Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 162 The Word of Tiger and Wolf

Chapter 162 The Word of Tiger and Wolf
Lin Xuan was surprised when he saw the cool clothes of the three of them.

Of course it's not unattractive, it's quite eye-catching.

It's just a little too revealing.

Ragged clothes, good scenery everywhere.

Why doesn't it feel right? It's like welcoming a new year?It does reveal a strong taste of conspiracy...

"Junior Lin Xuan, are you here? Welcome!"

"Sure enough, he's a talented person! Junior looks like a banished immortal from the heavens, right?"

"Primary school brother, this is the first time we meet, my name is Bai Chuxue, this is Gao Yajie, and there is another one you know, Lin Yanran..."

When the three girls saw Lin Xuan, they immediately surrounded him.

A warm greeting and introduction.

His eyes were all on Lin Xuan, scanning up and down, but it was still polite.

There is no feeling of unbridledness.

"Junior Lin Xuan, we thought you wouldn't come." Lin Yanran blushed slightly, and was a little surprised, and smiled at Lin Xuan.

About dressing.

Gao Yajie and Bai Chuxue originally had a bolder plan, but since there is an indoor swimming pool next to the private room, they wanted to change into bikinis directly...

Lin Yanran resolutely refused.

At the same time, she also resolutely rejected the suggestion of the other two women to let her wear suspenders.

After several considerations, I chose a short dress.

It's just that the hem of the skirt is too short, and I unconsciously want to pull the hem of the skirt down.


Lin Xuan replied calmly.

But in my heart...

Still not quite used to it.

Inexplicably, he thought of the health club that Li Yunchang took him to.If it weren't for the fact that the three girls were pretty good-looking and the senior sister who was helping me report, she would have turned her head and left long ago.

"Junior Lin, we just want to keep cool, don't mind..." Lin Yanran explained first.

"Yeah, it's a bit hot, we were just going to swim!"

"Junior Lin Xuan, do you want to swim? Next to our private room, there is an indoor swimming pool. How about we go swimming for a while..."

The other two women also hurried forward to explain.

Such a serious explanation has never happened before.

However, there is no way.

Lin Xuan is so handsome... beyond their imagination.

Looking at it from a distance yesterday, I felt it was very rare. Watching it up close today, my heart is pounding. I didn't expect that the little wolf dog is so handsome in 366 degrees with no dead ends.

Compared with Lin Xuan, all the handsome guys I knew before would be scum in seconds.

Therefore, Gao Yajie and Bai Chuxue took a lot more seriously.

I really want to eat it.

So just like Lin Yanran, the two of them didn't want Lin Xuan to feel that there was something wrong with their style.

Hot day?


Lin Xuan wondered for a moment, the air conditioner inside was quite cool.

Does San Niu have other ideas?
"Forget about swimming, just play here for a while." Lin Xuan said calmly, found a seat and sat down.

"Yes, yes, just play for a while, why not swim?" Gao Yajie quickly agreed.

Lin Yanran ordered some fruit plates.

Bai Chuxue asked Lin Xuan, "Can I have some wine, junior? Do you want beer or red?"

Lin Xuan: "Anything is fine."

"Okay!" Bai Chuxue responded readily, ordering a dozen beers and three bottles of red wine first.


Outside the Dynasty KTV.

A fat man with a wretched face and the appearance of a younger brother.

He was on the phone, with a frightened and anxious expression on his face: "Boss, let me tell you something, don't be angry... I found a new situation today!"

The other side of the phone was annoyed: "What's the new situation? What the fuck, let the fart go!"

"Yes!" the fat man said hastily.

"Boss, I'm outside Dynasty KTV right now. When I went in and wanted to play, I saw Bai Chuxue and Gao Yajie. They opened a VIP room..."

"Open a VIP room? Why is this kind of thing worth reporting?" The person on the phone was obviously impatient.

