Chapter 154 Conquering Hua Jieyu

Lin Xuan listened to the system's idea of ​​letting the mother leopard eat Wangzai's steamed buns.

Think carefully for a while.

Still don't think it's reliable.

The mother leopard is fierce, why eat your Wangzai steamed buns.


Been there once before...

"Lin Xuan, are you dead? Tell me if you're not dead, what did you think about my proposal just now?"

Hua Jieyu shouted outside at this time.

The tone is a bit arrogant.

Thinking that before I fell into this kid's hands, I suffered several times, and my bones were almost torn apart... It's rare that this kid finally fell into my hands once.

Naturally, I was embarrassed.

What is it called?The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the heaven spare!
"Alas, alas!"

"Mother Leopard, you are so cruel! I surrender..." Lin Xuan's exaggerated painful voice came from the cave.

Followed to the entrance of the cave.

The injured arm was indeed as Hua Jieyu said, it was uncomfortable and wanted to be cut off.

But here.

Naturally, it is three points true, seven points acted...

Hua Jieyu frowned: "What are you pretending to be so uncomfortable?"

Lin Xuan: "If you don't believe me, try it yourself!"

Hua Jieyu: "..."

"Okay, you've been poisoned by the poison on my arrow cluster, I naturally have an antidote. But don't forget, I took you back, so obediently, come back with me, and the antidote will naturally be given to you."

after that.

Take out a pouch.

He introduced with a smile: "See? What's inside is the antidote! With the crossbow, it's the new equipment issued by the Ability Bureau."

"It is specially designed to deal with people like you, and it can be regarded as lightly lethal equipment..."

Lin Xuan's injured arm was very uncomfortable.

Thinking in my heart, if one arm is poisoned and injured, the skills that are a little bit stronger than yours will not work, so why don't you just go back with her?
Anyway, so what if we go back to the game.

Can her mother leopard eat herself?Bite yourself to death, you can consider it...

【Ding! 】

[The system has detected a risk, please host's idea: the antidote Sanyuan Yinyang Pill in the opponent's hand can detoxify, but it will cause the host's skill to be greatly reduced in a short period of time, and there is no power to fight back against the strong! 】

When Lin Xuan heard this, he was instantly upset.

I rely on?

Greatly reduced skill, no power to fight back...

If you cheat labor and management to eat it, wouldn't labor management stop eating... I didn't expect the mother leopard's mind to be so poisonous!

O woman!


"I know you don't believe it. I'm afraid the antidote is poisonous. It's okay. I'll take it first and show you."

Hua Jieyu saw Lin Xuan's suspicious expression.

From the small bag, he directly took out a light golden pill.

Throw it into your mouth and eat it.

He praised in his mouth: "Mmm... the taste is sweet and delicious, and it tastes good! How about it, do you want to eat it?"

After that, as if to show off, I ate another one.

Lin Xuan watched from the entrance of the cave.

Xindao, it seems that what kind of yin and yang pill is this, she will be fine after taking it by herself.

Suddenly saw the light golden round pill.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and his heart suddenly moved.

This pill is so weird, it looks a bit like Wangzai's little steamed bun!

No wonder the dog system suggests…

I can't help but feel a little happy, God help me too.

"System, hurry up! Replace the Yin-Yang Pill that Hua Jieyu ate with Wangzai's steamed buns!"

Lin Xuan said with his thoughts.

System: What a god I am!
Also, when is it your turn to command me?
【Ding! 】

[The system releases a task to completely conquer Hua Jieyu, the task reward: 100 Wangzai steamed buns! 】

【Ding!Task rewards have been distributed in advance! 】

Lin Xuan's system space has a bunch of Wangzai steamed buns.

When I saw the task, I was a little confused.

Completely conquer Hua Jieyu?Fuck!

There is also conquest, what is the key, is it considered a complete conquest?

The task is a bit difficult!


"How about thinking about it? Do you want an antidote?" Seeing that Lin Xuan hadn't said anything for a long time, Hua Jieyu became a little impatient.


Lin Xuan hurriedly said: "If you don't take the antidote again, I will be so miserable..."

"It's good to know!"

Hua Jieyu smiled, took out a pill from the bag, and prepared to throw it to Lin Xuan.

