Chapter 156 Be My Little Princess
The fierce and ferocious field battle lasted all night.

The originally quiet and warm mountain forest is like being thrown into a calm lake by a small stone.

Deep in the forest.

Some monsters who had been sleeping were awakened by this fierce battle.

They all came together to watch the battle.

Hua Jieyu's guess was correct. In fact, she and Lin Xuan had strayed into the ruins, but fortunately, they were only on the edge of the ruins.

Monster beasts of the level of Jialan black-striped python in the middle of C-level are still very rare.

So those who came to watch were some D-level and E-level monsters.

D-level and E-level monsters are already somewhat intelligent.

As usual, when such shameless human cultivators came to this kind of place to fight, they would have already been swarmed up and eaten by them.

But this time is different.

After seeing it, he trembled a little.

Because, the powerful aura surrounding the battlefield indicated that the female practitioner in the middle was actually a C-rank!
Another male cultivator.

Although I can't feel his realm, but judging from the battle scene, he can fight against a C-rank strongman, and he can take the initiative all the way. Under the crazy attack of the female C-rank, he often countercharges and quickly suppresses the opponent.

The power of nature should not be underestimated!
Moreover, not far from the battlefield, there is also the corpse of a black-striped python.

Najia blue black-striped python mid-level C.

It was originally such a piece of the handle, but was killed at this time.

It is conceivable that the strength of these two people!
Therefore, a group of monsters with enlightened intelligence just watched quietly from a distance, and none of them dared to step forward to disturb.

Monster A: By the way, that male cultivator is so fierce!
Monster B: Yes, but females are not bad either...

Monster C: I envy them for being so brave and durable!
Monster D: Yes, suddenly I really want to have a shot...

After a second of silence, Monster Beast ABC said in unison: Great idea!
So all sorts of messy operations.

It was a bit chaotic for a while...

Monster Beast C hums: Come on, come on, be my little princess, only eat a few bars and not suffer...

Monster Beast B is embarrassed: ...Brother, you got the wrong partner!You are a hedgehog, I am a hare!

Monster D explains: It’s okay, it’s okay, love is the most precious thing!It can span species, gender, even life and death...

Monster A is angry: But, you are such a big bear!Is it really good to be a little wild rabbit? !

Lin Xuan and Hua Jieyu didn't know what happened to the monsters in the forest because of them.

Still just selfless and focused.

I put my heart and soul into it.

The crazy field battle continued until dawn, and then gradually subsided.

All night, without compromise.

never stop...

Lin Xuan finally got off his horse.

I'm a little skeptical about my life, am I dreaming, why have I been rushing... endlessly...

After seeing Hua Jieyu, who was exhausted next to him, fell asleep, he was sure it was true.

He couldn't help but sighed slightly.

A female leopard is a female leopard, but last night was too cruel.

Fortunately, my brother's body is strong enough, so I ate two recovery fruits in advance.

Otherwise, I might not be able to bear it...

Lin Xuan squinted for a while due to exhaustion. ——Just like ordinary people, cultivators also need to rest, unless they can reach the A level, the body is free from shackles, and reaches the level of resonance with the heaven and the earth.

After getting up.

Seeing that the body of the Naga blue black python was still nearby, Lin Xuan dug out the demon pill, refined and absorbed it, and practiced for a while.

Anyway, it is also among the ruins.

The intensity of the aura is still many times stronger than the outside.

At noon, Hua Jieyu was still awake.

Lin Xuan's stomach started to growl.

Although there are Wangzai steamed buns to eat, one is not enough.

But that's no fun to eat.

There is no smell of barbecue.

So he turned his attention to the black-striped python whose animal core had been dug out.

Ready to recycle.

The mid-level C-level monster meat contains spiritual energy and is rich in nutrition. It is sold in the outside market, but it is a high-sought-for item, and some people buy it for 1 yuan a catty.

The main signature of many luxury restaurants is top-quality monster meat.

And currently.

These luxury restaurants can sell monster meat for consumption, and the top level is only C-level!

B-level is no need to think about it.

Now there are only two B-level cultivators in the world.



Hua Jieyu woke up.

In fact, with the fatigue and madness of last night, it is possible to sleep until the afternoon.

So she was awakened by the smell of barbecue...

When Lin Xuan was practicing in the secret realm, he cooked barbecue.Spices, charcoal grills, signatures, etc. are all readily available in the system space.

At this time, Lin Xuan's method of cooking barbecue is even better.

Not to mention, it's still mid-level C-level monster meat.


On the grill, the grilled kebabs were golden in color and sizzling with oil.

The rich aroma spread out.


Hua Jieyu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The stomach growled.

There are all kinds of food in her space equipment, but what can compare to the smell of barbecue!

Looking at Hua Jieyu who came over, he stared at the barbecue.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Want to eat?"

"...I want to!" Hua Jieyu glanced at Lin Xuan, instinctively thinking of last night, she wanted to refuse, but she couldn't bear her greed.

"Just say what you want, here it is!" Lin Xuan handed over two skewers of barbecue.

Hua Jieyu took it and was about to eat it when Lin Xuan said abruptly, "A bunch of 1 yuan!"

"Ah? A string of ten thousand!"

Hua Jieyu was surprised, but at least he couldn't hold back the meat skewers in his mouth.

"I'm just kidding!" Lin Xuan had a smile on his face again, "You are my boss after all, so I should treat you to barbecue!"

"That's more or less the same!" Hua Jieyu muttered in satisfaction.

Immediately feast on and eat barbecue.

It was so delicious, so two skewers were not enough, so I ordered five more.

Lin Xuan said while handing the skewers: "Slow down, slow down! I won't miss you. I gave you more than one billion yuan in assets last night, and I will send you barbecue..."

"last night?"

"Give me more than a billion assets?"

Hua Jieyu was surprised, and while stuffing barbecue into his mouth, he asked suspiciously: "When did you send it? Do you have more than one billion in assets?"

Looking at Director Hua's innocent expression.

Lin Xuan thought to himself, I have tens of billions of assets, okay...

But it was hard to say it out, so I had to say in a little embarrassment: "Uh... I made a mistake." After that, he handed over all the grilled meat skewers, "Eat it, it's all from Director Hua."

Hua Jieyu was not polite.

Take it all.

Puffing his cheeks, he enjoyed eating the skewers.

Lin Xuan watched from the side, inexplicably wanting to laugh.

I also suddenly thought of a question, talking about the one-night battle, and even ate the second recovery fruit suggested by the system.

But now.

Why is there no notification sound for the completion of the task?
So looking at Hua Jieyu's expression, I was a little puzzled, what's going on, could it be that the task was not completed, or was the conquest not thorough enough?
That Hua Jieyu was eating meat skewers.

Suddenly, I saw the way Lin Xuan looked at her.

After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help being frightened, shook his head and said firmly:
"No, I can't!"

"I, mine...has been injured! It's really serious..."


(End of this chapter)

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