Chapter 152

Both of them are C-level powerhouses.

You chased each other, running with all your strength like a sharp arrow, and quickly ran a few kilometers away.

Another gust of wind.

As he ran wildly, the trees along the way were broken all the way.

"I said you, Director Hua, are you chasing endlessly? You have to forgive others and forgive others! Besides, this is a complete misunderstanding, I am really not a person who wants to have fun in that kind of place..." Lin Xuan shouted back while running road.

If it was something else, he might not have run away.

If you get caught, get caught.

But not this time, Nima, she was caught by the police on the spot in the health care club...

It's a matter of reputation.

Once arrested, the fame of the first life may be ruined.

In other words, it's all because of that old fellow Li Yunchang.

It's okay, what a big sword...

"If you say it's not, then it's not? As long as there is no good man who appears in that place! All of them should be caught!" Hua Jieyu sneered behind him, showing no intention of slowing down.

"My Chief Hua, can you sort out the black and white?"

Lin Xuan was a little helpless, "I was really tricked into going in, and I didn't do anything!"

"Don't you think about it, is a handsome guy like me short of women? Wherever the girls are greedy, do I need to go there to have fun?"

"Oh, man!" Hua Jieyu snorted coldly, still chasing after him.

"I don't know you yet? Everyone likes the new and dislikes the old. They are used to eating big fish and meat, wild flowers on the roadside, and mussels. They are all willing to try!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly made a slash with the wind.

A white wind blade of about ten meters struck towards Lin Xuan like lightning.

Lin Xuan sensed the danger behind him.

Quickly dodge.

Although he barely escaped, a few hairs on the top of his head were cut off.

The wind blade missed the target, and the momentum remained undiminished.

Squeeze! Squeeze!

Instead, it cut off a large area of ​​the surrounding trees.

Lin Xuan cursed in his heart, what the hell, you stupid bitch, do you really want to punish labor and management to death? !

in fact.

Even Hua Jieyu didn't notice that his behavior was a bit abnormal at this time...

Ticket grabbing action as usual.

How could she work so hard.

It's not a big crime, but it's troublesome if something happens after the chase.

But this time is different.

Because, the person who was chasing him was Lin Xuan, and he had had... the closest relationship with her, and it happened to bump into his own hand.

So I was shocked.

I can't bear it at all in my heart, unconsciously, like a man who caught himself stealing.

He must be caught...

Squeeze! Squeeze!

Squeeze! Squeeze!

Hua Jieyu slashed with the wind a few more times, but Lin Xuan dodged all of them, and a large area of ​​trees fell down along the way.

Lin Xuan was pushed too hard by Hua Jieyu.

A little annoyed at this point.

Anyway, it's a one-night couple and a hundred days of grace, isn't it!

Young master, I was not afraid of you, a mother leopard before. When I turned around and rode a big horse, I was riding a 666, and now it is a C-level. How can I be afraid of you?

Come come.

I have to fight with you today!
I want you to know, what is the world, the "husband" is the biggest!
Just about to turn around.

When preparing for a decisive battle with Hua Jieyu.

Suddenly, whoosh!

But Hua Jieyu had a magic weapon like a crossbow machine in his hand, and suddenly clusters of arrows shot out, aiming at the vital points.

Lin Xuan just wanted to avoid it.

However, it was discovered that these arrow clusters turned around as if they had eyes!
Damn, it's still "guidance"!

Lin Xuan's eyes were opened.

I had no choice but to pretend to be godlike and continue to run wildly, while taking out even more magical bricks to knock out the arrow clusters that were chasing up one by one.

"Hua Jieyu, you are serious!"

"Then what's the matter, do something bad, and still want to get away with it?"

"Can you use your brain? I, Lin Xuan, have a perfect jade-faced little white dragon, can I see the goods there? You have a tricky mouth! No matter what, you have to have a figure, appearance and skills similar to your Director Hua... ..."

"...You! Go back to the game with me and talk about it!"



The two chased after each other for a while.

Before I knew it, I had already run 10 kilometers into the mountains and forests.

Due to the recovery of spiritual energy, the geographical environment has undergone tremendous changes in a short period of time compared to before.

Even around a big city like Shanghai.

There are also large areas of dense forest.

At this time, the place where the two of them arrived was surrounded by towering ancient trees, lush grass, and fragrant flowers.

Ordinarily, in this dense forest, the trees cover the sky and the sun, and it is night, so it should be dark everywhere, and you can't see your fingers.

But this place.

But I can see the light blue sky, the moonlight is bright, and the surroundings are very clear.

Hua Jieyu was chasing after her.

With a heartbeat, the surrounding environment is strange. Could it be that after a chase, he entered the ruins? !
The aura is revived, and monsters are rampant.

Later, after being expelled by the cultivators, the range of monsters haunted was strictly restricted.

Mysteries and ruins are places where monsters haunt.

The difference is that the secret realm has been thoroughly and comprehensively explored by human cultivators, and there is almost no risk. It is generally learned and used by junior cultivators.

But the ruins are quite high-level.

It is often extremely dangerous inside, and the monsters that haunt are generally D-level or above.

Of course, ruins are also divided into levels.

In the ruins of the highest level, there are even A-level monsters haunting it!


"Lin Xuan, don't run away! There is danger ahead!"

Hua Jieyu sensed that the situation was not good, and quickly reminded her.

After all, it's not a big deal to grab a ticket, but it's not so good to kill people.

"Who are you? I just ran to show you!"

Lin Xuan didn't believe it at all.

However, as he said in his mouth, he was actually tired of running, not because he was a little afraid of the magic weapon in the opponent's hand.

I've already had a fight with her...

There is a huge cave in front of me.

I went forward and felt it, and found no risk.

Thinking of advancing, attacking, retreating, or defending, he got in.Even if the mother leopard gets mad later, there is nothing she can do against herself hiding in the cave.

Unexpectedly, this scene was seen by Hua Jieyu.

Suddenly a little rushed.

It is very likely that they have already entered a certain ruin, and even in the edge area, there are strange and inexplicable dangers everywhere.

Suddenly there is a cave.

Why just go in casually?

"Lin Xuan, why did you go in? It's dangerous, come out quickly!" Hua Jieyu shouted.

The voice just fell.

A huge black-striped giant snake as thick as a bucket appeared suddenly without making a sound, and then went straight into the cave.

Hua Jieyu was dumbfounded.

It turned out to be a Jialan black-striped python in the middle of C-level!
"Lin Xuan, it's dangerous!"

Lin Xuan ignored Hua Jieyu's warning, why go out?I was shot into a hedgehog by your crossbow...


He just leaned against the stone wall to catch his breath.

I also found that the situation was wrong, and suddenly there was a huge energy fluctuation nearby.

Then I saw the Naga blue and black python!

I fuck.

How sloppy!

[Ding, risk is detected, do you want to activate a skill that is always a little stronger than yours? 】

"start up!"

After Lin Xuan was startled, he quickly calmed down.

While answering the system, he brought out the even more miraculous brick.

However, looking at the mid-level C-level, the thick and thin Jialan black-striped python is still unavoidably a little big.

Such a big one.

He's not aggressive at all...

Could it be that in ancient times there was Wu Song fighting tigers in Jingyanggang.

Look at me, Lin Xuan, riding a big snake in the mountains? !

Just as he was thinking about it, the Naga blue and black python opened its mouth wide and spit out a blood-red core, and rushed towards it like lightning!


(End of this chapter)

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