Chapter 147 The Stunning Girl
"Little brother, don't miss this opportunity. I have never taken the initiative to accept disciples. I am the chief elder of my Luoxia Sect. In the sect, it is basically the same..." Li Yunchang continued to persuade,

"Thank you for your kindness." Lin Xuan still shook his head.

"OK then."

Li Yunchang's tone was regrettable, but he still didn't want to give up. He rolled his eyes and said, "I said little brother, let me remind you again. Our Luoxia Sect is a famous sect in the Dragon Kingdom. The female disciple is as beautiful as a flower, and as beautiful as a cloud."

"Not only are they tender and tender, but they are also delicate and naive, and have never seen the world..."

"I think the little brother is a good-looking talent. If you have an idea, it's still easy to win..."

After finishing speaking, he kept blinking at Lin Xuan with an expression that you understand.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was a little speechless.

In order to recruit apprentices, the old guy has started to seduce female disciples?

But please.

Young master, I am guilty of peach blossoms.

Like the kind of person who lacks women...


Afterwards, all the way was peaceful, Lin Xuan continued to doze off, and the old Taoist chattered about nothing.

Almost to the magic capital.

The car broke down suddenly.

It took about half an hour to fix the car.

But fortunately, because they were approaching the magic city, most of the passengers had no complaints, and if they were in a hurry, they just changed cars and left.

Li Yunchang got out of the car and went to buy food.

Lin Xuan was not in a hurry anyway, so he got out of the car and wandered around for a while.

At this moment, there was a burst of crying nearby.

Lin Xuan looked for the sound.

But on Lu's side, a teenage girl was surrounded by a few gangsters.

"Please let me go! That's all the money I have on me, what if you take it away from me..."

The little girl cried and begged.

I hope that some gangsters robbed her wallet and can return some of the money to her.

After the recovery of spiritual energy, although the social order has improved a lot.

But like this extortion.

Still a lot.

Many people around were furious at the little gangster, but frightened by the strength of the little gangster, no one dared to step forward at this time. The one who had acted bravely just now was kicked away by the little gangster, unable to get up for a long time.

Lin Xuan glanced at the gangsters.

Immediately also surprised.

It turned out to be three E grades, and one... D grade!
What the hell, is the devil so hung up?
Even a little punk has a D grade? !
However, what surprised Lin Xuan was the little girl's appearance.

Although he is young, has not yet fully grown, and wears only simple t-shirt denim white shoes, but his face is beautiful, his figure is graceful, like a fresh and elegant flower that is about to bloom, his youthful vitality cannot be concealed, and he is very slim. posture.

A few gangsters are obviously not just stealing money.

He looked at the crying little girl in front of him.

There is a touch of surprise and covetousness in the eyes.

"Little sister, let's go with the brothers!"

"As long as you stay with the brothers for a few days, not only will all your money be returned to you, but the brothers will also give you money!"

"Three or five hundred a day is less, and ten thousand is also possible..."

"Yes, I promise to make my little sister eat delicious food, buy you good things, and bring you to meet the big boss and see the colorful world of our magic capital..."


A few punks grinned triumphantly.

Slowly approaching the little girl.

Seeing this, the little girl burst into tears and cried for help.

But after seeing the tricks of the gangsters before, none of the people around dared to step forward, and they only dared to be angry and dare not speak out.

Lin Xuan here.

At this time, I was upset to listen to it.

Moreover, such a beautiful girl can't stand being bullied by a few gangsters.

Simply go forward.

"Let go of her!" Lin Xuan shouted coldly.

Those gangsters were about to attack the little girl, when they turned around and saw Lin Xuan, they all smiled disdainfully.

"Another one who is not afraid of death!"

"Tsk tsk, not bad..."


Lin Xuan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly took out the brick from the system.

No, it is a more magical brick.

After fusion.

I haven't tried it yet, so I just took these unlucky guys as test products.

A few gangsters were still laughing.

Just listen to bang bang bang bang...

With a horrifying crash.

Lin Xuan swung the bricks, and each of the gangsters hit it, and there was no lack of one.

In the blink of an eye, they all flew out.

Including that D-Class...

People around are dumbfounded.

This is too casual, too 6!How come it's like smashing and playing, and smashing a few bastards out like sandbags in an instant...

in fact.

With Lin Xuan's C-level, play a few E-level and D-level.

That's easy food.

What's more, there is an even more magical brick...

"Thank you little brother!"

While the little girl was astonished, she quickly reacted and thanked Lin Xuan.

Here Lin Xuan installed an X and tested a new brick.

Nod to the little girl.

Satisfied and ready to stroll around again.

But at this time, the little girl who was still full of tears stared at Lin Xuan, and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Are you brother Lin Xuan?"

Lin Xuan turned around: "????"

"Brother Lin Xuan, I'm Wan'er, you don't know me?" The little girl wiped away her tears, and ran to Lin Xuan excitedly, her movements were very intimate, as if she really met her own brother.


Lin Xuan was still puzzled.

Scratching his head, he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him who was slim and in bud.

Still can't remember who it is!

(End of this chapter)

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