Chapter 172 Hua Jieyu's Nest
"Yes, you can have this!" Lin Xuan changed his face in a second.

Talk about meeting your parents.

I haven't experienced it before. Although I took the head home and met my aunt, but there seems to be no parents on the head...

Hua Jieyu suddenly said to go to her house.

Lin Xuan took it for granted that Mother Leopard wanted him to meet her parents.

I can't help feeling a little flustered.

In fact, Hua Jieyu's father actually met her once.

It was at the graduation ceremony of Egret College, I chatted with Lin Xuan for a while, and before leaving, I told him to have a good exchange with Mother Leopard, but it was too accidental, compared with Mother Leopard who personally invited her to her home to meet her mother , the properties are totally different.


It's another matter if the mother leopard invites her to her home in Modu, a small den where she lives alone...

Hua Jieyu over there saw Lin Xuan's face change in seconds.

I wanted to ridicule a few words in my heart.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't speak them again.

After all, I invited you...

And an unmarried girl took the initiative to invite a young man to a place where she lived alone.

Isn't it a bit too obvious!

Hua Jieyu held back the blush on his face, said coldly, and led the way.


Lin Xuan followed quickly.


The "small nest" in Hua Jieyu's mouth is a little far away from the office.

It was chosen by her on purpose.

In her view, life is life, work is work, and the two must be separated.

After driving for more than half an hour, I arrived at the place where Hua Jieyu lived, a heavily guarded high-end community.

After entering the community.

Hua Jieyu took Lin Xuan upstairs directly.

I came to my own residence, a two-bedroom apartment.

As soon as Lin Xuan entered, he smelled a fragrance, which was exactly the smell of Hua Jieyu.

The decoration inside is simple, with all kinds of furniture and home appliances, and there are many green plants on the balcony.

The environment is generally elegant and warm.

Obviously, Hua Jieyu often came to this temporary nest.

"Would you like a drink?"

At this time, Hua Jieyu took out a bottle of red wine and said to Lin Xuan who was sitting on the sofa.


Lin Xuan responded, turned on the TV, and watched any soap opera.

Strangely, the first time I came to the female leopard's den, it turned out to be a very relaxing feeling.

It seems that I have been here many times before.

Hua Jieyu skillfully uncorked the bottle, sobered up, poured two glasses of red wine, and handed one to Lin Xuan.

Taking a sip from a glass.

"Do you like drinking?" Lin Xuan asked.

"I generally like it." Hua Jieyu sighed slightly: "When you are unhappy, you will drink more."

Lin Xuan drank red wine, although he didn't know much about it, he still found that Hua Jieyu's bottle of red wine was obviously much better.

"What kind of wine is this, isn't it cheap?" Lin Xuan asked.

Famous wines and luxury cars have always been the object of pursuit by the rich and powerful.

Even after the aura is revived.

And still.

"It's not bad, Roman Conti 45 years." Hua Jieyu took a sip: "If you buy it at the current price, it's one hundred thousand."

One million?
Lin Xuan was slightly surprised.

Before, my aunt revealed her family fortune to him, with a deposit of more than 1000 million, which made Lin Xuan feel that she was considered a small fortune.

But for Hua Jieyu to drink a bottle of wine, it's only a million...

"By the way, your family is quite rich?" Lin Xuan asked tentatively.

"You just found out?" Hua Jieyu asked back, turned his head to stare at Lin Xuan, opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything after that.

In fact, she really wanted to tell Lin Xuan.

When he met her, he took such a big deal.

Her Hua family is headquartered in Yanjing, and it is one of the top families in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

And Hua Jieyu himself.

He has been gifted since childhood.

At a young age, he is one of the rare C-level powerhouses, and relying on his own hard work, he has successfully held such an important position with outstanding achievements.

The old man of the Hua family is very optimistic about her and praises her as the future of the Hua family.

He personally chose a son-in-law for her, and arranged a marriage with a wealthy family.


Jinzhiyuye, Miss Qianjin's Huajieyu, chasing the fugitive, unexpectedly met Lin Xuan... After that, there was a storm, lightning and thunder.

If the old man found out about this situation, the consequences... would be unimaginable!

Hua Jieyu thought about it more and more.

My heart became more and more panicked, so I had to drink, one cup after another.

"Lin Xuan, it's all your fault!"

Hua Jieyu was drinking, his eyes were slightly red, and suddenly he said complainingly, "If it weren't for you, I..."

As he spoke, he wanted to cry a little bit.

Lin Xuan was wondering just now.

Xin said, I asked you that your family is quite rich, and I was teased by your mother leopard.

It doesn't matter to me that your mother Leopard's family is rich.

Anyway, I don't like money—no, it should be that I don't like money that much.

At this time, seeing the mother leopard's expression of wanting to cry, she was stunned.

Where did the fierce female leopard go?
Want to cry? !
"Hua... Hua Jieyu, what's wrong with you?"

"...It's okay! Drink!" Hua Jieyu calmed down, poured a glass, and gulped it down again.

Pour it up again immediately after drinking.

After looking at Lin Xuan, I probably couldn't help it.

Suddenly he rushed over and put his arms around Lin Xuan's neck.

"Lin Xuan, do you know? Others only say that I'm amazing, but in fact... I'm very annoyed and worried!" After finishing speaking, his little head rubbed against Lin Xuan's body, seeming to let out tears or something. They all hit him.

Lin Xuan was still in a daze for the last second.

next second.

In the bosom, the nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, and the mountains are crumbling.Why is the mother leopard so emotional all of a sudden?

It's not easy to push.

So he comforted: "Well, I'm actually quite worried too!" In fact, he was worried...

"Are you worried too?"

"That's just right, let's have a drink together! Then what, let's share the eternal sorrow with you..." Hua Jieyu hooked his neck with one hand, took a glass of wine with the other, and drank it down.

After that, he kept urging Lin Xuan to drink too.

Lin Xuan thought about it, let's share the eternal sorrow with you.

Who wouldn't!

So the two kept drinking, and drank all the eight or nine bottles of Roman Conti that Hua Jieyu had kept here.

In the end, both of them were dizzy.

I don't know when they got entangled again.

Tear each other, begging.

From the sofa, to the floor, to the kitchen, and finally, out of nowhere, to the balcony again...


The two are really too sad!


(End of this chapter)

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