Chapter 145
Aunt Lan ran into Lin Xuan and the two doing some embarrassing things, she was panicked and embarrassed.

Hastily backed out.

He also closed the door smoothly.

no way.

How many painful lessons in the past told her that in such a situation, she could only pretend to be deaf and dumb, and hurried away, seeing nothing and knowing nothing.

You can't listen to the root of the wall either.

If only a little slower.

Waiting is likely to be a beating...

Xiao Qingyao and Lin Xuan in the room were also embarrassed.

By the way, what's wrong with Aunt Lan, it's such a coincidence every time!


Disturbances are disturbances, and we still have to continue to work hard on the business.

A blush welled up on Xiao Qingyao's face.

Lin Xuan went out to check.

Close the door again.

Then come back and continue on your way.

However, the situation is the same as last time in Yingyuezhu, the relatives of the head family have been here for a few days, and they haven't left yet.

Lin Xuan didn't care either.

A good meal is not afraid of being late.

Besides, the experience in the last episode of Yingyuezhuli was not bad.

That is, you will be a little tired if you work hard to be the leader...


But after Aunt Lan left.

It took me a long time to trot all the way, and my heart couldn't stop beating.

Speaking of which, what's wrong with the boss?
It's only been a few days, and I ran into her again!
But I think that Lin Xuan is about to start school.

Also understand the behavior of the two.

After all, the Lingfu of Zhongzhou is located in Shanghai, a little far away from Jiangcheng. Of course, we should take advantage of the present and seize the time to make love every now and then...


That's not enough to surprise Aunt Lan.

Because of the scene she ran into when she entered the house.

The action of the master.

It's clearly the content in her photo album.

Could it be that he learned the past from the master? !
thought here.

Aunt Lan couldn't help opening her eyes wide, and her heart was full of turmoil!
This kid Lin Xuan really knows how to enjoy it...


After about two hours.

Only Xiao Qingyao had completed the task.

Lie down on the bed, tired and paralyzed.


"If it weren't for the fact that you are going to report for duty, I wouldn't help you with anything!" Xiao Qingyao blushed, with a resentful expression on her face.

"My wife has worked hard!"

Lin Xuan contentedly pecked Xiao Qingyao's face.

Then he explained: "It's not that your relatives haven't left yet. Wait for next time, next time you don't have to do anything, just lie down and enjoy, leave the dirty work to me..."

How could Xiao Qingyao not understand what Lin Xuan meant.

Qiao's face turned red again, and she spat.


"Next time, I think you are thinking of beauty! Be careful I will bite it off!"

Seeing the narrow smile in Lin Xuan's eyes, he couldn't help being coquettish, and stretched out his hand to pinch the soft flesh in Lin Xuan's waist.

"Come on, bite me..."

Lin Xuan happily hid for a while.


A few months ago, would you have thought of the treatment you have today?
The ruthless and murderous female devil in charge, a B-level powerhouse, and the girl of heaven.

It turned out to be my wife, serving me...!
This treatment.

Looking around the world, there is no one...

"I said head, if you are reluctant, I will not report at all, and stay with you in Tianyizong." Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Qingyao and asked tentatively.

He has a salty personality, likes to eat, drink and have fun, and has no big ambitions.

Anyway, there is a system.

In Jiangcheng, there is a master and a sister-in-law, so it's actually not bad to stay.

He thought that the head would at least consider this proposal.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingyao immediately refused:

"Forget it, let's go to your school."

"The Zhongzhou Lingfu is such a good place, if you don't go, isn't it a waste of your talent?"

"Besides, you men, after all, are very playful, and your ambitions are everywhere. What's the point of just chaining you to my Tianyi sect? Even if you stay in Tianyi sect, after a few years, you may complain that I don't give you freedom It's..."

Lin Xuan thought about it, the head said it made sense.

Just didn't insist.

So he hugged the Sect Leader's slender waist.

In my arms.

It feels really great to have such a reasonable head as a wife...

And head.

Like a kitten, it curled up in Lin Xuan's arms for a while.

Then he quietly said:

"However, I have no objection to you going to school, but I can make it clear that you are not allowed to flirt with girls in Zhongzhou Lingfu."

"If I find out, you know the consequences."

"Did you hear?"


Stretching out her plain finger, she tapped Lin Xuan, and then made a fierce expression.

Strange to say.

Once the headmaster's expression became fierce, the temperament of the female devil would be revealed without a doubt, which often made people shudder and avoid it.

However, the head of the sect at this time is extremely soft and charming.

Lin Xuan saw it.

My heart felt hot, and there was another reaction below.

"Understood." After saying a word, he lowered his head again and sealed the head's delicate and charming lips.


The master made a vague sound, and immediately noticed the changes in Lin Xuan's body.

Can't help but a little frightened:

"Huh?... I was so tired that I was half dead, and you came again?!"

Lin Xuan did not speak.

Instead, he buried his head deep in the mountains and answered this question with practical actions.

side action.

While inexplicable, I thought of Hua Jieyu.

There was a sigh in my heart.

The head of the sect stared at him so closely, if she found out, it would be the first time that fierce female leopard snatched him away...

I don't know if it will go crazy.


Lin Xuan lingered in Tianyizong for a long time.

After spending some time with the headmaster, until he scored twice, he left with the headmaster's kind instructions.

Lin Xuan returned home.

Then I started to pack up and go to Zhongzhou Lingfu.

"It's so urgent, don't you still have time?"

"Aren't you going to stay at home for a few more days?"

Seeing Lin Xuan collecting luggage, Zheng Li asked from the side.

Since returning from this business trip, she heard that Lin Xuan said that she would report to Zhongzhou University immediately, so she has not been at work and wanted to spend as much time with Lin Xuan as possible.

at the same time.

In addition, he decided to temporarily conceal the truth about Lin Xuan's life experience from Lin Xuan.

Seeing that he came back from Tianyi School with high spirits, needless to say, it must be... again.


Zheng Li was always unhappy.

At this moment, seeing Lin Xuan packing his luggage, he felt even more reluctant.


Lin Xuan replied casually, "The urging from Lingfu was already tight, but I'm still slow."

side said.

While packing the luggage.

But without experience, things are still in a mess.

"Forget it, I'll clean it up."

Zheng Li sighed secretly and helped clean up.

Not long after, all the luggage was packed.

And this time.

Lin Xuan could see Zheng Li's emotions, something was not quite right.

Puzzled and asked: "What's the matter, auntie? I'm going to school, not..."

Zheng Li also knew that she was a bit too much.

So come forward.

He casually grabbed one of Lin Xuan's arms, forced a smile and said, "Auntie knows, this is not the first time you have traveled far away, but you are a bit reluctant to go so far away alone..."

"Is it far? It's only one or two hundred kilometers away."

Lin Xuan then comforted: "It's okay, auntie! If you want to see me, you can do it anytime. Besides, you said it before, anyway, you are often on business trips, so you can drop by to see me when you are on the way."

"Can you?" Zheng Li still asked.

"of course can."

Lin Xuan's tone was firm, and he said without hesitation: "You come to see me, if you don't find it troublesome, you can still give me a meal."

"Our family's meal."

"I like all kinds of noodles my aunt made for me the most!"


(End of this chapter)

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