Chapter 161 In KTV, Three Girls
"Hey, boy! Are you Lin Xuan?"

When Lin Xuan was wandering to a secluded corner of the campus, a young man wearing a famous brand with a sullen expression suddenly stopped him and said in a vicious voice.

The young man was followed by three or four bodyguards, all in black suits and sunglasses.

Entering the era of aura recovery, where cultivation is king, there are very few foolish and rich second-generation pretenders like this.

What famous brand, what bodyguards in black.

In front of a strong cultivator, it is not worth mentioning. Under a violent blow, everything will be wiped out, and the same is true for a big family without cultivation background.


This kid wears the logo of Zhongzhou Lingfu, and looks like he is also a student.

Could it be that he is still a second-generation repairman?

Lin Xuan frowned and looked at the young man on the opposite side, thinking, well, the idiot villain with no eyesight and a negative IQ came out again.

"I am, what's the matter?" He said indifferently.

"What's wrong?" Li Kai sneered: "You still dare to ask what's wrong? Let me ask you, did Lin Yanran help you with the registration procedures, and added your WeChat before leaving?"

Li Kai said.

The expression is sour and angry.

That's right.

He, Li Kai, is the school girl Lin Yanran's licking dog.

Been licking for almost a year.

Send everything to Lin Yanran, spiritual resources, expensive jewelry, don't give it too.

As a result, Lin Yanran didn't even look at him.

After Lin Yanran discovered the wechat that was secretly added, she blocked it and deleted it.

It couldn't be more ruthless.

But today, Lin Xuan came to report.

As a senior sister, Lin Yanran smiled sweetly all the way, not to mention helping enthusiastically, and at the end took the initiative to add Lin Xuan's wechat.

After Li Kai's younger brother found out.

Tell Li Kai himself that Li Kai was furious on the spot, and he didn't want to pick up another girl, and immediately took someone to clean up that toad who wanted to eat swan meat...

Lin Xuan looked at the other party's expression and couldn't understand what was going on.

Immediately happy.

Deliberately said: "Yes, sister Lin took the initiative to add me on WeChat, and even sent me a message, saying that she wanted to invite me to dinner."

"You!" Li Kai spit out angrily.

He said to do it, because the scruples were on campus, and Lin Xuan didn't know the details.

Then he said slowly again: "Lin Xuan, let me explain to you straight away! Stay away from Lin Yanran in the future! You can't talk to her, you can't have any contact with her, and I deleted the WeChat messages you added, and you can't get within one meter !"


"I abolished you, don't even think about hanging around in Zhongzhou Lingfu!"

"Finished?" Lin Xuan said lightly.

Li Kai was taken aback, this person didn't mean to be afraid at all.

"Why, you don't agree?"

"There's nothing to be dissatisfied with. It's just that senior sister Lin wants to invite me to a hotel to have a heart-to-heart chat." Lin Xuan laughed.

Hotel yo?

Have a meal and talk?

Shouldn't it be applauding for love in the hotel?
Li Kai quickly became furious, "Damn it, you are toasting and not eating fine wine!" He punched Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was too lazy to talk nonsense.

For such a stupid villain with negative IQ, of course, he will be beaten up severely.

He didn't dodge or avoid Li Kai's fist, but slapped him.

Li Kaixiu is only half a step D-level.

Lin Xuan's slap seemed random, but he couldn't stop it at all, and was sent flying out with a slap.

A few D-level bodyguards in the back saw this.

After being stunned for a moment, he also rushed up.

Lin Xuan was neither busy nor busy, he didn't want to use his hands anymore, he took out even more amazing bricks, one brick after another, and shot them all out.

It was a little surprising that the last bodyguard turned out to be the feather ability.

But it's useless, half feathered.

He was still sent flying by Lin Xuan.

Then Li Kai was blown away, still dissatisfied, and kept yelling in his mouth: "Dare to hit me, you kid wants to die..."

Lin Xuan shook his head.

Walking up to Li Kai, he stepped on his hand directly.

Twist hard: "So you're still not convinced."

Li Kai's hand was bloody and bloody.

It hurt so bad I almost cried.

But he still responded: "I don't accept it! I don't accept it even if you kill me..."

"Very good." Lin Xuan almost laughed.

Then it was another effort.

With this slap of Li Kai's hand, he was directly crushed into the floor, which was even more horrible than bloody.

"Are you convinced?" Lin Xuan asked.

"No, I'm not convinced..." Li Kai howled.

But when Lin Xuan wanted to use more strength, he hurriedly waved his hands and begged for mercy with a crying voice: "I...I can't beat you, can't I accept you?"

With that said, he finally cried out in pain.

Lin Xuan: "..."


After sending Li Kai and the others out.

Lin Xuan wandered around for a while, and received a call from Lin Yanran.

Although Lin Xuan has a good impression of Lin Yanran, isn't it too hasty to call so presumptuously?

compare to.

Lin Xuan would rather be played by Hua Jieyu, the master, or my aunt.

It's been a few days since I saw you.

I still miss the broad mind of the master...

But after a moment of hesitation, he still connected the phone.

The reason, of course, lies in the beaten Li Kai.

Originally, labor and management were not interested. After all, our mouth is quite tricky, not everyone can get it, but after you said something, labor and management became interested.

After all, this Lin Yanran is not bad.

After the phone call.

Lin Yanran was polite first.

Sorry for interrupting.

Then, during the period, Ai Ai very tactfully invited Lin Xuan to participate in the welcome event prepared by their seniors.

The venue of the event is KTV.

The time is 8 o'clock tomorrow night.

It's not the first time Lin Xuan has been in a relationship, he has been with Director Hua several times, so of course he understands the meaning behind Lin Yanran's words.

Immediately agreed:

"no problem."

On the other side of the phone, Lin Yanran jumped for joy:
"That's good, Junior Brother Lin Xuan! Let's see you at KTV tomorrow, see you soon!"


No classes for the first two days of school.

The dormitories are not officially open yet.

Lin Xuan then went back to the hotel to take a nap, and explained to his aunt about the registration for school.

After that, I chatted with the master for a long time.

The head said to visit him for a while, and Lin Xuan agreed.

At 8 o'clock the next night, he appeared on time at the KTV that Lin Yanran had mentioned.

After entering the private room, I was a little surprised.

In the impression of welcome, there should be men and women, at least there are many people.

But this KTV box.

Although the space is large, there are only three girls.

One of them is Lin Yanran, and the other two are strangers, but they are dressed very delicately, and they are also fair-skinned and beautiful school girls.

Just dress.

A bit too cool, or HOT...

Lin Yanran was actually better.

Even though she was wearing a dress, she still showed a pair of white and slender legs.

And the other two.

A short skirt with a full X, almost full of beautiful legs.

A shirt with a navel-baring upper body, and a pair of shorts on the lower body, so short that half of the buttocks are exposed.


(End of this chapter)

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