Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 142 Hua Jieyu's Invitation

Chapter 142 Hua Jieyu's Invitation

When Hua Jieyu saw Lin Xuan, he was shocked too.

Really this kid? !
She came to Egret Academy today with a mission, and wanted to inject some capable young blood for the selection of the Ability Bureau.

After graduating from the Daoyuan class of Bailu College.

Some people with high talents and ambitions for cultivation are promoted to higher spiritual schools to continue their cultivation and further study.

The other part is going to the society.

Rely on your own cultivation ability to find a job.

Various government departments and major enterprises are exactly where these people go.

Hua Jieyu was also entrusted by the superior.

Let's see if we can send some top graduates from White Deer Academy to the Ability Bureau.

before coming.

She heard that there is a genius monster named Lin Xuan in White Deer College.

My heart skipped a beat.

Don't you think it's the calf?
But then I thought, how can it be such a coincidence, maybe it's just the same name.

Who knows.

When I came to the scene, I saw this genius monster in person.

I found out that it was really this calf...

Seeing Lin Xuan, Hua Jieyu's vision went dark, although he had no intention of letting him go, he didn't expect to meet him so soon.

Speaking of that stormy night, only a few days have passed.

When I think about that time.

Can't help but another tearing pain...

"Director Hua, this is the most outstanding graduate in the history of our college, Lin Xuan!"

Seeing Hua Jieyu standing in front of Lin Xuan, Liu Yingshi remained silent for a long time.

So he took the initiative to introduce.

"Uh... hello!"

Hua Jieyu came to his senses and said quickly.


Lin Xuan also touched his forehead for a while.

I didn't expect to meet Director Hua at the graduation ceremony, thinking that just a few days ago, this female leopard broke his body.

We will meet again soon, in front of so many people.

so embarrassing...

After the simple greetings, Lin Xuan and Hua Jieyu were speechless again.

"...Lin Xuan, this is Director Flower of our Longguo Ability Bureau. When we meet Director Flower, don't you want to shake hands?" Liu Yingshi reminded with a smile at this time.

She was actually very puzzled.

Classmate Lin Xuan is the most outstanding graduate of her White Deer College in history, and the other leaders are all enthusiastic.

Only this Director Hua.

Seeing Lin Xuan, it seems that he doesn't like to see him very much?Not even a handshake.

If only Hua Jieyu understood Liu Yingshi's thoughts.

I'm afraid I have to cry on the spot.

How do you want my wife to treat you?

Shake hands?hehe!

My old lady has rolled over the sheets with this calf, okay!It's still a pain in the ass!
"Oh, Director Hua is welcome to attend the graduation ceremony!"

Lin Xuan was the first to react, and stretched out his hand towards Hua Jieyu.

"You're welcome, this is my job duty."

Hua Jieyu over there also instantly put on the airs of his chief.

Pretending not to know Lin Xuan.

Officially said: "I came to your school today mainly to recruit people for the Ability Bureau. I heard that Lin Xuan is the best graduate of Egret Academy. How about it? Are you interested in joining our Ability Bureau?"

Lin Xuan didn't reply yet.

Liu Yingshi next to him was a little excited, and suddenly interjected: "Lin Xuan, the Ability Bureau is a good place to go! The real power department has a good salary!"

"Many graduates of higher spiritual institutions can't get in even if they squeeze their heads!"

"Now Director Hua can take the initiative to invite."

"It can be said to be a good opportunity!"

For White Hart Academy.

The weight of the Ability Bureau is still very clear, to some extent, it is its superior official management organization.

Usually devotional resources or something.

They all need to deal with the Ability Bureau, even Tian Yizong is no exception.

and so.

If Lin Xuan can join the Ability Bureau.

She, Liu Yingying, as the principal of White Deer College, can be regarded as someone above her...


Lin Xuan scratched his head and asked back:
"That's it?"

Hua Jieyu and Liu Yingying were taken aback. Hearing this, why don't you see the supernatural power bureau?

Hua Jieyu paused and said:
"Student Lin Xuan, I know that you may want to go to a higher spiritual institution to continue your studies or something."

"However, as the director of the Ability Bureau, I can tell you frankly that even if it is the top Zhongzhou Lingfu in our Dragon Country, an important place for graduates after graduation is to join our Ability Bureau."