"It's not the boss, listen to me." The fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It's fine if they open the private room, the key point is that they are too...revealing, to put it bluntly, like a KTV princess! Besides, I See that... the freshman Lin Xuan went in!"

"Lin Xuan? Did you go in?"

The person on the phone was surprised, and then his tone became a little angry: "You mean this kid went into that private room?"


The fat man said: "Didn't you tell me to keep an eye on it? I just met by chance. Boss, you also know that Bai Chuxue and Gao Yajie love to play, and they can play..."

"Riding on a horse!"

There was a curse on the other side of the phone, "This Lin Xuan wants to die!"

"Boss, calm down! In fact, there is another one, that is..." The fat man swallowed, and then said: "I found out that Lin Yanran is also in the private room, that is to say, there is only Lin Xuan in the private room. A girl..."

"F*ck!!!!" There was a furious voice from the phone.

Then came a bang.

The phone must have been broken...

The fat man shrank his neck, put away his phone, and returned to the KTV.


at the same time.

In the VIP room of KTV, the atmosphere is good.

The three daughters of Lin Yanran and Lin Xuan chatted while drinking, and Bai Chuxue and Gao Yajie who were more interested also karaoke nursery rhymes for a while.

In general.

At the beginning stage, the three girls were quite reserved in front of Lin Xuan, paying great attention to the image of their seniors.

Tell me what you know about the experience and lessons learned in Zhongzhou Lingfu.

Tell Lin Xuan everything.

Lin Xuan didn't feel anything unusual either.

It's just three enthusiastic seniors, chatting with me, imparting learning experience, what else can I do?

But over time.

Drinking more and more, the three girls became more and more exposed.

In the era of resurgence of spiritual energy, some spiritual energy will be added to the wine sold, so even if a practitioner drinks too much alcohol, he will get drunk very quickly.

Especially Bai Chuxue and Gao Yajie.

His eyes became unscrupulous, he scanned Lin Xuan up and down, and his mind was full of the plan of that little wolf dog from yesterday again.

So they got closer and closer unconsciously, and sat beside Lin Xuan.


Hongwei in front was even more so, inadvertently rubbing Lin Xuan's arm.

Lin Yanran was still rather reserved.


After drinking the wine, her face was flushed, she shrank to one side and watched the second daughter's mischief, her eyes were both timid and...envious.

"Brother Lin, you are so handsome, have you had many girlfriends?"

"Junior Lin, what do you think of me? I am versatile..."

Bai Chuxue and Gao Yajie were drinking high at this time, and said drunkenly.

The two hugged Lin Xuan's arm each, as if kidnapped, and the words in their mouths were vague.

But the content is increasingly explicit.

"Many talents?" Lin Xuan asked casually.

"Yes, yes, I know a lot of things, such as, such as..." Bai Chuxue was still embarrassed to say it for a long time, after all, face is still needed in front of Lin Xuan...

However, Lin Xuan's question still gave the second daughter a lot of encouragement.

The second daughter's head became hot, and she simply had a showdown.

"Primary school brother, do you mind if I have another girlfriend? As I said just now, I do know a lot..."

"Primary school brother, I don't have so many requirements, as long as we have a good night, we can do whatever we want... Besides, people nowadays, aren't they all like this? One night I fell in love with death, but the next morning I feel like a stranger..."

"Actually, that's what I mean too!"

"Like juniors, many people are still thinking about it..."

"So elementary school brother, what do you think, do we have someone you like?"

Lin Xuan drank a lot of wine, and his head was a little dizzy.

At this moment, seeing the enthusiasm of the three people, no, to be precise, it was the two women, Lin Yanran was relatively quiet.

So he said: "I don't think there is any need to choose, they are all very good, the three of you may as well come together."

come together? !
Both Bai Chuxue and Gao Yajie were surprised.

The two of them felt that they were already bold enough to speak like tigers and wolves.

Unexpectedly, the elementary school brother can play even more...


(End of this chapter)

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