"So stingy, just one?" Lin Xuan pretended to be surprised.

"It's just the antidote, how many do you want?" Hua Jieyu said, then threw the bag over, and said with a generous expression: "Okay, since I want it, I will give you all of it! Actually, we usually It's that thing that's eaten as a snack..."

"Thank you, Director Hua!"

Lin Xuan took the bag and dumped the pills in the bag into his hands.

He shook it in his hand.

Picked out three or four in a row and ate them.

"Well, the taste is really good!" Lin Xuan gave Hua Jieyu a thumbs up while eating, and then put the remaining pills back into the bag.

Throwing it to Hua Jieyu: "Just eat a few, and return the rest to you!"

Hua Jieyu took the bag with a smile.

While continuing to eat the "pill" in the bag, he looked at Lin Xuan with a smile on his face and said:
"Lin Xuan, if I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place?"

"Come back with me, I won't eat you, will I? I also know your situation, and it is unlikely that you will go to that kind of place to have fun. But, who let you be caught by me. "

"I won't embarrass you, after all, you work part-time in the Ability Bureau and are your own."

"So going back, at most, it's just a small punishment..."

After speaking, the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

There was a burst of relief in my heart, this guy ate four three-element Yin-Yang pills...

Detoxification is no problem.

However, this amount of medicine will cause you to lose more than half of your power, which is enough!

Wasn't your kid very powerful back then?Isn't it enough to torment the old lady?


Let's toss my old lady again!My old lady made you feel good this time...

Hua Jieyu looked more and more complacent.


What she didn't expect was that when Lin Xuan poured the pills in the bag into his hands, he had already replaced all the pills with Wangzai's steamed buns in the system space without making a sound in front of her.

In other words, the four that Lin Xuan ate were Wangzai steamed buns.

She spends her time explaining the language.

I am eating with relish, and it is also Wangzai’s small steamed buns!


"It's been so long, it's time to go."

"This place is quite weird, if you stay for a while, there might be another giant snake coming!"

Hua Jieyu looked around.

He smiled and said to Lin Xuan: "How do you feel now? Is it much better?"

"It must be much better!" Lin Xuan also said with a smile.

The four Wangzai steamed buns he ate were not the antidote, but the man would not be hungry after eating one. It was like an energy bar, and it relieved his injured arm to some extent.

Hua Jieyu is dubious.

Still eating the "snack", just as she was about to put the last "snack" in her mouth.

Finally found something wrong.

After a closer look, his complexion suddenly changed.

Recognized immediately.

I ate it for a long time, could it be... Wangzai steamed buns? !Also ate a lot of pills again? !
what's up? ? ?
When Hua Jieyu discovered this situation, he almost collapsed!
In fact, when eating.

Because they are all sweet and delicious, and the color and size are similar,

He didn't eat it, and his thoughts were all on Lin Xuan, wanting to "revenge" him.

Even feel the taste of "snacks".

Even better than before...

"Did you do it secretly?"

Hua Jieyu's eyes were horrified, he took a deep breath of cold air, his heart was bleeding, and after all the calculations, he fell again...

Moreover, it is already the second time!


Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Actually, I don't want to, but your antidote, Sanyuan Yinyang Pill, isn't it a good thing? Is it really just a detoxification?"

"Tell me to go back and take revenge on me, just say it straight, why use these heresy ways!"

Hua Jieyu was shocked.

This kid even knows the name of the antidote? !Did he know his tricks from beginning to end? !
No wonder...

There was another burst of embarrassment in my heart.

When I wanted to take out the magic weapon of the crossbow machine and shoot it a few more times, a very strong, deja vu feeling suddenly came out of my body...

Immediately felt bad.

Turn around and run immediately.


I didn't run very far, my body seemed to be out of control, and I fell down.

There was no movement for a long time.

Lin Xuan thought that something would happen.

Just go up and check it out.

As a result, I saw...

Under the moonlight, Hua Jieyu's eyes were as charming as silk.

Tearing off his clothes with both hands, a large area of ​​white snow was exposed on the chest, and his delicate body kept rolling on the grass.

Seeing Lin Xuan, he called out in a vaguely sweet voice:

"Lin Xuan, no, Brother me!"



(End of this chapter)

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