Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 138 Love and Hate War, It's Time to Come

Chapter 138 Love and Hate War, It's Time to Come

See infatuation Gu.

Lin Xuan has sobered up a lot. Just now, Ruan Ruanxiang was so distracted that he forgot about this.

Xiao Qingyao's initial affection for herself was entirely due to the infatuation Gu.

And as long as the cultivation base is upgraded to B level.

It can restrain all levels of Gu insects, of course including the infatuation Gu that I ate before!
And this is the moment when the truth comes out!

Lin Xuan always remembered such a thing.

I didn't expect to fall into too deep today.

I forgot for a while...


Seeing Xiao Qingyao's suddenly cold and sharp eyes.

Lin Xuan understood that the headmaster already knew the ins and outs of everything related to Lin Xuan, such as love at first sight, ten thousand years at a glance, sudden, unforgettable love that cannot be extricated...

It's all just the effect of love Gu!

at this time.

He also understood that what he said was useless!
The other party is the head of the house and the head of the female devil, and today he has been promoted to B-level, how can he stand such "deception"!
I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: The day that should come, has always come!
It's just that this time it's extremely dangerous.


Shouldn't the female devil head snap herself!

"Lin Xuan, I just want to ask you, did you do it on purpose?"

Xiao Qingyao stared at Lin Xuan and asked coldly.

At this time, she has completely become that ruthless leader.

The tyrannical coercion was released.

His face is stern, his eyes are like knives.

If anyone here who knows Xiao Qingyao's style is here, they will definitely think that the head is going to kill again!


Lin Xuan shook his head, stared at Xiao Qingyao, and tried to answer calmly.

"Then are you hypocritical about me?" Xiao Qingyao asked again.

Lin Xuan's heart beat a drum: This is the second sentence of the question...

But on the surface.

Still staring at Xiao Qingyao, she replied very seriously: "If I say no, would you believe me?"

"I don't believe it."

Xiao Qingyao sneered.

Then there was a groan.

Draw the sword out of the sheath.

The three-foot Qingfeng pointed at Lin Xuan from a distance.

Although he didn't force Lin Xuan's throat with a sword, the danger Lin Xuan felt was even worse!

"From the beginning to the end, you were just deceiving me! I never thought that now, when the truth is revealed, you would still dare to lie!" Xiao Qingyao said coldly.

"I did not lie."

Lin Xuan immediately refuted.

But he felt Xiao Qingyao's powerful coercion and Senhan's sword intent.

Still trembling for a while.

After all, it is a B-rank powerhouse!
At this time, the system's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding! 】

[Detecting the current situation of the host, triggering a skill that is a little stronger than you, do you want to use it? 】

"Use!" Lin Xuan didn't hesitate.

【Ding! 】

[The host is currently facing a serious danger, it is recommended to eat the recovery fruit immediately to restore physical strength! 】

Serious danger?

Lin Xuan's heart suddenly burst into horror.

This girl really wants to kill someone? !


System, are you serious, let labor and management eat the fruits of recovery?

He is very clear about such an unscrupulous thing as recovery fruit. When cultivating in the secret realm, a small piece can make the iron armor burst into flames.

But now.

The master is not trying to create people, but to kill people!
【Ding! 】

[In view of the current situation, the system strongly recommends eating recovery fruits! 】

Lin Xuan: "..."

Well, take it.

Still quickly took out a recovery fruit and ate it quickly.

And over there.

With a sneer, Xiao Qingyao has already swung the long sword in her hand, holding the power of the world.

Head towards Lin Xuan to kill him!


Before breaking through to B level, Xiao Qingyao never doubted her feelings for Lin Xuan.

She used to be known as an old virgin with steel and iron bones.

Never been in love.

After falling in love suddenly, while being flustered, I felt that I fell in love with Lin Xuan at first sight.


When she breaks through to B level.

But after she successfully suppressed the Gu worm in her body, everything became clear in an instant.

The state of mind was suddenly shocked and stunned beyond measure.

It was like hearing a big joke.

Difficult to accept, difficult to understand.


It turned out to be a fact!
A few days ago, when Shui Ruyan visited Tian Yizong, she even showed off to him, feeling that she had finally got rid of this difficult girlfriend who had unreasonable thoughts about her, and she had finally settled down and found her. life long love.



It turns out that this incident, from beginning to end, was all caused by love Gu.

Think back to your infatuation back then.

It's just a joke!

Xiao Qingyao herself is arrogant and decisive in killing the female devil leader, and even had a hundred lives in her hands!

How did you endure such humiliation? !
At this moment, she only had one thought in her mind: kill!

She knew Lin Xuan's ability.

Amazing talent, rapid progress.

Even Shui Ruyan, who was in the middle of C-level, was carelessly defeated by him.


Xiao Qingyao hit Lin Xuan's sword with all her strength and without mercy.

Carrying the great power of a B-level powerhouse, he roared away.The surrounding vegetation was pushed down by large pieces, and the pavilion cover of the gazebo was also blown to the ground under the howling wind!

This sword.

Xiao Qingyao actually wanted to kill with one blow!


From Lin Xuan's side, he saw Xiao Qingyao's sword attack with all his strength, coming to kill him.

My heart was also shocked.

From this, it can be seen that the headmaster has deep resentment towards him...

After activating skills that are always a little bit stronger than you.

Under the blessing of Batian Armor.

Lin Xuan was not harmed under the power of the B-rank powerhouse.

Moreover, his speed and strength at this time have surpassed Xiao Qingyao, so it is extremely easy to dodge this sword.


He chose another way.

In order to be in charge, he decided to take a gamble, and after all, at the beginning, everything was his infatuation Gu, working in secret...

"Master, listen to my explanation!"

"The matter of infatuation Gu is purely a misunderstanding, and I didn't think of it! But no matter what, my feelings for the master are serious, and there is no adulteration!"

Facing Xiao Qingyao's attacking long sword.

Lin Xuan stood where he was, neither dodging nor dodging,
With a focused expression, he quickly said: "In the beginning, I looked up to the head, respected and loved it, and it was out of reach! Now, I like the head..."

Xiao Qingyao froze.

Then he sneered: "Do you think this seat won't kill you?"



The long sword was already very close to Lin Xuan's chest.

Lin Xuan still didn't move.

His gaze was fixed on Xiao Qingyao, affectionate and focused.

Xiao Qingyao's complexion moved slightly, she gritted her teeth, and the long sword in her hand was still attacking unabated.

The long sword pierced Lin Xuan's chest.

Lin Xuan's face turned pale immediately, and a stream of blood gushed out from his mouth!


(End of this chapter)

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