Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 148 I promise to be very good

Chapter 148 I promise to be very good

Lin Xuan was still at a loss.

The little girl named Wan'er stretched out her long, slender arms and hugged Lin Xuan's neck tightly.

Excitedly shouting: "Brother Lin Xuan, I didn't expect to meet you here, I'm so happy!"

Lin Xuan's nose instantly penetrated a delicate fragrance belonging to a girl.

The front is also clinging to the youthful body.

For a moment, my head was a little dizzy.

Suddenly thought, it would be nice to have such a stunning girl...


this little girl.

You know brother Lin Xuan, but brother Lin Xuan doesn't know you.

Lin Xuan still reacted.

Take the little girl's two arms away.

"Little girl, did you recognize the wrong person?"

Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't recognize her, the little girl became a little anxious again, stomped her foot, and said angrily, "Oh, brother Lin Xuan, you are such a noble person, you forget things!"

"I'm Wan'er, Qin Wan'er, you saved me last time at my barbecue stand in Jiangcheng."

"You even rubbed my hair..."

"Think about it carefully!"

The barbecue stand, Qin Wan'er, have you saved her?
And rubbed her hair?
Lin Xuan thought about it carefully, and there was indeed such a thing.

At that time, it was his first date with the head.

Skewers at this barbecue stall in Qin Waner's house.

A few gangsters suddenly came over to find fault, wanting to eat Bawang's meal, and seeing Qin Wan'er who was helping to deliver the food, they became lustful again and wanted her to accompany the drink.

The master couldn't stand it.

So he asked him to teach a few gangsters a lesson, and relieved the siege of Qin Wan'er's family.

When Qin Wan'er thanked her, she took the initiative to call Brother Lin Xuan.

Seeing that Qin Wan'er was cute, Lin Xuan rubbed her hair.

The result was seen by the master.


Lin Xuan must rub her too...


Lin Xuan thought of such a thing, but was still very surprised.

Because, Qin Wan'er was still very thin at that time.

Although born cute and handsome.

But it didn't grow out at all. If she had short hair, some people would believe that she was a tomboy.

But now, this one in front of me.

Although not fully grown.

But in bud, with beautiful curves, porcelain white skin, and exquisite facial features... She is already a perfectly beautiful girl!

"Brother Lin Xuan, remember now!"

Seeing that Lin Xuan recognized her, Qin Wan'er was overjoyed again, and immediately threw herself into Lin Xuan's arms.

Thin white arms.

He hugged Lin Xuan's neck tightly again.

Lin Xuan was speechless: "..."

I said Miss Wan'er.

No matter how grateful you are, there is no need to hug your neck all the time.

The people around were still amazed at Lin Xuan's extraordinary skills.

At this time, it was full of admiration again.

Unexpectedly, the young man acted bravely in the face of righteousness, and even performed a good show of a hero saving the beauty and promising each other with his body.


The old Taoist Li Yunchang excitedly bought two chicken wings and was about to eat them happily.

Just saw that scene.

In an instant, I felt that the chicken wings in my hand were not fragrant.


No wonder this kid doesn't care about my female disciple of Luoxia Sect.

It turns out that he is a master.

How long has it been? After getting out of the car and strolling for a while, I fell in love with a beautiful little girl!


"Brother Lin Xuan, thanks to your timely action in Jiangcheng last time, this time is also..."

"If it weren't for you, I don't know what would happen now..."

"So, thank you Brother Lin Xuan!"

Qin Wan'er snuggled into Lin Xuan's arms, said aggrievedly, and rubbed her small head against Lin Xuan's chest.

Lin Xuan was hugged tightly by Qin Wan'er.

I didn't know what to do for a while.

If the headmaster saw this scene, it would be fine...

I had no choice but to remind me politely: "Wan'er, just thank you, there's no need to be like this...hugging, right? Everyone is watching."

Qin Wan'er's face turned red when she heard it.

Looking around, he relaxed a little.

However, Lin Xuan was taken aback by what he said afterwards: "Brother Lin Xuan, since we are so destined, you saved me twice, how about I be your girlfriend?"

"I promise to be good..."

(End of this chapter)

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