Chapter 171 Another Invitation

"Let's go!"

Hua Jieyu looked at Lin Xuan's expression, smiled slightly, and left the principal's office first.

Although Lin Xuan didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the mother leopard's gourd.

But what's the point of staying alone in the principal's office.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and keep up.

After Hua Jieyu took Lin Xuan downstairs, he walked directly to a car parked by the side of the road.


A group of students passed by after eating.

Seeing Lin Xuan getting into the official car with Hua Jieyu, he was very surprised.

Among the students is Lin Xuan's class.

When I saw it, I first thought of Lin Xuan's confrontation with Hua Jieyu in the morning.

"Lin Xuan was taken away?"

"No way? It's just a bump in class, the consequences are so serious?"

"It's hard to say, but maybe this kid has committed something else..."

"No matter what, if it falls into the hands of the cold and fierce Hua Jieyu, it will be fruitless!"

Lin Yanran, Bai Chuxue, and Gao Yajie also happened to pass by.

Hearing the discussion, they couldn't help worrying.

"Why did the elementary school brother offend her?"

"The Ability Bureau cooperates with our school... By the way, could it be Li Kai's matter? The Li family in their magical capital exerted pressure?"

"Well, it's possible, after all, Li Kai has been defeated..."

Lin Yanran looked at the official car of the Ability Bureau that drove away quickly.

He suddenly said, "Tell me, could it be that the elementary school boy is so handsome that Hua Jieyu has taken a fancy to him?"

After I finished speaking, I felt that it was impossible.

The two daughters, Bai Chuxue and Gao Yajie, even objected in unison:

"How is it possible? That Hua Jieyu is arrogant, and many people privately call her a fierce female leopard! It is doubtful whether a person like her likes men..."

"That's right, besides, the two of them don't know each other!"


On the way, Lin Xuan also muttered to himself.

What is the mother leopard doing?Wanting to take revenge on him and punish him doesn't seem like it.

Hua Jieyu was expressionless, and the car drove fast.

Soon came to a building in Shanghai.

Lin Xu looked at the name of the unit: Longguo Ability Bureau, Modu Branch.

"For a long time, you invited me here! You don't want to be locked up here, do you?" Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows, staring at Hua Jieyu and said.

On Hua Jieyu's face, there was a rare bright smile.

"Why, you want to be locked up here!"

Drive the car to the parking lot and park it: "Get out of the car and go through your entry procedures!"

"Please tell me clearly when you go through the formalities, I didn't bring any documents..." Lin Xuan lost his energy for a moment, thinking that the mother leopard was severely punishing him and taking revenge on him...

In the end, it turned out to be a job entry procedure.

"You don't need to bring your ID. You just need to arrive in person. The files and procedures have already been completed. You just need to sign your name." Hua Jieyu said.

"Hey, I haven't eaten lunch yet!"

"Finish the formalities and then eat."

"But I'm really hungry."

"It's okay, I'm hungry..." Hua Jieyu rolled Lin Xuan's eyes, and walked forward without looking back.

Lin Xuan: "..."

The mother leopard is still pissing herself off?

It seems that conquering is really not enough!


Hua Jieyu took Lin Xuan into the office building.

It is said that Hua Jieyu is worthy of Hua Jieyu.

When the staff in the office building saw Hua Jieyu coming, they came up to say hello one after another, and the people in charge also stepped forward.

Thought there were some instructions.

"You keep busy with your work, don't worry about me, I'm just recruiting new colleagues." Hua Jieyu dismissed everyone with a simple sentence.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Lin Xuan who was behind him.

The first impression is of course... so handsome!

Then I looked at Hua Jieyu.

It's all gone, I didn't think about it deeply...

Xu Peng, who happened to be nearby, greeted Hua Jieyu a few times, and then bragged about Lin Xuan's past achievements to everyone.

"oh, I see……"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that Lin Xuan really didn't come in through the back door.


The admission process is completed quickly.

Lin Xuan's position is a special member of the Ability Bureau, level two.

The salary is what I said before, [-] per month.

After signing and depositing.

Lin Xuan was also awarded a gold nameplate for identification.

after that.

Hua Jieyu took Lin Xuan to meet the heads of various departments, and they became familiar with each other.

Let Hua Jieyu take it personally, enter the job, introduce...

It was really the first time ever.

Therefore, the people in the Ability Bureau are also very polite to Lin Xuan, knowing that they are people who the director pays special attention to.

Lin Xuan took a look. In this entry-level Ability Bureau, part-time jobs don't require shifts, they get paid, and they are promoted by others.

I am also very happy.

But the most important thing is the high salary, one hundred thousand per month!Tsk tsk, next time I will make a video call with my aunt at night, so I can show off in front of her...

"Am I level two?"

When Hua Jieyu took Lin Xuan to eat in the cafeteria of the Ability Bureau, Lin Xuan suddenly realized that his level was Level [-], so he asked a question.

"Why, dissatisfied? I'm level [-] for being low. Considering your strength, I specially adjusted it to level [-]."

"What level are you, chief?"

"Me, level six."

"Level six? Then there's a big gap between us!"

"What are you thinking about? You just joined the job and started working part-time, so you want to be at the same level as me?" Hua Jieyu was surprised.

"That's not it."

Lin Xuan smiled: "I didn't think about it, we are not...that relationship, I don't want to, the gap with you is too big!"

"What relationship do I have with you?" Hua Jieyu rolled his eyes and asked with a slightly annoyed expression.

But hearing Lin Xuan take the initiative to mention it, I feel quite refreshed...

"However, if you want to improve, it's not impossible. There is also a Skynet organization above the Ability Bureau, and there are great gods in charge."

Lin Xuan was surprised: "Skynet organization?"

Hua Jieyu said: "Yeah, after you enter Skynet, maybe I will have to see your face."

Lin Xuan: "..."

The two chatted while eating, and the meal was finished before they knew it.

Lin Xuan also finished eating.

Only then did I sincerely feel that the meal in the cafeteria of the Ability Bureau was really not bad.I don't know if it's a small stove made by a mother leopard.

"The entry procedures have been completed, and the meal has been eaten, so I'm going back to school."

Lin Xuan hiccupped and said to Hua Jieyu.

"Are you going back now?" Hua Jieyu said with a half-hearted smile, "I'll treat you to a meal anyway, and you treat me like this?"

"Then what do you want?" Lin Xuan said.

"It's not good," Hua Jieyu looked up at the sky, "It's still early, let's go, go to my house."

"your home?"

Lin Xuan's face was startled, what is the mother leopard doing?Go home to see your parents?


Are you talking too fast? !

Although it will be in the future, we don't reject or oppose it, but... Anyway, let people have a psychological preparation in advance.

Looking at the surprised expression, Hua Jieyu was slightly amused.

I couldn't help laughing and said: "I said you were going to my house, but you didn't want you to go to Yanjing to meet my parents! It scares you..."

"Let's go, I'm going to my home in Modu, a small den of one person!"

"Is that always possible?"


(End of this chapter)

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