Chapter 175

"Lin Xuan, how are you?"

"Director Hua took you away, didn't he make things difficult for you?"

"I heard that Director Hua is very fierce..."

As soon as Lin Xuan entered Zhongzhou Lingfu campus, many students surrounded him and asked questions.

After all, Lin Xuan was the number one person who fell asleep in class, contradicted Director Hua, and was finally taken away under the watchful eyes of everyone...

By the way, it's only been a few days since school started.

Among the students who came around, besides Lin Xuan's classmates, there were also three daughters of Lin Yanran.

Fortunately, that kid Li Kai was crippled before.

Including the KTV manager and service staff, none of them dared to say anything about the KTV that day.


The news of the "one-vs-three" thing in KTV got out, and Lin Xuan would definitely become famous at the beginning of school, and the trouble would be even bigger.Lin Yanran and the three daughters didn't dare to appear in his vicinity casually.

"I'm so lucky, how could something happen?"

Lin Xuan looked at a group of students who were concerned on the surface but gossip in reality, and smiled helplessly.

"But Chief Hua is notoriously ruthless!"

"Last time, one of them was sleeping in class. Director Hua said that after class, someone would give him a small fire. As a result, this kid was used as a human sandbag for half an hour. He was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he almost couldn't stand up!"

"Another unlucky classmate who made rude remarks was directly beaten and suspended from school!"

"The little gangsters from outside the school came to the campus to provoke, but in the end, all the limbs were broken by Director Hua, and they were all thrown out..."


Regarding Lin Xuan's remarks, the students expressed disbelief one after another, and cited many fierce cases of Director Hua.

Lin Yanran's three daughters also joined them.

Concern asked:

"Brother Lin Xuan, are you really alright?"

"Director Hua is not an ordinary person. She once shot and killed more than a dozen gangsters in a busy city! There is no good fruit for the criminals in her hands!"

"That's right! You may be the first one who can escape in her hands..."

Lin Xuan was speechless for a moment.

The female leopard is fierce, but it's not to the point of being abnormal, right?
Could it be that, according to what they think, I have to be cut into pieces by a mother leopard to meet their expectations?

But well.

Although he heard about the above cases for the first time, he believed that the female leopard would definitely do it.

It's just me, who am I?
The man who completely conquered the female leopard! ! !

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "Maybe everyone has some misunderstandings about Director Hua. I personally think that Director Hua is quite good, good-looking, gentle, and kind..."

The surrounding students were all surprised when they heard this.

They said Director Hua was pretty, and they believed him.

The appearance is indeed very good-looking, it is not an exaggeration to say that the fish and the wild goose are sinking.

It's just that she is gentle and kind... Speaking of Director Hua, is she a little bit involved?

And this time.

Hua Jieyu had just parked his car in the parking lot and appeared on campus.

Although it was far away from Lin Xuan and the others, the strength of the C-level powerhouse allowed her to clearly hear the conversation here.

I heard Lin Xuan praise her for being good-looking, gentle, and kind...

Couldn't help but move in my heart.

He stopped in his tracks immediately, how could this bastard praise her like that?Rare...

"Junior Lin Xuan, since Director Hua is so good, why did she let you go?" Lin Yanran asked first.

"Yeah, how did she punish you?" the other two girls asked.

Lin Xuan saw the three women.

Subconsciously, I remembered the KTV thing that day, and suddenly awakened a strange new skill.

Last night and this morning, I interacted with the female leopard repeatedly.

I forgot to try out new skills...

Here the three girls took the lead, and other students also looked at Lin Xuan. Obviously, everyone was very interested in this fundamental question.

Faced with a pair of eyes full of thirst for knowledge, who will not stop without saying one, two, three.

Lin Xuan could not bear to help his forehead.


What a challenge!

It can't be said, after I was arrested, young master.

The mother leopard first dragged herself to the Magic City branch of the Ability Bureau, and went through the entry procedures, with a monthly salary of [-], and then went to the mother leopard's den in the magic city, drinking and chatting, scrambling, and then being bombarded.

The next morning, followed by another brace, right?


(End of this chapter)

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