Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 170 The mother leopard is going crazy again?

Chapter 170 The mother leopard is going crazy again?
Lin Xuan saw that it was Hua Jieyu, or Hua Jieyu in OL uniform.

I was a little stunned for a while.

Speaking of mother leopard, why is she the mentor of Zhongzhou Lingfu?
"You... Teacher Hua?" Lin Xuan asked suspiciously.

Hua Jieyu saw that it was Lin Xuan.

I was also taken aback, I didn't expect to meet again so soon!
Hiss, subconsciously gasped, the feeling of tearing pain seemed to come again...

I felt a little scared.


In fact, after a few days of recuperation, she is much better now.

"Call me Chief Hua, I'm not your mentor!"

In front of many students, Hua Jieyu quickly regained his airs as the director of the Ability Bureau.

With a cold tone, he said: "I'm not here for class, I'm just here to tell you about the rules and laws of our Dragon Kingdom's cultivation world, and by the way, introduce the Ability Bureau. I hope you can join the Ability Bureau after graduation. Of course, You can also work part-time while you are in school.”

Listening to Hua Jieyu's meaning, it's obviously a matter of business.

Pretending not to know Lin Xuan.

And he deliberately emphasized his status as the bureau chief, not a mentor...

Lin Xuan didn't mind either.

After all, Hua Jieyu is the director of the official Ability Bureau. If everyone finds out, there will be some unspeakable relationship with a newly enrolled spiritual student.

Still not great.

Maybe, the city is full of wind and rain, and the post of bureau chief can't be done.

Hua Jieyu over there was surprised to see Lin Xuan.But seeing him sleeping in class, I was still a little angry.

"What's your name?"

Hua Jieyu pretended to be careless, and flipped through the roster on the podium: "Lin Xuan, right?"


Lin Xuan nodded, knowing that the mother leopard still wanted to cover up, but seeing Hua Jieyu's serious expression, he still wanted to laugh. He said that there have been two wars, and he was going to die. I don't even know him?

"Lin Xuan, do you think it's right to sleep in class?" Hua Jieyu asked again.

"No." Lin Xuan said.

"Since it's not right," Hua Jieyu glanced at Lin Xuan, "and you look sleepy, then, student Lin Xuan, you should stand and listen, and you should be energetic!" After speaking, there was a trace of difficulty on her face The perceived smile flashed by.

You boy, I can finally punish you in a fair and fair way!

In the classroom, several students laughed lowly.

As soon as school started, everyone looked fresh in everything. After a few classes, someone was punished to stand for sleeping in class. Suddenly, there was a feeling of... dreaming back to elementary school.

By the way, this buddy doesn't even look at it.

The beauty on the stage is the director of the Dragon Kingdom's well-known Ability Bureau!
What are you crazy about.

However, in Lin Xuan's view, this is another matter.

Something is wrong with the mother leopard.

Based on the deep and long-term relationship with her, why should she take care of her? Why are you wearing small shoes all of a sudden?
"Director Hua, I think what you did is not right." Lin Xuan scratched his head and said.

As soon as the words came out.

The classroom was stunned and they all stared at Lin Xuan. How dare this kid contradict the head of the Ability Bureau? !

The few who laughed out loud before were even more interested and watched another good show.


Being directly contradicted by Lin Xuan, Hua Jieyu's face was not very good-looking, and he asked coldly, "Is it wrong for me to punish you for sleeping in class?"

"This... Director Hua, listen to me."

Lin Xuan coughed twice, paused and continued: "It's not right for me to sleep in class. Logically speaking, I should be fined to stand. But..."

"But what?"

Hua Jieyu asked in a cold voice.

"But Director Hua, you are not a tutor, you are not here for class..." Lin Xuan paused and said in a breath.

This time, there was an uproar at the scene.

Because what Lin Xuan said was not wrong, it was what Director Hua himself said just now, not the instructor, not coming to class...

Since it is not a teacher.

If you don't come to class, then there is no such thing as sleeping in class.

"...You!" Hua Jieyu paused.

What she said was not a tutor, not coming to class, but just kind words from her classmates.

Who would have thought that Lin Xuan's words would be unreasonable and he would pick out the words.

took a loophole...

"After school at noon, come to the principal's office and wait for me!" Hua Jieyu glared at Lin Xuan angrily, then explained a few words to everyone, and left the classroom angrily.


It happened again and again with this Lin Xuan...very embarrassing and shameful things.

She has decided to hide from the boy if she can.

Even if you don't see him for a long time.

But the reality... is often that the enemy's road is narrow, and they meet again unexpectedly, and then they are so angry that their teeth itch.

and so.

She changed her mind.

This kid, he has to clean up his meal!
After Hua Jieyu left, there was an uproar in the classroom.

"Ah, Lin Xuan!"

"Even the director of the Ability Bureau dares to hate..."

"It doesn't look good, you know, in terms of rank, the director of the Dragon Nation Ability Bureau is no lower than our principal!"


Lin Xuan shrugged indifferently.

What else can the mother leopard do to him, eat him?Big deal, just be eaten by her again.

So sit down.

Lie down on the table and continue to catch up on sleep.

Last night was also really strange, I don't know why, my auntie made a video call with him, talking nonsense, talking until midnight...


At noon school is over.

Lin Xuan was not hungry after thinking about it, so he might as well see what the mother leopard had in mind, so he went directly to the principal's office.

The principal's office is in a separate two-story building.

The decoration is luxurious and spacious.

It was also the first time for Lin Xuan to go in. After entering, someone took him directly to the principal's office.

Lin Xuan thought that the mother leopard might have gone to eat, but she might not be there.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came in, he found no one else, but the mother leopard was there.

And, it seems like a long wait.

"Lin Xuan, you are amazing! I am the director of the Ability Bureau, your immediate boss, and I am obliged and kind enough to give you lessons. You are lucky..."

"It's all for sleeping, and after that, you will attack me with unreasonable words!"

Hua Jie's tone remained unchanged, and when he came up to catch Lin Xuan, he fired a cannonball.

Lin Xuan knew he was wrong, and apologized with a smile: "Director Hua, calm down! I, I am so sleepy..."

"If you're sleepy, you can sleep in class? Then you can beat me?"

Hua Jieyu still rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Come here, sit here a little bit!"

Lin Xuan didn't know why.

However, he still stepped forward and sat down on a chair next to Hua Jieyu.

Just sat down.

One of Hua Jieyu's claws came over, suddenly, and pinched Lin Xuan's waist hard.


Lin Xuan shouted exaggeratedly: "Director Hua, you can talk about things as you say, why are you pinching me?!"

"I pinch you? I still bite you!"

Hua Jieyu said with a vicious expression, and after pinching again, he opened his mouth and bit Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan then hid for a while.

Hua Jieyu just made a gesture, but didn't really bite.Anyway, it's also the principal's office of Zhongzhou Lingfu, so it's impossible to do anything out of the ordinary.

"Alright, Lin Xuan, you've provoked me today! Come with me now!" Hua Jieyu stared at Lin Xuan, not without anger.

"Where are you going? I still have class in the afternoon!" Lin Xuan said.

"Hey! Are you pretending to be a student now? You don't know how to ask for leave!" Hua Jieyu said sarcastically, and stood up: "As for where to go? You will know when you go!"

After that, he stared at Lin Xuan meaningfully.

Lin Xuan was shocked by the stare.

Suddenly, there was a faint feeling in my heart!


(End of this chapter)

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