Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 173 I'm at a disadvantage!

Chapter 173 I'm at a disadvantage!
The two of them crawled and rolled, rolling and rolling on the ground until the next morning.

Hua Jieyu woke up first.

When he opened his eyes, he was shocked immediately.

I'm naked, and my clothes, including all kinds of small clothes, are thrown everywhere.And there was a man next to him, sound asleep, it was Lin Xuan!

As bright as her...

A little movement, even if the wine bottle is ringing.

Hua Jieyu blushed.

Thinking of the crazy behavior last night, he rubbed his brows helplessly.

Why do you drink so much?
Last night, I clearly remembered that I was talking to this kid about my worries, why did they get together again...

It's a waste of time to drink.

Hua Jieyu sighed lightly.

Unexpectedly, when she moved her upper body, she found Lin Xuan's arm resting on her chest.

want to sit up.

It was found that the boy's leg was hooked on the buttocks...

Under such close contact, it was difficult for Hua Jieyu to move.


This dead guy is too hateful!

How can anyone sleep like this? !

Seeing Lin Xuan still asleep, Hua Jieyu looked embarrassed and gritted his teeth, really wanting to bite this kid to death.

But I was afraid of waking Lin Xuan up.

If this dead guy also wakes up, and the two of them face each other so sincerely, wouldn't he die of embarrassment.

Hua Jieyu had no choice but to be careful.

It took a lot of effort to remove Brother Lin Xuan's arms and legs from his body.

Then pick up your clothes.

The small clothes under Lin Xuan's body were hard to pull out.

I saw one on the balcony, so I went over and prepared to put it on first.

Unexpectedly, I just got the clothes.

Lin Xuan woke up over there, and shouted in a daze, "Director Hua? Where is he?"

Hua Jieyu was shocked immediately.

The answer was either no answer or no. Seeing Lin Xuan's gaze was looking towards her, he immediately felt embarrassed, and then became ashamed and annoyed: ", don't look!"

He hastily covered his body with that piece of clothing.

But how can I hide it.

He stomped his feet, and fled into the bedroom shyly, regardless of his care.

Lin Xuan was taken aback at first.

Immediately after understanding, she shook her head with a speechless smile, saying that this female leopard... really knows how to deceive her ears.

How many times has it been?

still care about this?
However, what surprised him even more was still behind, because in less than a minute, he was still getting dressed slowly.

Hua Jieyu over there suddenly rushed out again.

Immediately threw Lin Xuan down: "No way! I'm at a disadvantage! If you read mine, I have to read yours too!"

Lin Xuan was caught off guard and was taken aback.

I rely on!

If you read mine, you also have to read yours... What kind of fairy tale is this? !

and also.

The female leopard is obviously not as simple as it looks.

It's a deliberate plan...

"I said Director Hua, didn't it happen last night? Are you still coming?" Lin Xuan sensed Hua Jieyu's unruly intentions, so he asked.

"Drunk last night, I can't remember...that doesn't count!" Hua Jieyu sneaked back in a hurry.

"But Director Hua!"

Lin Xuan suddenly thought of a very serious point, "Is your body okay? Isn't it just..."

Twice before.

He did remember, but the tragedy of the mother leopard was vivid in his mind.

Could it be that after experience, the body has "evolved"?

Hua Jieyu stopped his movements, bit the corner of his lips, and glared at Lin Xuan: "This...don't worry about it!"


There was an imperceptible blush on his face.

Lin Xuan was delighted to see it.

Never mind!
As long as you, Chief Hua, are fine, and I, Jade Faced Little White Dragon, are even more fine...

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of completely conquering Hua Jieyu, task evaluation: Creation Zhong Shenxiu! 】

【Ding, mission rewards have been distributed in advance! 】

[Ding, the current situation of the host has been detected, congratulations to the host for getting an extra reward: three recovery fruits!I wish the host will continue to work harder and become more courageous!A real man never bows his head...]

Lin Xuan listened to the system voice in his head.

I was speechless for a while.

Three additional recovery fruits will be rewarded, and I wish you the best of luck and never bow your head...

Depend on.

This LSP dog system, there is really no one...


After this battle, Lin Xuan also realized the true strength of Director Hua.

As expected of a ferocious female leopard!

(End of this chapter)

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