Chapter 150 The Great Sword

After the car started again, Li Yunchang was beside him chattering non-stop.

What are you doing brother and sister.

What Luoxia Sect double cultivation.

When the old man was shopping for food, he still saw the scene of Lin Xuan shooting a few punks with a few bricks. The punks had three E-levels and one D-level, although they were only in the early stage of D-level.

But it's so easy.

He thought to himself that it was not easy for him to do it.It is very possible that this kid's strength is not inferior to his own.


Then came the thought of inviting Lin Xuan to join the Luoxia Sect.

This time I didn't talk about apprenticeship.

"I said little brother, in life, just try to be happy!"

"Little brother, you are very talented, and you are a genius in cultivation. If you don't want to be a late bloomer, you can come to my Luoxia Sect. My Luoxia Sect's supreme dual cultivation skills will definitely make your realm advance by leaps and bounds!"

"And if you want, without delaying your schooling, you can join my Luoxia Sect as a part-time job!"

"Wouldn't it be wonderful for you to practice in the bliss of climbing while going to school?"

Li Yunchang's spittle flying beside him made the hype fall.

Fortunately, the sound is not loud.

The car buzzed again.

No one pays attention to this old and unscrupulous guy.

in fact.

Lin Xuan was also a little curious about double cultivation.

If there is no master, no Hua Jieyu, it may be a distasteful attitude at first, but with... Afterwards, you can't help but be curious.


Double cultivation may be possible in the future.

But entering the Luoxia Sect is absolutely impossible.

As an unscrupulous LSP like old man Li, it is doubtful how many good-quality girls there are in the Luoxia Sect.

And even if there was, it would have been sold out long ago...

"Li Daochang, your sect is called Luoxia Sect. I wonder if it has anything to do with Qixia Sect?" Lin Xuan asked suddenly.

"Qixia Sect?"

Li Yunchang heard Yixi, "Little brother, you asked a good question. It seems that you have heard of our sect. Let me tell you, Qixia Sect is actually Luoxia Sect. Our Luoxia Sect is on Qixia Mountain, so it is called Qixia Sect." it is also fine……"

"Why, little brother, are you tempted?"

"Speaking of which, although your god-sister is very good-looking and very beautiful, I, Luoxia Zongsheng, have a lot of girls!"

"You think, wouldn't it be wonderful to practice with a group of girls?!"

Listening to old man Li's vivid and explicit narration.

Lin Xuan was completely speechless: "..."

Nima, you are a Taoist priest, a highly respected Great Elder of Luoxia Zong!

I think you are Uncle Liu, have you watched too much?
After a pause, he said to Li Daochang: "Li Daochang, I did hear that your Luoxia sect, uh... likes dual cultivation, but I heard that you were injured when you were in charge of dual cultivation. Is there such a thing?"

Li Yunchang's originally high-spirited face turned dark in an instant.

Scratching his head: "Uh, this, it seems to be there..."

Shuangxiu, head of the Luoxia Sect, was injured.

Because it is too weird, it is related to the head's face and dignity, so it is strictly forbidden to discuss it inside the Luoxia Sect.In order to make an example to others, the head of Luoxia Sect severely punished two disciples for no reason.

As a result, within the Luoxia Sect, there was a chilling silence about this matter.

He, Li Yunchang, was no exception, he was afraid of being beaten by the whip of the senior brother in charge.

However, Shuangxiu, the head of the Luoxia Sect, was injured, and it was forbidden to talk about it in his own sect, but it was widely spread in the entire cultivation world of Longguo, and it became a topic of discussion for a while.

Many good people even wondered how they were injured, in order to please their Taoist companions.

How weird is this pose...

Lin Xuan also learned about this from Aunt Lan.

I heard it at that time.

All a little shocked.

Seeing that the chatterbox LSP was sluggish for a while, Lin Xuan didn't want to stop there: "What, are you really injured? Old Taoist priest, I heard that the head of your Luoxia sect was injured by a B-level monster. This applies. It should be difficult to practice both exercises, and the posture should also be difficult, right?"

The corner of Li Yunchang's mouth twitched, his face was almost completely black.

I muttered in my heart, saying how can the boy be cheaper than himself.

Lin Xuan continued to make up his sword: "I also heard that the head of your Luoxia Sect was injured by a B-level monster. In fact, it was to please the Taoist companion... Humans and beasts who don't know how to play?"

