Chapter 157 Fight to the death!

Looking at the female leopard with a slightly begging and firm tone.

Lin Xuan was inexplicably wanting to laugh. He felt that this female leopard was fierce, but sometimes it was quite funny.

"I said Director Hua, what are you thinking? You are hurt, so am I."

"Are you injured too?" Hua Jieyu looked surprised.

"Yes." Lin Xuan said intentionally.

In fact, he was injured by a hammer, blessed by two recovery fruits, went crazy all night, at most he was a little tired.

"...Here, men can get hurt too? Is it serious too?"

Hua Jieyu's expression was surprised, because of the lack of relevant knowledge, it is really hard to imagine how the man was injured, and it was a serious injury...

"Yeah, it's serious."

Lin Xuan said: "You will know if you come over and have a look, or you can touch it."

"What do you think? It's okay to touch it?"

Hua Jieyu didn't know it was a trick, but still asked in doubt.

It can be said half.

Feeling something is wrong, such ugly things can be seen and touched?Seeing that Lin Xuan was smiling narrowly, he immediately came to his senses.

This kid is teasing himself!

Immediately, willow eyebrows stood on end, mixed with shame and annoyance, a powder fist followed and hammered towards Lin Xuan.

But it hasn't hit yet.

There was just a burst of tearing pain, this time seemed to be worse than the first time.

After taking a breath of cold air in pain.

Couldn't help but sat back in place again.

He glared at Lin Xuan angrily, stopped talking, and continued to concentrate on dealing with the kebab in his hand.


Hua Jieyu was full after eating the meat skewers, and drank a few mouthfuls of mountain spring water brought by Lin Xuan.

For a while, I was satisfied.

It's time to go back, too.

"Director Hua, what about my business?" Lin Xuan asked suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Hua Jieyu asked.

"Of course I was misunderstood by you. I went to the big sword in the club! I was really fooled, and I didn't do anything..." Lin Xuan still explained, no matter what, the mother leopard chased him to this kind of place , although it got out of hand later.

But the original reason was to grab tickets.

If I don't make this matter clear in advance, if the mother leopard turns his back on him when he goes back, he will have to discuss the matter as it is.

It's too embarrassing to spread the word.

Although Hua Jieyu's anger has almost subsided.

But after looking at Lin Xuan twice, he thought of last night...

So he said, "Why not? You know the law is breaking the law. As long as you appear on that occasion, you need to take it back and explain it clearly."

Lin Xuan smiled.

I know that the mother leopard is not so easy to talk...

"But Director Hua, I guess you dare not."


"If you dare, I'll..." Lin Xuan glanced at Hua Jieyu's pink underwear, "I'll tell you the color of your underwear."

Hua Jieyu was taken aback.

Looking down, her pretty face flushed immediately, and she quickly tidied up again.

in fact.

Since she woke up, she was hungry because of the smell of barbecue.

Afterwards grab the BBQ.

I didn't care at all, because the clothes were damaged due to the fierce battle overnight.In other words, what was exposed was not only one side of her pink underwear, but also a large area of ​​snow white inside.

The snow peak is deep and deep, and the tolerance is great, it is amazing!

As for Lin Xuan.

Of course I’ve seen it long ago, it’s just this time to kindly remind me...

Hua Jieyu looked embarrassed.

He stroked his chest lightly, trying to calm himself down as much as possible.

"Lin Xuan, draw your sword!"


"Because I want to fight you to the death!"



Outside the forest.

The members of the Ability Bureau are anxiously looking for their Director Hua.

Strange to say.

Director Hua just led a team to cooperate with the police station to grab a ticket at the clubhouse last night.If you work on the surface, you can just stand still.

As a result, he suddenly went crazy and chased after a person.

After chasing and chasing, it disappeared.

Then, nothing.

Didn't return all night...

"Captain Xu, where is our chief! I've been looking for it all night, and I can't find it at all!"

"Yeah, there won't be any danger, right?"

"Impossible! Director Hua has been repaired at C-level, and has newly distributed the crossbow weapon in our bureau. There are not many people in the world who can defeat her..."

"It makes sense!"

"Then Team Xu, where do you think the director has gone? I won't really tell you, did I go to the ruins?"

Several team members talked a lot.

Finally, they all turned their attention to the captain Xu Peng.

Xu Peng thought for a while and said: "I'm not sure, but last night, I did see her chasing someone, and the last direction was the direction of the ruins. Now we can't get through to the director's phone, and we agree that there is no signal in the ruins. "

"Go and have a look, I have searched everywhere else."

Under the leadership of Xu Peng, several members of the Ability Bureau walked towards a forest.

That's where the ruins go.

The ruins are full of dangers, and there are many high-level monsters haunting them. Even in the superpower bureau, if there is no mission, they rarely go there.

"I said Captain Xu, does the director have a boyfriend? He hasn't returned all night and can't be contacted. Maybe he's gone on a date!"

"Don't be blind if you don't know..."

"Can our director have a boyfriend? Isn't it a joke! Our director is as fierce as a female leopard, with high cultivation and an extremely powerful family background. Which man can control him?"

"That's true!"


In the dense forest of the ruins.

Director Hua, whom the team members were anxiously looking for, was about to take this opportunity to fight Lin Xuan to the death.


Not surprisingly, I just took two steps.

Again, hiss!

With a burst of tearing pain, Hua Jieyu gasped.

Can only stop.

The angry Hua Jieyu stared at Lin Xuan.

There was a sigh in my heart.

By the way, this kid, this calf!I didn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade last night, restrain myself...

Isn't it good to brag about your skills?
Didn't you say that you are very gentle?

But Mrs. Mao feels like this little piling machine will only work hard to perform miracles!


"I can't walk anymore, you carry me out!" Hua Jieyu said to Lin Xuan, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Why?" Lin Xuan was a little surprised at the sudden change of face of the mother leopard.

"Because, I decided not to arrest you." Hua Jieyu said.

"Not enough." Lin Xuan said with a smile, "I had a discussion with you just now, but you don't want to..."

"Then, can I beg you?" Hua Jieyu added more.

"not enough."

"You... Lin Xuan, don't push yourself too hard!"

"Actually, you can't go any further, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you are my wife."

When your wife?

Hua Jieyu looked stunned, it too sudden?

The little head is spinning rapidly.

"Why, you don't want to." Lin Xuan smiled.

In fact, his intention is very simple. Didn't you, Chief Hua, insist on arresting my ticket?But as long as you are my wife, I'll see how you can catch her...

"Forget it if you don't want to, then I'm leaving!"

When the gesture is about to leave.

But seeing the mother leopard blushing, as if she had made a big decision, she whispered: "You... have been twice, and you still care if I am your wife?"

Lin Xuan was taken aback.

After pondering what the mother leopard said twice, he said: "So, you agree?"

Hua Jieyu over there.

At this time, even the roots of the ears are red!


(End of this chapter)

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