Chapter 141
Xiao Qingyao's punishment has passed.

Now that Xiao Qingyao has agreed.

And the punishment is over.

Over there, Lin Xuan didn't hesitate anymore, a hungry tiger pounced on Xiao Qingyao.

Xiao Qingyao let out an ah.

After realizing what was going on, he was thrown into the long grass nest.

It's just right to make a bed from the ground.

"What is tempered glass?" Xiao Qingyao asked suddenly.


Lin Xuan was embarrassed for a while.

What you just said is so small, did the headmaster hear it?

After pondering for two seconds, he said nonsense, "Uh, the tempered demon is actually... a kind of monster. Because the body is as hard as steel, it is called the tempered demon."

"This is the Tempered Demon, really?"

"Of course it is true!"



The two were familiar with the road at first, and it was the time when the journey went smoothly.

Lin Xuan suddenly discovered something unexpected.

Another burst of embarrassment.

What the hell, it can't be...

Xiao Qingyao reacted quickly, and after checking it herself, she was also embarrassed for a while.

"Sorry, my relatives are here..."

Lin Xuan felt dizzy when he heard it.

Rely on!
Sure enough, people are not as good as heaven...

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Qingyao looked embarrassed because she couldn't help Lin Xuan.

"I do not know either."

Lin Xuan didn't know what to say.Why is it so difficult to have an exchange of life with the head?
Is this the legend that all good things take time?

Communication in life is secondary.

The key is to endure for so long.

With the abnormal medicinal effect of the recovery fruit, I am going to explode!

"Master, you have bitten, and you have already punished him, so you can't just leave him alone..." Lin Xuan said helplessly.

Seeing the situation is really urgent.

Xiao Qingyao became a little restless, and suddenly her beautiful eyes turned, and she said in a low voice, "Why don't you try something like this?"


Already flushed.

"What is it like?" Lin Xuan asked.

But then I saw that Xiao Qingyao had strange eyes, and picked up the sword on the ground again.

I couldn't help but panic.

Try something like this?
Is it going to be cut? !

After about four hours.

Lin Xuan's surging blood finally calmed down.

The two cleaned up.

After being tired for a while, they joined hands and came out of the Moon Reflecting Pearl.

At that time, Lin Xuan was shocked when he saw Xiao Qingyao picking up the long sword, thinking that Xiao Qingyao's solution was to let everything go.

in fact.

Xiao Qingyao just felt that the long sword was still on the ground and was in the way, so she put it in the space equipment.

Her real way.

But it was inspired by Aunt Lan.

That day, Aunt Lan took a photo album for a while to explain to Xiao Qingyao about the relationship.

Because the content is too shocking.

Xiao Qingyao glanced at it.

I find it really unacceptable.

Just throw away the photo album like a hot potato on the spot.

Although it was a glimpse at the time.

But impressed.

I can't forget it for a long time.

It wasn't until that moment just now, because I couldn't help Lin Xuan, and couldn't do what I promised, that I suddenly thought of the content in the album.

I didn't expect to use it.

Xiao Qingyao still felt very ashamed, but felt sorry for Lin Xuan...

Just did it for him once.

In the end, I was so tired that I was sweating profusely, and my face was flushed...

Lin Xuan was shocked at the time.

Can the female devil be like this? !

Surprised in my heart, but also a burst of gratitude.

Thinking about how I saved the Milky Way in my previous life, otherwise, how could I have such a good wife! ! !


a few days later.

It was the day of graduation from the Daoyuan class of Bailu College.

This is the busiest day of the year at Bailu College in Jiangcheng.

At that time, all the leaders of the college, all the leaders of Tianyi School, all the leaders and big shots of Jiangcheng, will participate.

Lin Xuan asked Xiao Qingyao in advance.

Xiao Qingyao said he was busy.

I can't go to the graduation ceremony.

But Aunt Lan and Dean Liu's master will be sent to the academy to support her.

Lin Xuan let out a "hmm", and went out after not disturbing Xiao Qingyao's work too much.

Because Xiao Qingyao said he was busy.

That is really busy.

After retreating for a long time, the Tianyi School has accumulated a lot of documents, which needs to be handled by her, the head of the school.

As the head of Tianyi Sect, Xiao Qingyao is actually very conscientious.

A proper model worker.

As long as it is Zongmen affairs, it is beneficial to Zongmen's development.

Even entanglements with other sects.

She will be serious and responsible, personally.

Also often short-term.

Protect the people in the sect.

In the ancient times when the sect was prosperous, the Tianyi Sect must be in her hands, carry forward and sweep the time.


Now that the aura is recovering, the government is big.

Even though Xiao Qingyao was diligent, the development of Tianyi School was still limited.


She will not deliberately fight against the government.

She can still figure out who is the arm and who is the leg.

Even after she broke through the B rank.


The day of the graduation ceremony was very lively.

Big guys gather.

Because of his outstanding cultivation and his outstanding performance in the secret trial, Lin Xuan became a well-deserved focus person on the scene.

A large group of people even ran to Bailu Academy to watch.

"This is the legendary forest god! It really is a talent!"

"People are like rainbows, you will know when you meet them!"

"I love it, I really want to give birth to a monkey for God Lin!"

"Just you? Why? With your pair, you can't afford to A!"

"That's right! In Bailu College, God Lin has a lot of wives, whoever gave birth to a monkey will get you from an outer courtyard..."

"Hmph! Lin Shen will always be ours!"


A group of nympho from other schools below saw Lin Xuan drooling.

I'm afraid I'll pounce on it in the next second.

The girls in this school were filled with righteous indignation.

One after another began to protect the school grass activities.

The scene was full of voices.

There was a lot of noise.

This time, without waiting for Liu Yingshi's instruction, Feng Zhenhua took the initiative to rectify the order of the scene several times.

It doesn't last long each time.

But he doesn't care too much, the ceremony should be festive and lively, right...

Because of the secret trial, he led the team.

And because of Lin Xuan, Feng Zhenhua's face was full of brilliance at this time. As he walked around, many bigwigs greeted him one after another.

For a while, I was embarrassed in front of people.

Even the waist straightened a lot.

On Lin Xuan's side, he was even surrounded by a bunch of leaders and bosses.

There are those who want to sign autographs, those who want to take a group photo, some who want to give money, and those who want to invite work.

Liu Yingshi as the principal.

Standing next to Lin Xuan, introducing the new leader from time to time, and inserting a sentence or two with a smile on his face, as if Lin Xuan was the dean.

no way.

Who made Lin Xuan the pride and face of her Egret Academy at this time!

In the face of the enthusiasm of the leaders around.

Although Lin Xuan was helpless, he also had a smile on his face and coped with it with ease.

after all.

Anyway, Bailu College was established on the basis of Tian Yizong.

And the head of Tianyi Sect is his wife...

Lin Xuan said a few polite words one by one.

At this time, a slender, mature and stunning beauty suddenly came into view.

Lin Xuan thought in his heart that it is really the best.

Unexpectedly, when he took a closer look, he was stunned for a moment.

Because they are old acquaintances, Hua Jieyu!

(End of this chapter)

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