"Tsk tsk, B-level monsters dare to play, the taste is really strong..."

When Li Yunchang heard this, his face turned a little green.

I kept scolding the senior brother in my heart, you, his grandma, you are ashamed and thrown at grandma's house!Even labor and capital are also embarrassing...

He glanced at Lin Xuan.

Xin Dao, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't beat you, labor and management would have... Forget it, it is very likely that he really couldn't beat you.

I had to sigh.

Qianqian shouted angrily:

"That driver, stop! Labor and management want to pee!"


The bus driver saw that Li Yunchang was not easy to mess with, so he didn't dare to object.

Stop the car and let Li Yun go down.


Lin Xuan thought that the old Taoist priest would take the opportunity to slip away after being harassed by him.

Did not expect to come back again.

After he came back, Li Yunchang sat down a lot more honestly, and took a nap most of the time.

Get off at the station soon.

"Old Taoist, there will be a period later."

Lin Xuan waved his hand at Li Yunchang. After all, he had pissed him off, but in fact, the old Taoist priest didn't have any ill intentions towards him, and even suggested that he practice in groups with good intentions...

Li Yunchang originally had a listless face.

When I got out of the car at this time, I found that it was almost dusk, and suddenly my eyes lit up: "Brother Lin Xuan, this is the first time you have come to Shanghai, right? To tell you the truth, there is a good place for me near the station. Let's go have some fun together... ..."

"What are you doing for entertainment? It's getting dark soon. I have to find a place to live." Lin Xuan asked.

"Walk, will know when you go!" Li Yunchang laughed.

After speaking, he pulled Lin Xuan and walked towards an alley.

"Let me tell you, that place can be used not only for playing, but also for sleeping! After playing all night and getting up refreshed the next day, why don't you go and do what you want?"

"I wouldn't tell you about this good place if it wasn't because of your predestined relationship with me."

"Ordinary people, I don't tell him..."


Lin Xuan didn't think there was anything else important. Since the place can sleep, it can be dealt with overnight anyway.

Let Li Yunchang lead the way.


Li Yunchang took Lin Xuan to a store, which read: Yaxin Health Club.

Then Li Yunchang just arrived at the door.

Inside, a middle-aged woman with heavy make-up and jewels greeted her warmly: "It's Brother Li, come to take care of my business again? Oh, this time I brought someone with me, come in, come in!"

Quickly pulled Li Yunchang and Lin Xuan into the house.

The door was closed again.

Sister Yun led the two of them to another very spacious room.

"That's right, isn't this coming to the magic capital, looking for a pastime." Li Yunchang said very sophisticatedly, obviously a frequent visitor here.

"How about it, Sister Yun, is there any new tea in stock?"

"Yes!" Sister Yun said with a smile: "Brother Li is lucky, he just arrived at a few good houses..."

Lin Xuan was a little confused at first.

You said it was a place to sleep, why did you come to the health care center?

After all, he is an innocent boy from a small city, where have I seen such a boy before...

But this time.

No matter what, I instantly understood where it was.

Nima, isn't this the former kiln?
I am!

It simply destroys the three views!
What an old Taoist priest with a sense of immortality, as long as he likes the style of dual cultivation, he is obviously a regular customer when he comes to this kind of place!

He has a lot of gray beards and is called Brother Li...

Lin Xuan suddenly had goosebumps all over the floor.

My heart is full of galloping horses!
After a while, several girls with heavy makeup came into the room.

Li Yunchang picked two girls very skillfully, turned around and explained to Sister Yun: "That little brother should be a young child who doesn't understand anything. As for you, Sister Yun, I will arrange for him the big sword of kidney therapy! Better service , put it on my head!"

"Also, remember to get a [-]% discount!"

"Okay, no problem!" Sister Yun replied with a feigned smile.

"Little brother, it's fun!" After Li Yunchang finished speaking, he winked at Lin Xuan and left with his arms around the two girls.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was speechless: "..."

This old and disrespectful disgrace, wouldn't deliberately cheat labor and capital, right? !

And right now.

Under Sister Yun's arrangement, two beautiful girls with open hearts came towards Lin Xuan.

"Little handsome boy, let's go!"

"The big sword guarantees your satisfaction, it doesn't cost money..."


(End of this chapter)

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