Chapter 177
"If you can't do the fourth, use the same time and frequency, refer to the third! If you still can't do it, be careful that I will torture you!"

Hua Jieyu finished sending this message.

Although she was shy in her heart, she was still very angry with Lin Xuan.
What the hell is going to play backgammon with you, a ten-year hard labor contract... From last night to morning, what happened, you don't know what happened?

Still blowing!
You bloody bastard, a dog can't spit ivory out of his mouth.

Let's see how I will deal with you next time!

Lin Xuan "has the guts" to read it.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

With the ferocious style of a mother leopard, refer to the third article, hard work, torture...

Inexplicably, he thought of the dregs of the medicine used to treat the palace ladies in the history books.

Hey, pretending to be X is too much.

Sad reminder...

At this time, other students left one after another because their curiosity was greatly satisfied.

Lin Yanran and the three daughters stayed behind with ambiguous expressions.

Facing Lin Xuan, he expressed his feelings directly.

"In the hands of Director Luo Hua, Junior Brother Lin is really miserable... But Junior Brother Lin, do you have time this week? Just go out and relax..."

"Yes, yes, let's make an appointment at KTV!"

"Welcome junior to join us again!"

Looking at Lin Xuan's eyes, there are little stars one after another.

However, Lin Xuan immediately shook his head and refused the warm invitation from the three women on the opposite side: "It's okay, I'm not in the mood today, let's try another day!"

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.

as usual.

The three girls spoke to Lin Xuan so sincerely, at least Lin Xuan would be more polite, at least it was thanks to them that he developed a new skill.

But this time is different.

Only then annoyed the mother leopard.

From the third chapter of the contract, it was upgraded to the fourth chapter of the contract.

For the time being, don't touch the mold of Baozi again...


Lin Xuan entered the classroom with a heavy heart.

The first section in the afternoon is a self-study class. According to the requirements, the students have to review the previous cultural classes, which include the code of conduct for practitioners and supernatural beings, knowledge and classification of monsters, foreign practitioners, etc.

Lin Xuan followed the usual practice.

Want to catch up on sleep, in fact, from last night to this morning, I was basically not idle.

The body is a little sleepy.

Just as soon as he got down on the ground, a tall, handsome boy walked towards the podium.

"Hi everyone, maybe some of my classmates still know me."

"But it doesn't matter. I'll introduce you again. My name is Bai Tao, and I'm the monitor of the second class of our Freshman College. From now on, I will be in charge of the daily management of the class."

"Now the Freshmen College conducts collective appraisals of excellent classes, and the appraisal of academic style is an important content."

"So in order to create a good style of study, I didn't care about it before.

"But after that, as the class monitor, I need to emphasize again that during the class time, we must clock in on time, and we are not allowed to be late or leave early, and we are not allowed to sleep or do other things!"

On the podium, after a long speech.

Squad leader Bai Tao looked around for a week, and his eyes paused unconsciously on Lin Xuan.

"For the sake of our second class, I hope everyone can supervise each other and improve each other!"

"Can everyone do it?"

"Yes!" In the classroom, the students answered neatly, obviously agreeing with the monitor.

Lin Xuan couldn't continue to sleep either.

He glanced at the squad leader Bai Tao.

Sword-browed and star-eyed, dressed in white, with a proud expression, and overall very handsome, of course, there is still a little distance from himself.

Listen to the whispers of the students next to you.

This Bai Tao is a relative of the principal, or a closed disciple of the head of a certain sect.

He has a high cultivation base and a good reputation.

It's no wonder that I became the monitor...

Probably sensing Lin Xuan's gaze, Bai Tao walked over directly.

Very polite: "Hi Lin Xuan, I'm Bai Tao, the monitor of our second class, if you have any troubles in the future, you can call me."

See Lin Xuan nodded.

Bai Tao said again: "Seeing that you missed a few classes before, you haven't taken any notes yet, right? Well, here are my notes, I'll borrow you to copy them..."

With that said, he handed over his notebook.

"...Thank you!" Lin Xuan reluctantly took the notebook and came over, thinking that the squad leader is quite enthusiastic.

Seeing this, Bai Tao immediately said politely, "You're welcome, it's for our class."

"By the way, Lin Xuan, you need to take notes in cultural class. I check the notes on time every two days. This is also an important part of the class's style of study evaluation. I hope Lin Xuan can understand and fully abide by it."

When Lin Xuan heard it, he suddenly felt dizzy: "..."

Do you want to take notes later?
Still need to check?
By the way, my brother is no longer a primary school student.


Unhappily spent an afternoon of elementary school life.

After class, Lin Xuan was the first to walk out of the classroom, directly ignoring Bai Tao's request to clock in after class.

Bai Tao didn't say anything when he saw it.

Just bowed his head and wrote it down in a small notebook.

After leaving the classroom, Lin Xuan had nowhere to go.

Originally, Director Hua could go there. There are three chapters in the agreement, and the task must be completed with quality and quantity.

But now, the situation has turned into four chapters... Just here, I don't know how this mother leopard will "punish" herself additionally.

Forget it, let's take it easy.

"Brother Lin Xuan, is it really you?!"

Lin Xuan was wandering aimlessly in the campus when suddenly, an enthusiastic and surprised voice shouted from behind.

Lin Xuan suddenly had goose bumps all over his body.

One is that the mother leopard seems to be in school these days, teaching the rules of behavior for practitioners. If she is bumped into again, would she still want to live...

Second, it was too affectionate.

Speaking of girls, do we know each other?
Lin Xuan turned his head speechlessly, and glanced at the girl angrily.

This look.

Damn, I really know...

The girl is no one else, the 36-drop loli of the baby, Shangguan Xuerou!

I haven't seen you for many days.

Shangguan Xuerou has grown up a bit and matured a bit, but the characteristic of being childlike and cute is still very obvious and shocking.

Just for this doll pro.

Apart from feeling better... Lin Xuan really didn't have a good impression.


(End of this chapter)

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