Chapter 159 Internal Injury
"Director, you're injured, are you alright?" Xu Peng and others warmed to Lin Xuan for a while, and then greeted Hua Jieyu.

Because of Lin Xuan's killing of the Frost Giant Wolf.

The relationship between Xu Peng and Lin Xuan has become much closer.

Most of the surprise and suspicion at seeing Lin Xuan carrying Hua Jieyu for the first time dissipated at this moment.

When Hua Jieyu heard this, he asked what he was doing.

I was really a little flustered.

He said casually: "It's okay, just a small injury, I sprained my ankle while walking, and now I can't walk..."

Xu Peng and others listened.

A little surprised, sprained your ankle?Director, you are a C-level powerhouse, with a body of steel and iron, capable of resisting heat and weapons, and you can sprain your ankle just by walking?
Lin Xuan also felt something was wrong.

Anyway, you can say that your foot was injured.

"You may not know that while the chief was chasing and killing the fugitive, he was suddenly attacked by the fugitive's magic weapon, which resulted in a sprained ankle. But in fact, the more important thing is that the chief suffered some internal injuries." Lin Xuan stepped forward to explain .


Hua Jieyu also quickly noticed it, and quickly made amends, "The magic weapon of the fugitive is very powerful, what is it called Qiantianshi?"

"I was attacked by the fugitive with a dry sky stone..."

"Qian Tianshi?" Xu Peng was startled: "Could it be that black beard?"

"Yes, it's him..." Hua Jieyu said.

"That's no wonder." Xu Peng continued, "The director should have met Blackbeard again when he was outside the clubhouse, so he suddenly caught up with him. But Blackbeard didn't notice him. I even like going to the clubhouse…”

"Blackbeard" Lin Xuan followed up and said: "Indeed, this blackbeard is a scumbag who has done many evil things. If we meet again, we must kill him."

Black Beard, who was thousands of miles away, sneezed again and again: "Who the hell is scolding me?"

Hua Jieyu saw it.

He sighed in his heart, this kid has a thicker skin than a city wall.

I don't know how it was made...

"It's already afternoon, let's go back, go back, there are other things in the bureau." Hua Jieyu said.

"Okay." Xu Peng and others responded together.

"But the director, what do you do? Didn't you sprain your ankle, are you injured? Or, we will support you?"

"No, no need!" Hua Jieyu resolutely said, just kidding, it wasn't her feet that were injured.

"Then why don't you carry your back?" Xu Peng probed again, "And let... Lin Xuan carry you?"

"Need not!"

Hua Jieyu refused more firmly this time.

Seeing Hua Jieyu's aggressive appearance, Lin Xuan wanted to laugh: "Director Hua, the body is more important..."

"That's right, Director, didn't you just say that you have serious internal injuries?" Xu Peng and others followed suit.

Seeing that everyone is very concerned.

Hua Jieyu has a slightly embarrassed expression, can you guys understand something?

His grandma's.

I can't tell you a bunch of big bastards that my mother's injury was not caused by Qian Tianshi, not by internal injuries, but by Lin Xuan!

"It's okay, I'm going out soon anyway." After muttering for a while, he still said calmly.

After speaking, he endured the pain.

Take the lead in walking in front.

After taking a few steps, stop and take a few deep breaths.

It was so painful.

Hua Jieyu got a little crazy, and couldn't help but secretly gave Lin Xuan an angry look.

It's the second time to say it.

Why does it still hurt so much?

Moreover, my wife is a C-level powerhouse, and her recovery ability is leveraged!Why did Lin Xuan succeed again and again in this matter?

This cannot be explained.

Could it be that this kid is stronger than himself? !

Finally, a group of people left the dense forest.

There was a car from the Supernatural Bureau outside the dense forest, Hua Jieyu got into the car and asked the driver to drive back to his residence.

Xu Peng and others stood where they were, and chatted with Lin Xuan hot for a long time.

I learned about some other things about Lin Xuan, such as working part-time in the Ability Bureau, still in school, and going to Zhongzhou Lingfu to report soon.

"Lin Xuan, you really have a bright future!"

"I am already a top cultivator, and I will continue to study in Zhongzhou Lingfu!"

"A talented student, a genius! And he was very lucky. He lost his way and saved our director... Lin Xuan, having someone like you in the Ability Bureau is like adding wings to a tiger!"


"Where is it, I am just lucky..." Lin Xuan felt embarrassed to be praised by Xu Peng and others.

That's right.

If I let them know, I am the "Blackbeard" that Director Hua wants to catch.

Not only did I not catch it.

Instead, she fought with Director Hua, who was the one who caused her injury.

Moreover, the fierce director Hua also agreed to be his wife...

Regardless of the true promise or the false promise, it can completely destroy these people's three views.

Confused to the point of doubting life!
"Lin Xuan, report to the Ability Bureau early!" Xu Peng and others enthusiastically confessed before leaving.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan agreed.

after that.

Lin Xuan directly found a hotel and checked in.

Report to Zhongzhou Lingfu, it's already late today.

I was in the dense forest with the mother leopard last night, my body was dirty and smelly, and there were signs of tears in several places on my clothes.

Also just in time to take a shower and rest.

It's not too late to report to school tomorrow.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan called a taxi and reported to Zhongzhou Lingfu.

Zhongzhou Lingfu was built on a mountain in the western suburbs of Modu.

Most of the buildings are built close to the mountains, which are not only antique, but also very majestic and tall.

Because freshmen start school early this year, in fact there is no summer vacation.

Except for those who pick up newborns in Lingfu.

Disciples, no, to be more precise, they are still students, there are not many of them.

Unlike ordinary colleges and universities, Zhongzhou Lingfu does not have various colleges. All freshmen enter only one college, which is the Freshman College.

There are different classes under the Freshman School.

Students report by class based on the admission notice.

Together with many freshmen, Lin Xuan entered the campus gate of Lingfu.

From the point of view of cultivation strength, the new students who have registered, and a small number of old students who welcome the new students, are indeed in a much higher realm than the Dao Yuan class of Bailu College.


Most of them are concentrated in the early stage of D-level, there are very few in the middle and late stages of D-level, and no C-level ones have been found yet.

So high, not too high.

I don't know what the real situation of the old students is, can't they all be C-level?

When he first arrived in the Demon City, Lin Xuan beat up a few punks. At that time, he was surprised that some of the punks were early D-level.

Thinking about the magic capital, it must be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

For now.

It can only be said that there may be some exceptions when encountering that D-level gangster...


The class Lin Xuan was assigned to was Class Three of the Freshmen College.

I'm looking for the report office for the third shift.


A beautiful woman with a tall face and a slim figure walked towards her.

Smiled and said:

"Primary school boy, which class are you in? My name is Lin Yanran, and I'm a veteran volunteer who helps freshmen register."

Lin Xuan was a little puzzled.

If you can help, you will report for it. Why do you still report your name when you come up?

But he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

When I noticed that Lin Yanran was smiling, I really felt a little bit of a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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