"So, now you have the opportunity to join the Ability Bureau a few years earlier."

"You don't have to worry about the remuneration for joining the Ability Bureau, 10 per month..."

"10 per month?" Liu Yingshi was surprised.

Hua Jieyu nodded: "Well, this is only about salary, and bonuses are calculated separately."

Liu Yingshi was surprised from ear to ear.

This salary level is higher than her...

So he immediately persuaded Lin Xuan again:

"Lin Xuan, 10 yuan per month!"

"It's such a rare opportunity. Why are you hesitating when invited by the director of the Ability Bureau? Hurry up and agree to Director Hua..."

See Liu Yingying's persuasion.

Hua Jieyu had a slightly smug expression.

With such generous treatment from the Ability Bureau, it is impossible for a teenage boy from an ordinary family not to be tempted.

"Student Lin Xuan, Dean Liu is right. The real power department of the Ability Bureau pays very well. It is also the time for employing people. I hope you can think about it."


Together with Liu Yingshi, they looked at Lin Xuan expectantly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan immediately stepped down from the donkey: "Alright then, I'll think about it carefully."

Hua Jieyu was dumbfounded: "!!!!!!"

This calf...

It's really oily and salty!


Hua Jieyu was so annoyed that he just left.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and a middle-aged man came over.

"Boss Hua!"

"Flowers are here..."

Liu Shishi was also angry with Lin Xuan at first, but when he saw someone coming, he rushed to greet him.This Mr. Hua is a rich man who can be counted in the entire Dragon Kingdom, and the big patron of Bailu College.

"Welcome President Hua..."

With a kind face, Hua Dongcheng smiled and nodded to everyone.

The steps went straight towards Lin Xuan.

When Hua Jieyu saw it, he hurriedly wanted to slip away.

Because, that boss Hua is her father.

"Xieyu, why did I want to leave after seeing you?" Hua Dongcheng said.

The tone is flat, but the meaning of the words is very serious.

Hua Jieyu had no choice but to stop, and reluctantly called out: "Dad!"

Hua Dongcheng is usually disciplined very strictly.

Occasionally, Hua Jieyu has to explain for a long time because she does not return home at night because of a mission, and she often worries about her life-long affairs.

That's why Hua Jieyu usually doesn't want to see him.

Hide if you can.

Hua Dongcheng glared at Hua Jieyu, and then turned all his eyes to Lin Xuan next to him.

He said politely, "This little friend is Lin Xuan?"

little friend?

Hua Jieyu and the people around were surprised, saying when did President Hua ever be so polite.

After getting Lin Xuan's affirmative answer.

Hua Dongcheng looked Lin Xuan up and down.

With a surprised expression, he said: "Sure enough, he is handsome and talented! He is indeed the pride of Jiangcheng, an unprecedented genius of Bailu Academy!"

"I heard that in the secret realm, you defeated ten D-rank iron-armored flame tigers by yourself?"

With my own strength, I defeated ten...

Of course it is a falsehood.

But Lin Xuan couldn't explain it, he couldn't expose the ten iron-armored flame tigers, the secret of love...

He just nodded and admitted, "Yes."

Hua Dongcheng was overjoyed to hear that.

after that.

Talk to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan responded calmly, and his answers were fluent, causing Hua Dongcheng to boast again.

Huadong City passed through Jiangcheng on a business trip.

I heard that there is an unborn genius in White Deer College. As a frequent sponsor, I stopped by to have a look.

I also happened to meet my daughter Hua Jieyu.

Hua Dongcheng talked to Lin Xuan for a while.

The more I talk, the more satisfied I am.

But because I still have important things to do, I had to leave.But before leaving, seeing her daughter Hua Jieyu was still beside her, she rolled her eyes and suddenly explained to Hua Jieyu:
"Xieyu, I left beforehand, you are also the director of the Ability Bureau, talk to little friend Lin Xuan."

"Don't think that if you become the director, your tail will go up to the sky."

"You are all young men."

"It's good to communicate and communicate!"

Hua Jieyu heard what Hua Dongcheng meant.

How can you not understand what your father said?Probably want to be this kid's father-in-law...

My heart suddenly collapsed.

Dad, how can he be so deceitful?
Have a good exchange...

Please, how else can we communicate?We have already communicated in depth!


(End of this chapter)

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