths.

It's just that the Gu worms in the body of the Gu Hua white tiger have been nourished for many years, and the number of Gu insects is countless.

So Lin Xuan's Gu technique attack.

Not quickly fatal.

It just made the white tiger bleed continuously, making it weaker a little.

Rao is so.

Xiao Qingyao fought head-on, and Lin Xuan let out blood from the side, cooperating with each other and fighting side by side.

Although the white tiger roared again and again.

All means available.

In the end, the fate of being wiped out still cannot be changed.


After about half an hour.

The white tiger crashed to the ground.

After falling to the ground, it became a pile of skin and bones, and densely packed, countless Gu worms were released from the skin.

Most of these Gu worms are at level five or six.

If you escape, it will be very dangerous.

So Lin Xuan and Xiao Qingyao spent a lot of effort to wipe out all the Gu insects.

"Lin Xuan, thank you!"

"Today's calamity of Xiaomei Baihu, you have made great contributions to the Tianyi sect!"

Xiao Qingyao looked at Lin Xuan and said gratefully.

"Master, it's too polite of you to say that," Lin Xuan said.

"I'm really not being polite. After the white tiger turned into a poison, it has always been a time bomb disaster for my Tianyi School. Fortunately, I called you to help me today. Otherwise, I don't know how to eliminate this disaster..." Xiao Qingyao Said.

Lin Xuan saw Xiao Qingyao's serious expression of thanks.

Can't help but want to laugh.

Rubbing Xiao Qingyao's hair, she said softly, "If a husband and wife are of the same heart, their benefits will cut through gold!"

"Besides, I should help you, who told you to be my wife!"

Xiao Qingyao heard Lin Xuan's words.

A warmth flowed through my heart, but this tone...was too affectionate.



Don't say it, it's very helpful to hear it.


When it came to her lips, Xiao Qingyao still said duplicity: "I'm not married yet, who is your wife!"

A hint of shyness floated over her pretty face.


Lin Xuan suddenly stared at Xiao Qingyao and shouted.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Qingyao was surprised.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have been hit by a Gu worm, a seventh-level Soul Eater Gu!" Lin Xuan stared at Xiao Qingyao carefully for a moment before explaining.

Xiao Qingyao heard it.

Suddenly, there was a dull pain somewhere in his body, and his face changed accordingly.

Just now I just talked with Lin Xuan, sharing the joy of successfully eradicating the white tiger.

Unexpectedly, at the end.

Suddenly, a level [-] Soul Eater Gu came in!
Xiao Qingyao hurriedly used the spiritual power in her body to seal the Gu worm, and when she was about to force the Gu worm out in the next step, she suddenly felt powerless.

It turned out that he was fighting with the white tiger just now, and he wasted too much for a while.

"Lin Xuan, help me."

Xiao Qingyao immediately asked Lin Xuan for help.

After seeing Lin Xuan's miraculous methods in Gu art, she herself is very relieved of Lin Xuan.

"But this is not so good, is it?"

Lin Xuan hesitated.

Xiao Qingyao understood Lin Xuan's meaning, because the position of being hit by the Gu was very embarrassing, it was on her chest...

"It's okay, I'm not embarrassed, why are you embarrassed?"

"Besides, it's not like you don't have..."

Xiao Qingyao persuaded like this.

At the end, his face was flushed and he couldn't go on.

"OK then."

With Xiao Qingyao's promise, Lin Xuan has nothing to hesitate.

After rolling up his sleeves.

Just get started.


Tianyizong Mountain.

In the darkness, a figure was running towards the back mountain.

It was Aunt Lan!

After dark.

She was already lying on the bed and was about to fall asleep in a daze.

Suddenly there was a loud bang outside.

It seems to be in the back mountain.

Aunt Lan was usually very alert, worried that something might happen.

After standing up, immediately report to the head.

To find out that the master is not there.

Aunt Lan suddenly felt something was wrong.

The head is not there, and there are rumbling noises in the back mountain. Could it be that there is an enemy in the Tianyi sect, and they attack at night?The head is fighting fiercely with the enemy? !

So I didn't bother to call anyone else.

Sa Yazi ran to the back hill.

When approaching the back mountain, the rumble had disappeared.

Aunt Lan also slowed down.

Quietly approach.

Although the night is dark, there is no bright moon and stars in the sky.

But Aunt Lan still saw very clearly that a man and a woman were in a thrilling scene.

The woman's clothes are disheveled, and she is the master.

The man was Lin Xuan.

Aunt Lan was dumbfounded immediately, and her heart was shocked. It turned out that the head of the house was secretly shooting? !
Lin Xuan was the enemy who fought fiercely with him? !


This movement is too loud!

At this time, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps and someone shouting in the distance behind him.

listen to the sound.

It was the inner disciples of Tianyi Sect, who should have heard the rumbling sound from the back mountain.

I also thought something big happened.

Came here in a hurry.

Aunt Lan was shocked.

Xindao, the head of the sect has finally taken a crucial step, how can I let you little bastards get mixed up!

So reluctantly, they looked at Xiao Qingyao and the others again.

Only then did I turn around.

Facing the group of inner disciples who hurried over, he sternly reprimanded: "What are you shouting about, go back to sleep!"

"The master is practicing kung fu at night in the back mountain!"

"I have delayed the good work of the head, be careful that you can't eat and walk around!"


(End of this chapter)

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