Chapter 176 Four chapters of agreement!

"At noon that day," Lin Xuan said bravely, "Director Hua asked me to go to the principal's office to look for her. I was also quite scared, so I arrived on time, and the principal happened to be there too. After the principal found out about the incident, he severely criticized her. After I paused, Director Hua was still angry, so he took me out..."

"Take it out? When I got angry, I took you out?" Someone among the classmates asked.

"I didn't expect you to be quite scared!"

"The principal severely criticized you, saying that when I went to the principal's office once, my legs were a little weak..."

"Bringing you out, wouldn't it mean taking you to play?"

Others followed suit.

"Where is it for fun? Director Hua sent me to the Devil's Sub-bureau of the Ability Bureau..." Lin Xuan coughed twice, and then said: "Didn't you just say that, Director Hua is a nice person, I thought I would I won't torture me or anything, who knows, the result of Director Hua's handling is to make me work hard for the Ability Bureau for ten years!"

Ten years of hard work? !
This time, the scene was amazed again and again.

"Fuck, ten years of hard work! I didn't expect that after two years, another ten years of hard work appeared in the Ability Bureau!"

"At that time, the group of 'ten-year hard workers' did a lot of evil, offended a certain big shot, and forced the construction of a secret project for the Ability Bureau... But Lin Xuan was too cruel, so he went to sleep in class, and contradicted a few words That's all, it's not that..."

"Why not? Who let him meet Director Hua? It's not bad that Director Hua didn't use the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty on him!"

"Ten major tortures in the Qing Dynasty? Director Hua dares to use this?"

"Interrogation of spies, hey, you know..."

Lin Xuan couldn't help but rubbed his forehead again.

Ten years of hard work is nothing but nonsense.

I didn't expect to hit the right side... The mother leopard and the Ability Bureau have done this kind of thing?Also, what happened to the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty...

Lin Xuan was just pretending to be silly with his classmates.

They are all new classmates, so it's good to connect with each other.

But Hua Jieyu in the distance heard every word in his ears, but he was about to explode.

This dead guy, Lin Xuan!

At first I thought this kid would praise me, but it turned out...

What principal criticized you seriously, the principal was not there at the time, okay?

What makes you a hard worker for ten years, there will be a formal contract for a ten-year hard worker, you will continue to study, and you will get a monthly salary of [-]?

Also, the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were all brought out!
"After that, from yesterday to noon today, there is still a lot of time?" Someone asked, "Why did you go during this time?"

"After signing the ten-year hard labor contract," Lin Xuan scratched his head, "Director Hua refused to let me go, and forced me to play backgammon with her."


"Seriously, it can't be flying chess?"

There was a boy at the scene laughing.

Lin Xuan frowned, these LSPs...

"It's really backgammon... Director Hua had nothing to do, so she forced me to play backgammon with her. In backgammon, I was a master before, and of course she was not my opponent, so she always regretted the game and always helped me... In the end, she still lost. If you lose, you won’t accept it.”

"So, you stayed there for one day and one night?" Someone asked again.

"That's right! Director Hua didn't admit that I lost, he didn't allow me to sleep, he didn't allow me to eat, even before coming to school this morning, he dragged me to play several games." Lin Xuan said with a look of grief and indignation.

"Then, this... Lin Xuan, you are too miserable!"

"I didn't expect Director Hua to kill people with a soft knife, and he was so cruel!"

"But fortunately, Junior Brother Lin escaped from Director Hua's clutches..."

Everyone expressed sympathy for Lin Xuan's "tragic experience", which was another piece of comfort.

It's just that no one noticed, Hua Jieyu in the distance almost couldn't hold back.

All right, Lin Xuan.

Didn't let you eat from last night to morning?Didn't let you sleep?You can honestly say, didn’t my old lady feed you enough?
As for what to do at other times.

Is it playing backgammon?

Don't you have a B number in your heart? ? ? ! ! !

"Then Lin Xuan, Director Hua is so cruel, why did he let you out? Isn't it a ten-year hard labor contract?" Someone asked suspiciously at this time.

"This one……"

Lin Xuan pondered for a moment.

Xindao, what nonsense, even I can't make it up.

After a pause, he continued: "The hard labor contract was signed for ten years, but Director Hua was lenient and made an agreement with me for three chapters. Without delaying my studies, I will do hard labor three times a week, each time for...five hours That's it."

The crowd suddenly stunned.

"Three chapters of the agreement!"

"Looking at it this way, Director Hua is pretty good!"

"I just said, Director Hua can't kill them all..."

Hua Jieyu in the distance: "..."

Is this how my old lady made an agreement with you for three chapters? !
Lin Xuan had fun pretending to be X.

Suddenly there was an unexplained coldness behind him, and when he turned his head, he happened to see Hua Jieyu in the distance, stomping, seeming to be angry and going away.

The phone on his body also vibrated one after another, and he received two messages.

Lin Xuan had a bad feeling and quickly turned on his phone.


It's the message from the mother leopard...

The first message: "Lin Xuan, I found that you are quite capable, so I will make four chapters with you in the future, the first three remain the same, and the fourth is added: Give me another hard work three times a week, five hours each time! "

The second message: "If the fourth item cannot be done, refer to the third item with the same time and frequency! If you still can't do it..."

Lin Xuan just looked at it, and it was as big as his head.

I fuck.

Did the mother leopard hear it?!These four chapters of the agreement...they don't want people to live!

(End of this chapter)

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