Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 153 Recommend Wangzai Steamed Buns!

Chapter 153 Recommend Wangzai Steamed Buns!
Lin Xuan also greeted him with a brick in his hand.

Relying on stronger strength and faster speed than the giant snake, after avoiding the first blow of the giant snake sideways, he then dodged and rode on the snake's head.

That's right.

Really riding on a giant snake!

I saw Lin Xuan holding his head with one hand, stabilizing his figure.

With the other hand swinging a brick, it hit the giant snake's head violently.

The giant snake eats pain.

It curled up in an instant, and the snake's body was slippery, and it almost fell off, and its tail almost entangled Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan suddenly became ruthless.

Grasping with five fingers in one hand, he slammed into the head of the giant snake!

Thanks to his previous fighting experience with Mother Leopard, Shui Ruyan and others, Lin Xuan has made considerable progress in actual combat. At this time, it is not very difficult to fight a mid-level C-level Jialan black-striped python .

When it was D-level before.

The water in the mid-stage of C-level was like smoke, he was unconvinced and had a crooked mind, and was beaten by Lin Xuan and screamed.

Ansai's waist drum was played very smoothly, and it seemed that the younger sister's juice had been beaten out.

Not to mention that he is also a C-rank now!
Speaking of riding a big snake, I really succeeded in riding a big snake...


Although Hua Jieyu had fought against Lin Xuan, in fact, he didn't know his true strength.

I just feel ups and downs.

Kind of confusing.

At this time, I saw that the cave was all in a ball, and there was a deafening bang bang.

It feels like the cave is collapsing at any time.

I don't know why, but I'm still a little worried about Lin Xuan...


He was also chased by himself before entering the ruins.If he was injured or even killed, wouldn't he also be responsible?

Speaking of Lin Xuan, although he is full of problems.

Talking nonsense, this time he was actually caught by himself when he grabbed the ticket.

But have to say.

This kid is still quite handsome, with a strong body, good skills, and a bit of a naughty feeling.The key is... her first man.

If you die because of this.

Isn't it such a pity...

With broken thoughts in her heart and apprehension, Hua Jieyu hastily took out the magic weapon of crossbow and bolt, and came to the cave.

When you want to go in and help.

Suddenly there was a bang.

Most of the cave collapsed, followed by the smaller half of the mountain, followed by a large area of ​​collapse.

After that, there was no movement inside.

what's the situation?
Could it be that this kid was killed by a giant snake?

Hua Jieyu was startled, and tried to shout: "Lin Xuan?!"

There was still no sound in the half-collapsed cave.

Hua Jieyu was extremely shocked: "Is he really dead?"

My heart suddenly panicked.

Anyway, that monster is also a Jialan black-striped python in the middle of C-level!
Just when I was about to rush in.

Finally, a very firm voice came out from inside: "I won't die if you die." Then Lin Xuan was seen slapping the dust off his body while dragging the corpse of a giant snake out.

"It seems that you still care about me!" Lin Xuan laughed.

"……care about you?"

Hua Jieyu immediately put on a disdainful expression again, pretending to sneer and said, "Hmph, I wish you were dead! It would be better if you were bitten to death by that giant snake just now, there is one less disaster in this world!"

"Oh, just be stubborn..." Lin Xuan said.

Then he rolled his eyes and said with a teasing tone: "I said Director Hua, actually, it's better to be bitten to death by you than to be bitten to death by a snake."

"Well, do you think about it?"

Wouldn't it be better to be bitten to death by me?

Hua Jieyu was puzzled when he heard it, and after a while of reaction, he still understood.

Being bitten to death, no matter above or below, that's not allowed, not allowed...

Thinking of this festival, his face flushed instantly.

Willow brows stood on end, shame and indignation!
Without saying a word, he raised the magic weapon of the crossbow in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh!
Three clusters of arrows shot out.

Caught off guard, Lin Xuan realized that the mother leopard actually cared about him a lot, and felt like she was making fun of him. Unexpectedly, the mother leopard suddenly turned his back on him.

Plus the distance is close.

Lin Xuan managed to dodge two arrow clusters, but the third arrow cluster did not dodge and scratched an arm.

Lin Xuan was stunned.

By the way, why is this female leopard so capricious!Just now I was worried that I was going to die, but now I want to take my own life...

"You mother leopard, how can you turn your back on it!"

Lin Xuan said unhappily.

"Who told you to talk nonsense! A dog can't spit out ivory!" Hua Jie said bitterly, still very annoyed, still angry with Lin Xuan's words just now, thinking about just now, holding a crossbow The device, another burst of lasing.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several arrow clusters attacked Lin Xuan together.

Lin Xuan burst into sweat.

Well, it really is an extremely fierce female leopard!

Quickly dodge.

Still hid in the cave.


Inside the cave, more than half of it collapsed.

However, after Lin Xuan threw the big snake's dead body out, there was still a lot of space inside.

Not long after I got in.

Suddenly, I felt my arm hurt a little.

It was the place that was wounded by an arrow cluster of Hua Jieyu.

Although a little injury.

It was bleeding, and felt a little numb, and soon the whole arm felt a little numb.

"Fuck, what's going on?!"

Lin Xuan was startled, the arrow cluster was tampered with by a female leopard?

Quickly used spiritual power to seal that arm.

"Lin Xuan, let's capture him without a fight!"

"There is a special poison made by the Superpower Bureau on the arrowhead. It is useless to temporarily block it with spiritual power. Although the poison cannot spread throughout the body, the poisoned arm will become so uncomfortable as time goes by that you can't wait to take it away. cut off..."

"If you are sensible, I will give you the antidote and save you from pain."

Hua Jieyu was quite proud of being outside at this time.

Lin Xuan glanced at Hua Jieyu outside and felt the wound, it was indeed as the mother leopard said...

I felt a little depressed all of a sudden.

It is said that if you want to conquer a man's heart, you must first conquer his stomach, and if you want to conquer a woman's heart, you must conquer her.

Can be hairy.

I've obviously done it once.

Why is the mother leopard still so rebellious?Could it be that the conquest was not thorough enough?
Still a little hot? !

"System, what should I do, is there an antidote?"

Lin Xuan said consciously.

The recovery fruit has the effect of healing, but it is too weird. In view of its miraculous effect, Lin Xuan dare not try it at this time...

[Ding, the host's current situation has been detected, and I strongly recommend Wangzai's steamed buns! 】

"Wangzai steamed buns? Why do I eat Wangzai steamed buns? I'm poisoned, Brother System!" Lin Xuan complained about the system.

[Ding, the system reminds the host that it is not the host who eats, but the other party to eat! 】

Let the other party eat?

Lin Xuan's heart moved, so he glanced at Hua Jieyu outside again.


Let the mother leopard eat Wangzai steamed buns again.

Can it work? !


(End of this chapter)

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