Chapter 137
It is said that Lin Xuan heard Xiao Qingyao's words.

I was really taken aback.

Is this still the murderous, ruthless, steel-framed old virgin female devil?

It was rare for the female devil to be so relaxed and proactive, Lin Xuan didn't want to lose her interest.Anyway, we've been an old couple for so long, and we'll have to take this step one day.

"Good idea!" Lin Xuan immediately agreed.

Xiao Qingyao over there.

In fact, she mustered up a lot of courage. She kept staring at Lin Xuan's expression. If Lin Xuan was slightly mocking at this time, she might not be able to hold back and ran away on the spot.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan's attitude is also very "positive".

This made her breathe a little easier.

Even so, when I reacted, I still felt my face was burning hot...

In other words, this is also her in front of Lin Xuan.

It's the first time I'm so bold.


"Then what should we do now?" Lin Xuan asked, "It can't be in the back mountain."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with fighting in the wild.

He also wanted to try.

The key point is that Aunt Lan and the group of closed disciples interrupted me just now.

Aunt You Qi deliberately eavesdropped on the wall.

This greatly affects the interest.

And it's not guaranteed, someone else will come.

"Remember the Moonlight Bead I gave you?" Xiao Qingyao blushed pretty, lowered her head and whispered, "It's pretty good there."

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up.

It is indeed a nice place!

In addition to being used as space equipment, the Moon Reflecting Orb also has a small world inside, with exotic flowers and plants, towering old trees, and a small pavilion inside... I heard from Xiao Qingyao that she sometimes went there to rest.

Looking at it now, it is hidden, safe, and completely isolated from prying and influence from the outside world.

It is indeed very suitable for field combat.

Without saying a word, the two went into the Moon Reflecting Bead hand in hand.

The small world inside the Moonlight Pearl is the same as the outside world at dawn and dusk.

So going in at this time is also night.

The two came to the pavilion.

They cuddled up to each other and began to do some things with ease, such as rubbing each other's ears and temples, exchanging saliva and so on.

"Remember what I told you, after the retreat, I will give you a big surprise?"

Xiao Qingyao took a breath and whispered.

"Of course I remember." Lin Xuan sneaked in and said, "But, this is the big surprise, right?"

"Not satisfied with such a surprise?" Xiao Qingyao was slightly surprised when she heard it.

This is already her limit, okay?

Could there be a bigger surprise than this?

"Satisfied!" Lin Xuan said without raising his head.

"Why, how dare you be dissatisfied?" Xiao Qingyao looked shy, and pointed her finger on Lin Xuan's head coquettishly.

Lin Xuanzheng got an advantage.

Of course I didn't dare to refute: "Don't dare!"

"It's more or less..." Xiao Qingyao completely let go of her airs as the head of the female devil, and slowly closed her eyes at this moment. She had no other thoughts in her mind, and only wanted Lin Xuan to be


The two were getting better and better.

After all, he had practiced many times before, and although he lacked a finishing touch, he was quite familiar with the coordination of movements.

Yet at this moment.

Xiao Qingyao felt an incomparably majestic force suddenly surging in her body, which could not be suppressed at all, and she wanted to rush out of her body, roaring out.

She was shocked.

Could it be that the realm wants to break through again? !

When she left the customs, her realm had already broken through from the middle stage of C-level to the late stage of C-level. Although she had advanced a lot, she was only one step away from B-level.

But even so.

With Xiao Qingyao's own cultivation experience, it is still extremely difficult to break through to B level.

With a little luck, you may not even be able to break through for several years.

But at this time, the cultivation base in the body showed signs of breakthrough level, what happened?

Is there really such a wonderful thing about double cultivation?
But they are not dual cultivation!Moreover, it hasn't really started yet, so it's not going well!


Xiao Qingyao's heart shook violently.

After thinking about it for a moment, it was as if the river was overwhelmed in the body.

"Lin Xuan... wait! Well, I'm about to break through! I have to practice quickly and stabilize my cultivation!"

Xiao Qingyao pushed Lin Xuan back.

While panting heavily, he spoke in a difficult tone.

What the hell?

You are about to break through, so you have to practice quickly?
Lin Xuan, who was about to put his head down and work hard once and for all, couldn't take it anymore.

My heart was on fire all of a sudden.

I took off my fucking pants, you told me to wait, I'm going to practice, to break through and upgrade? !


It doesn't matter how important it is to practice.

Therefore, it is impossible to stop.

However, when Xiao Qingyao immediately crossed his legs to practice dignifiedly when he saw the surrounding aura vibrating, Lin Xuan woke up instantly and became serious.

After all, a breakthrough is a big deal.

If you don't do it well, you will become obsessed.

Forget it, this bowl of rice has been eaten for the first time, and it will be eaten sooner or later, so how can it let it fly for nothing?
Lin Xuan comforted himself.

So he calmed down, stood by, and paid attention to Xiao Qingyao's situation at any time.

There will be no phenomena of heaven and earth if you break through to B level.

But personally, there are still certain risks.


After half an hour.

Xiao Qingyao successfully broke through to B level.

Become one of the only B-ranks in the world!

In the cultivation system of this world, D-level can effectively avoid thermal weapons, and C-level can fight against thermal weapons head-on.

And B grade.

It can communicate with heaven and earth to a certain extent, and borrow the laws of heaven and earth!

As far as the current situation is concerned, except for the B-level of Skynet, with Xiao Qingyao's current level of strength, it is no exaggeration to say that he can sweep the invincible opponents in the world.

"Master, the breakthrough is complete?"

Lin Xuan said happily.

At any rate, the head of the sect is his wife, who is also a B-level, the only B-level in the whole world.

Of course I am happy.

"How is it? Do you feel invincible?"

"It seems that your husband and I have to practice hard in the future! Try to surpass you as soon as possible! Hahaha..."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


Xiao Qingyao over there did not respond.

Still motionless, sitting upright with eyes closed, did not answer Lin Xuan's question for a long time.

"what happened?"

Lin Xuan was puzzled, and said with a smile: "Breakthrough the B-level, the head, do you want to deny my husband?"

As he spoke, he approached Xiao Qingyao.

A hand reached out to Xiao Qingyao's face as before, wanting to pinch it.


When his hand didn't touch Xiao Qingyao.

Xiao Qingyao suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were piercing and radiant.

It was as if he didn't know who Lin Xuan was.

Lin Xuan couldn't help being surprised when he saw it.

What's the situation? This is it.

Could it be that the leader broke through the B rank and went mad? !

At this time.

Xiao Qingyao stared at Lin Xuan indifferently, and suddenly stretched out a hand.

"Is this your thing?"

Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Qingyao's hand, and saw a dead transparent Gu worm on the plain hand.

My heart suddenly turned cold.

Damn, infatuation Gu? !

(End of this chapter)

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