Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 151 Fighting Huajieyu Again

Chapter 151 Fighting Huajieyu Again

Facing the approach of the two girls.

Lin Xuan suddenly smelled a pungent cheap perfume.

Suddenly, I thought of the head of the sect, and Hua Jieyu...

Comparing the two, it is really a sky and an underground.

However, taking another [-] steps, even if the other party is as beautiful as a flower, how can he do such a thing that violates morality and core values ​​as a five-good young man? !

So he said in his mouth: "I said two, not that...big sword, can you do it?"

The tone is still relatively polite.

To be reasonable, it's all just for a living, and there is no high or low occupation.Therefore, Lin Xuan still respects their careers.

"You mean, if you don't do it, then the debt will still be on Old Man Li?"

One of the girls asked in surprise.

"Yes." Lin Xuan said.

"No!" The two girls shook their heads resolutely.

"Why?" Lin Xuan was surprised.

"Because of that, the money will only be counted on Sister Yun..." A girl explained.

She was telling the truth.

Because according to the work system, they are distributed according to their work.That is, no pain, no gain...

Without actual workload, there is no performance.

"But you two, I'm really taboo today, I don't want a big sword..." Lin Xuan still tried his best to be polite.

It can be seen that Lin Xuan shirked.

The two girls were unhappy:

"I said this little handsome guy, you are really strange, since you don't want to, why did you come in again? Why didn't you say it when Brother Li was there just now?"

"Stop talking nonsense, stop him!"

"Yes, if you don't do it today, you have to do it!"

The two girls stopped Lin Xuan together as they spoke, because the two of them realized that the boy in front of him was really handsome... If he didn't do it, he wouldn't talk about it if he didn't have money, and he would miss out on the opportunity of being a man of the highest quality.

and so.

Lin Xuan, the two of them are determined!
Lin Xuan looked at the opponent's aggressive posture.

Immediately a little help.

What the hell, if labor and management want to go out, they have to use some force?
When I really want to show these two people some color.

Suddenly a person rushed in from outside.

Shouted loudly: "It's not good, the note is here! Hurry up, hurry up..."

this moment.

With a burst of ping-pong noise.

Immediately rushed out from around, a lot of panicked men and women ran out one after another.

Some wore shorts, and some even came out wrapped in sheets.

Li Yunchang also hurried out.

Among the crowd, an old man with a white beard and a decent appearance was holding his clothes in one hand.

One hand trousers...

It can no longer be conspicuous, and can no longer ruin the three views.

However, the man was kind at last, and ran to Lin Xuan, "Little brother, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly followed the crowd.

Lin Xuan heard it.

While subconsciously running along.

At the same time, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

Fuck, got arrested the first time I came to this kind of place?

I heard a crash in the back room, followed by a burst of drinking.

"Don't move, be honest!"

"I told you to stop, do you hear me?"


Listening to the voice, it seems that some unlucky people have been arrested.

Lin Xuan hurriedly quickened his pace.

Crazy to follow up.

But looking at Li Yunchang who was fleeing bravely in front of him, his heart was full of galloping horses.


This bad old man hurt me...

after that.

Everyone fled to the back of the corridor in a swarm, jumping out of the window in turn.

Lin Xuan also jumped down.

Afterwards, when they came to a small courtyard, everyone dispersed immediately. It seemed that it was safe to climb over the outer wall of the small courtyard.

The outer wall is only three meters high.

For this group of "desperadoes" who fled in a hurry, it was nothing at all.

Cengcengceng jumped out.

Not to mention Li Yunchang, he jumped over the outer wall and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lin Xuan is also ready to jump off the wall.

Suddenly there was a commotion, "Don't move, stop!" Then there was the sound of struggling and fighting.

Damn, there are people outside the wall!
Lin Xuan was startled.

When I was about to rush to the other wall.

But a certain cultivator jumped over the wall in a hurry, smashed through the outer wall, and fled crazily!

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Lin Xuan took advantage of the chaos, found a relatively secluded corner, and jumped out.

There are weeds more than one meter high outside.

Take a look, there is no one!
Only then did Lin Xuan feel relieved, he stood up alone, sighed, and was about to leave as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly heard a familiar voice.


Lin Xuan turned his head and saw that he was in uniform... Hua Jieyu!

Hua Jieyu saw Lin Xuan.

Also stunned.

Immediately, there was disbelief in his eyes, and he couldn't be surprised.

This kid is here too?
It is said that he has had... he is not enough, but he still has to come here?He's a student, and he doesn't even have hair!


Hua Jieyu was extremely surprised.

I even regret my actions this time!

Originally, this kind of thing was out of her control.

But after the spiritual energy recovered.

Many of those who like big swords are practitioners.

Therefore, any action often depends on the support of the Ability Bureau.

As for Hua Jieyu, as the director of the Longguo Ability Bureau, he guides the work in the Modu branch.

In order to perform in front of superior leaders.

She just took a break from her busy schedule to take charge of this assistance operation.

In fact, I came to make soy sauce.

Just stand aside and have a look.

But in the end, suddenly there was a guy with a back, he jumped over the wall by himself, and sent it to him on his own initiative.

The key is to know.

It was Lin Xuan who had sex with him before! ! !

a time.

Hua Jieyu's beautiful eyes were wide open, and her small mouth was so shocked that she couldn't close it from ear to ear.

It's just that the three views have been violently attacked...

"I...I'll run!" Lin Xuan was the first to react. Seeing that it was Hua Jieyu, he instinctively wanted to say hello. Feeling something was wrong, he hurriedly ran away.

"Don't run, stop!" Hua Jieyu followed closely.

"Director Hua, I misunderstood, I really didn't do anything! I was fooled into it..." Lin Xuan shouted while running towards the woods.

"Misunderstanding? Every man who appears in such a place is wronged!" Hua Jieyu said bitterly.

"Director Hua, I work part-time in the Ability Bureau, you are my boss, and we are all on our own..."

"You still know that you are one of your own? If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be aggravated!"

"Damn, do you want to be so ruthless? After all, the two of us are friends who rolled the sheets together!"


Hua Jie's tone made his teeth itch.

Unexpectedly, this kid would dare to tease her at this time!


(End of this chapter)

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