Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 144 It's okay, it's okay, you guys continue...

Chapter 144 It's okay, it's okay, you guys continue...

Zheng Li was filled with emotions for a moment.

Seeing that Lin Xuan had achieved success in his studies and was admitted to Zhongzhou Lingfu, he felt that the ten years of hard work had not been in vain.


As soon as I saw Lin Xuan's present.

I couldn't help but think of him as another handsome young man.

Actually herself.

It's also hard to tell whether this is my own obsession, or whether these two are the same person at all...

Back then, Zheng Li searched for a long time, and finally brought Lin Xuan back to the orphanage.

Although Lin Xuan is only seven or eight years old.

An orphan who has no blood relationship with her and was abandoned.

But the first thing she saw.

It felt like this was the person she had had the deepest love-hate relationship with!

Lin Xuan took a quick shower, and when he came out wearing pants, he found Zheng Li still standing there.

I couldn't help being startled.

I hurried back and covered it with a bath towel.

Zheng Li saw it and reacted immediately.

Deliberately joking: "What are you afraid of, what did I see when you were young..."

Lin Xuan was speechless: "..."

Auntie, this joke is not funny...

But after looking at it, he still found that the other party was crying.

Asked in surprise, "Auntie, why are you crying?"

"I, did I cry?" Zheng Li said in surprise, and wiped her tears with her hands.

Immediately covered up a smile:


"Didn't my aunt see you growing up and being admitted to the Zhongzhou Lingfu... Isn't this so happy and excited!"

Then he looked at Lin Xuan and hesitated for a moment.

He still said: "Xiaoxuan, wait a moment. If you are hungry, watch TV for a while and have some snacks. I will cook right away! I will cook your favorite meal..."


Then he hurried to the kitchen.

Lin Xuan looked at Zheng Li in confusion, what happened to my aunt today?Really too happy?

But I didn't take it to heart.

My aunt always treats him with no ill intentions.

Shaking his head, he went back to the house and changed his clothes, then turned on the TV in the living room.

And in the kitchen.

Zheng Li is still tangled in her heart.

Hesitate again and again.

Still stopped, the urge to tell Lin Xuan the truth in his heart.

He has just grown up now, and his splendid life has just begun, and it is the time when his future is limitless. How can you tell him the heavy past? !

That's it.

In this life, there is nothing wrong with continuing to be his aunt.


When he re-climbs to the top of the Great Dao and defies all sentient beings, he will understand everything!


this decade.

Zheng Li has been doing busy accounting work as an ordinary person, living a simple life.

Watching Lin Xuan grow up day by day.

I hope he can enter the Daoyuan class of Bailu College.

Admitted to higher spiritual institutions.

I hope he will succeed in the future and marry a beautiful wife.

When he was grade F in the talent test, he failed the monthly test and was about to be kicked out of the Daoyuan class.

Just kidding him to get married early.

Then quickly give birth to a baby.

It is expected that a cultivation genius will emerge from the next generation.

When he made a breakthrough in cultivation.

Willfully disbelieve.

Said to communicate with the tutor in the college.



When Zheng Li adopted Lin Xuan from the orphanage, she didn't choose her at random, but she always knew about Lin Xuan's background.

Know that he is very talented.

Know his great identity.

Knowing that one day in the future, he will definitely return as a king...

And why she did it.

only one.

That is to protect Lin Xuan as much as possible!
Prevent him from being exposed prematurely and being fatally hit by hidden enemies before he is strong enough.

of course.

Zheng Li herself.

It is also very powerful, and its identity is not simple.

But these years, she has always regarded herself as Lin Xuan's aunt.

It's still a bit of an advantage to Lin Xuan...


About all this, Lin Xuan is completely unclear.

He just knows.

Zheng Li is his aunt.

In his first 18 years of life, besides the head of the sect, his aunt was his only family member and the most important person in his life!


My aunt made a big meal.

