Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 155 Moonlit Night Wars, Responding to Requests!

Chapter 155 Moonlit Night Wars, Responding to Requests!

With a long and slender bridge panting, the previous image of the director of the Ability Bureau who was lonely, fierce, and resolute.

All of a sudden it disappeared!

And Lin Xuan.

At this time, seeing Hua Jieyu's appearance of being so charming and charming for a while, and calling himself Brother Lin, goose bumps came out.


This is the fierce, sturdy female leopard? !

It's too scary!


But then again.

The previous time was at night, when Lin Xuan was half asleep and half awake, he was suddenly attacked by a mother leopard.

But this time it was different, because the moonlight was bright, and the image of the female director was clearly visible.

Lin Xuan couldn't help being surprised.

Just, seeing such a scene.

Still a little surprised.

How can you react so quickly?
If this female leopard has eaten Wangzai's steamed buns once, she should be a little resistant, but looking at it like this, it seems that her body is more sensitive to this small steamed buns, and the time is shorter...

of course.

This time I ate more, which may also be the reason.

"Brother Lin, save me!"

Hua Jieyu's face was flushed, and he was still calling out, his body was impacted like a fire.

Want to get up and stand up.

Like the previous time, he grabbed Lin Xuan like an octopus.

It's a pity that it didn't succeed because of insufficient strength!


When Lin Xuan saw this situation, Hua Jieyu was in such pain that he wanted to go up to help.

However, one of his arms was still injured.

There is no detoxification.

Although it is not as uncomfortable as before, but after all, I am injured...

You can't go into battle with injuries!

【Ding! 】

[The system reminds the host that the antidote Sanyuan Yinyang Pill is in the system space...]

I probably couldn't bear it anymore, the system suddenly reminded me.

At that time, when Lin Xuan played with the bag, the pills in his hand were replaced with Wangzai steamed buns, and Lin Xuan put the pills in the system space.

Of course Lin Xuan knew this.

But wouldn't the Sanyuan Yinyang Pill cause a great reduction in skill in a short period of time, making him unable to fight back?
if that's the case.

I am as weak as a chicken, but I can still help a woolen yarn.

It's better to be sick...

Lin Xuan slandered for a while and didn't respond to the system.

However this time.

Hua Jieyu's expression became more and more painful.

Almost all the clothes were torn off, only to see the majestic mountains inside, snow-white and dazzling flowers.Two slender hands gently brushed his body!

Lin Xuan saw that there was nowhere to put his eyes.

Forget it.

Seeing death but not saving her husband is not a husband, seeing righteousness is not in vain and being a human being!
If you risk your life, what if you go into battle with an illness?So what if you sacrifice yourself for others?
It's still important to save lives!

【Ding! 】

[The system reminds the host again that after taking the Sanyuan Yinyang Pill, after detoxification, you can take the recovery fruit, and the host's power will be restored to its original state, and it will be as hard as iron...]

I rely on it, is it okay?

Take the Sanyuan Yinyang Dan first, and then eat the recovery fruit? !

If you think about it, the Sanyuan Yinyang Pill can detoxify, and the recovery fruit already has a part of the healing effect, and it is nothing to restore the damaged skill.


It really is an understanding system lsp!

Without further ado, Lin Xuan ate three or four Sanyuan Yinyang Pills, then took out a recovery fruit and ate it decisively.


Not only did the injured arm heal quickly, but the body also began to change.

Even harder and stronger!
【Ding! 】

[In order to complete the task, it is recommended that the host eat two recovery fruits! 】

Eat two recovery fruits?
I just ate one, and there is one left in the system space.

If you eat it again, it will be gone!

Also, is it to complete the mission, that is, the mission to completely conquer Hua Jieyu?

It seems that the system is preparing to go all the way home.

It is really the kind of conquest in the literal sense...

It's just that he's meowing.

If you eat two recovery fruits at once, your body won't explode, right? !
During the cultivation in the secret realm before, the "tragic" encounters of the Iron Armored Flame Tigers can be vividly remembered.Just a small piece, you can only indulge in a life full of love, but cannot extricate yourself!
Got it!
It's still for the mission, to sacrifice oneself to save others.

Lin Xuan had made up his mind.

Immediately took out the only recovery fruit left, and quickly ate it.

At this time, Hua Jieyu was on the verge of madness.


Lin Xuan just got ready.

A hot Qiao body suddenly rushed towards him, it was Hua Jieyu who was burning with jade fire!
I saw her face flushed.

With all my strength, I made another octopus move.

Finally, it hung firmly on Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan was unsteady and fell down on the grassy grass.

What caught him off guard even more.

At this time, the delicate and charming cherry lips came one after another in a frenzy.

Qiao gasped and whispered softly.

A pair of jade arms hugged his body tightly, tearing his clothes...

Don't wait for Lin Xuan's reaction.

Hua Jieyu, who was so eager to fit together, had already stripped him clean, and soon it was time to face each other honestly.

Qiao Chu trembled, asking wantonly...

And Lin Xuan didn't hesitate any longer, straightened his back and got on his horse.

Every request for Huajieyu.

It is responsive!

At this time, the colorful flowers all around lowered their heads.Even the moon in the sky, as if shy, hid secretly behind the clouds.

Night in the mountains.

So peaceful, inviting and charming!

(End of this chapter)

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