Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 160 Senior Sister's Little Wolf Dog

Chapter 160 Senior Sister's Little Wolf Dog
With Lin Yanran's enthusiastic help, Lin Xuan registered smoothly and went through the admission procedures very quickly.

Because Lin Yanran is a senior.

Beautiful people and great attitude.

Naturally, he was watched and envied by many eyes around him.

"This freshman is fine. As soon as he comes in, the school belle-senpai will personally lead the registration... Tsk tsk!"

"Speaking of which, no one will be treated this way!"

"Yeah, if Brother Kai sees this, he will go crazy again!"

"No, hahaha..."

of course.

There were also many who marveled at Lin Xuan's handsome appearance. Lin Xuan walked all the way on the campus, and many girls were surprised and stopped to look back.


Compared with the brainless nympho at Egret Academy.

The girls in Zhongzhou Lingfu are obviously more mature.

Still a lot of restraint,
There was no such thing as drooling and unable to walk when seeing such a handsome guy like Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was quite satisfied with this point.


It can't always be that superficial.

Just like this senior Lin Yanran, she is fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged, and very handsome. Knowing that she is a super handsome guy, although she has no pretensions, she is warm, thoughtful, and polite when helping her report for duty.

In addition to knowing some basic information about yourself.

Others didn't ask at all.

Not too close.

Such an attitude made Lin Xuan very comfortable...


By Lin Yanran.

Lin Xuan also initially learned some basic information about Zhongzhou Lingfu, such as curriculum, tutors, anecdotes, and so on.

At the same time, I got an important piece of information by accident.

Mother Leopard Hua Jieyu, as the head of the Ability Bureau, will give part-time lectures to new students in Zhongzhou Lingfu...

Think of the two fierce wars in the past.

Such a piece of information made Lin Xuan look forward to the upcoming campus life.

"Okay, Junior Brother Lin Xuan."

"I've almost done the introduction. Do you have any questions?" Lin Yanran said with a smile after completing all the formalities.

"No, thank you." Lin Xuan replied.

"you are welcome!"

Lin Yanran smiled brighter, "This is what I should do. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me. My name is Lin Yanran, and I have the same surname as yours..."

"Uh, okay." Lin Xuan replied.

Still a little puzzled, why did this Lin Yanran emphasize her name over and over again.

"Well, I wish you a happy life and study in the future." Lin Yanran took the initiative to extend a small white hand to Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan shook it.

The little hands are tender and smooth, weak and boneless, not bad.

Lin Yanran turned to leave.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he took out his mobile phone and said: "That junior, why don't we use the price wechat message, so it will be convenient to contact you if you have something to do in the future... the mobile phone number is also fine."

After speaking, his face turned slightly red.

The hand holding the phone trembled.

Lin Xuan didn't care either.

Tell each other your WeChat ID and add friends to each other.


After Lin Yanran finished adding WeChat, she waved her hands and walked away with a very excited smile.

Lin Xuan was going to visit the campus and take a walk around.


at the same time.

In a hidden corner of the campus.

Two beautiful women with the same fair skin and long legs were always watching the situation of Lin Xuan and Lin Yanran.

In the case of out of sight.

Even with the help of a telescope.

For Lin Xuan and Lin Yanran, from the beginning of contact to the last request for WeChat, they chatted all the time.

The criticism is endless.

"We Yanran are quite bold, we couldn't see it before!"

"That's right, the hidden little pervert..."

"This time Yanran was exposed, hahaha... Not to mention, Lin Yanran is quite courageous when she finally found a usable little wolf dog from a junior high school, so she took the initiative to attack, as soon as possible!"

"Tsk tsk... the little wolf dog is so handsome, I will eat it this time!"

"But Yanran made the first move."

"Who should we sisters share? We have the same blessings and share the same hardships, and the big deal is that the blood of the little wolf dog will belong to Yanran. After that, everyone will eat together!"


"Look, look, Yanran is asking for the contact information of the little wolf dog! Look at that little blushing, shaking hands, hahaha..."

"After all, it's Yanran's first time!"

"Wow, it turned out to be a success! It seems that the little wolf dog has a good impression of her, so we don't have to do anything..."

"Yeah, a handsome little wolf dog... In the new school year, we can finally have a different meat feast!"

"Tomorrow night, let's kill the little wolf dog for meat!"

At this time, I saw Lin Yanran come back.

The two girls hurried up to greet her.

"Yan Ran, that's amazing! You won the favor of the little wolf dog so quickly!"

"Yeah, it was great the first time!"

And Lin Yanran, even though she returned to the side of the two women, her face was still a little feverish.

The two girls are Gao Yajie and Bai Chuxue.

They are all famous rich and noble women.

The two of them are old students in Zhongzhou Lingfu. The reason why the new school year is so early is to hunt the wolf!

Because of the close family relationship, Lin Yanran and the two of them had been in close contact for a long time.

Can't stand persuasion and ridicule.

She has been single for 20 years, and after seeing Lin Xuan, she made a decisive move for the first time today.

"What little wolfdog, how about the elementary school brother? You guys..." Seeing the expressions of the two girls, Lin Yanran couldn't help but said.

"Yo, you won't be sincere to the little wolf dog, will you? Yan Ran, you won't do that?" Gao Yajie sneered.

"Ya Jie, what nonsense are you talking about!" Bai Chuxue said intentionally, "She finally turned her lustful heart, and fell in love with a little wolf dog, so it doesn't make people a bit selfish! Isn't it, Yan Ran?"

Lin Yanran blushed, feeling a little overdone.

So he said, "Okay, okay."

"Can I still have it all to myself? As we agreed before, I need the contact information. After that... Everyone depends on their own abilities. It depends on luck if you can get the elementary school boy!"

Gao Yajie smiled and said: "It must be taken, I have booked all the KTV rooms!"


Lin Xuan, who was wandering around in Zhongzhou Lingfu, didn't know that he was being targeted at this time.

It became the target of several school belle seniors raising little wolf dogs in captivity.

In fact, he was right.

The girls in Zhongzhou Lingfu are indeed different from those in Bailu College.Seeing a handsome guy like Lin Xuan, he wouldn't drool and couldn't move.

It's also more mature.

It's just that, when I came to the higher spiritual institute, there was no love restriction, and everyone followed like a demon—think about the kind of love scene in a traditional university, yes, that's it, anytime, anywhere, the classroom can become an interactive place...

Not to mention Zhongzhou Lingfu, where there are more women than men.

Cultivators are physically strong, and they are strong in every aspect.

Therefore, the seniors who have been holding back for a long time will take the initiative to attack and do it directly when they see a usable goal in the new school year.

Fast, steady, ruthless...

If you are not careful, you will be eaten into scum.

It's almost become a tradition.

Just like the seniors from last year, who were in the same situation as Gao Yajie and Bai Chuxue, after seeing some handsome juniors.

After several storms.

Two months later, all the seniors looked radiant, refreshed, and achieved success in cultivation.A few elementary school boys were pale and thin, and lost a full 50 catties, and they were almost sucked dry.

It almost became a "medicine dregs".

of course.

Lin Xuan is still not clear about these situations.

In his heart, he was still looking forward to the day when Hua Jieyu would teach part-time...


(End of this chapter)

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