After Lin Xuan enjoyed it to his heart's content, he suddenly discovered a big problem.

That is, the school starts very early in Zhongzhou Lingfu.

It is more than a month earlier than previous years.

Basically, the summer vacation was cut off.

The explanation given by the Zhongzhou Lingfu was that the government had issued an early warning of the accelerated recovery of spiritual energy in the near future, so school started earlier.

And Zhongzhou Lingfu is in Shanghai.

Although it's not too far from Jiangcheng, it's only about one or two hundred kilometers.

But after all, it is still not convenient to communicate.

"I'm sure I'm fine!"

Zheng Li knew what Lin Xuan was thinking, "It will take two or three hours by car. If you want to come back to see my aunt, you can do it on weekends."

"That's still not good."

Lin Xuan said: "It would be nice if I could go to Bailu College. When I get home after school, I can eat hot noodles made by my aunt."

"If you like, I can also go to Shanghai to see you." Zheng Li smiled, "Anyway, I often go on business trips, and when I go to Shanghai on business, maybe I can drop by to see you and serve you a bowl Noodles or something..."

"Okay, then it's settled!" Lin Xuan said immediately.

"Auntie, if you have nothing to do, go to Demon City to see me!"

"Yes!" Zheng Li looked at Lin Xuan and said with a smile: "But you boy, do you only want my aunt to do this alone? What about your family, don't you want her to go and see?"

Lin Xuan chuckled.

That must be...

If the head doesn't go to the Demon City to see him, he might sneak back!
"Auntie, I'm going out!" After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he wanted to go out excitedly.

"Where are you going?" Zheng Li asked casually.

But it feels superfluous to ask.

Immediately explained again: "Go, go, tell me in advance if you don't come back at night..."

Lin Xuan's face blushed: "...Okay!"

Then he ran out.

Zheng Li sat alone at the dining table, seeing that the table was full of dishes, and was completely eaten, and she was satisfied again.

Suddenly again.

Inexplicably a little sour.


Lin Xuan left the house, and naturally went straight to Tianyizong.

School will start soon.

Even after school started, it would be inconvenient to see each other on the weekend.

It's better, while there is still some time.

As much as possible, stay in Gentle Township for a few more times...

Arrived at the bedroom of the head of Tianyi sect.

Xiao Qingyao is still busy dealing with sect affairs.

These days, Xiao Qingyao has almost no free time, either for cultivation or for these things.

A few days ago.

Lin Xuan also couldn't bear to disturb Xiao Qingyao.

But it's different now.

"Lin Xuan, I'm busy!" Xiao Qingyao said in a coquettish tone when she saw that Lin Xuan was messing around and couldn't do the work at all.

"I'm still busy with work, and you won't be able to see me soon." Lin Xuan said with his head buried.

"Ah? What's going on?" Xiao Qingyao asked in surprise.

"Actually, it's nothing, but I've been escorted to Zhongzhou Lingfu, and the journal will start in these two days..." Lin Xuan said.

"So early?" Xiao Qingyao said.

She also knew that the Lingfu of Zhongzhou was located in Modu, one or two hundred kilometers away from Jiangcheng.

If school starts.

It is not so convenient to meet up.

"Who said no!"

Lin Xuan said while exploring the new world: "So, my dear Master, are you still willing to take care of your work?"

After such a persuasion.

Xiao Qingyao's pretty face blushed over there.

Suddenly, with a soft cry, he knocked off Lin Xuan's excessive hand: "Let me think about it!"

So stand still.

He hesitated for a while.

Until his face was flushed, like a ripe red apple.

He didn't dare to look at Lin Xuan again.

Then he whispered: "Alright then..."

Coincidentally at this time.

Aunt Lan suddenly opened the door and came in because she had something to report.

See the scene in front of you.

Immediately covering his eyes, he hurriedly stepped out again: "It's okay, it's okay, you continue..."


(End of this chapter)

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