Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 180 It's Childish and Cute Again!

Chapter 180 It's Childish and Cute Again!

Bai Tao, as the monitor of the second class, was told by Shangguan Xuerou from the outer class that he couldn't hold back.


In order to maintain the good cultivation of the squad leader.

It's really outrageous to have an argument with a classmate from another class not long after school started.

The important thing is.

This Shangguan Xuerou looked sharp and sharp-tongued. If she quarreled, she might not be able to get fired...

So he had no choice but to take a few deep breaths and glared at little Lolita.

Still held back.

Before leaving, I told Lin Xuan: "Lin Xuan, practicing martial arts is your own. If you don't want to practice, others can't help you. Also, I don't want you to hold back in the evaluation of the various classes in the Freshman Academy!"

After Bai Tao walked over.

Continue to lead the students in the second class to practice martial arts.

Let's just say, monitor Bai Tao is not a bad person, he has no evil intentions.

Highly cultivated and handsome.

Dressed in white clothes, tall and tall, although he is not far from Lin Xuan...but he often has the feeling of a young man.

I heard that the family is also good.

Therefore, Bai Tao is the class monitor. He is meticulous and conscientious in his work, very responsible, and he is very popular with his classmates.

Just such a serious and responsible monitor.

It seems that Lin Xuan is not so friendly to such a salty fish.

You asked me to take notes.

You let me practice martial arts.

But we [Ding, trigger god-level cultivation physique], in the S-level cultivation system, we have a hundred times the cultivation speed...

Therefore, there is no need to take notes at all.

Read it once and remember it all.

Let's not talk about the low-level martial arts taught by the instructor. The key is that we can practice it once and we will know it.

There is something like sweeping down classmates or something.

That's a shame.

We are already very restrained, if we use our full strength, I am afraid that not one or two will be swept away, even your squad leader may be swept into the sky.

So when Lin Xuan was "difficult" by Bai Tao.

While feeling helpless.

It was also the first time that he wondered if it was a wrong decision to come to Zhongzhou Lingfu to study.

If you don't come to Zhongzhou Lingfu.

Stay in the gentle village where the head of Tianyi Sect is.

It seems that it is not bad to stay and fly together with the head of the two people, or toss out some kind of double cultivation method, and then the two of them go out for a tour of the mountains and rivers...

Just that way.

It would be a pity to take the initiative to make an agreement with Hua Jieyu, who has three chapters.


"Brother Lin Xuan..."

After Bai Tao left, when only Shangguan Xuerou and Lin Xuan were left nearby, Shangguan Xuerou called out again, looking at Lin Xuan with a timid expression.

Lin Xuan felt dizzy for a while.

He is really not used to it. The originally savage and willful little loli suddenly became like this.

"I said Shangguan Xuerou, I have already told you clearly that we are not familiar with each other, and I am not your brother, please don't get close to me in the future, it is unnecessary." Facing Shangguan Xuerou's long-term love, Lin Xuan simply said Straight up the words.

The little loli looks good.

It doesn't feel bad, but Lin Xuan just doesn't have a good impression of her.

What's more, with such a big contrast between front and back, who knows if there will be any bad intentions.

"But Brother Lin Xuan... I am really different from before. I was not good before and tried to hurt you several times. But I have really changed... Now I think you are very good, and it is not enough for me to apologize to you Is it?" Shangguan Xuerou asked sincerely.

feel good?


When Lin Xuan thought of the arrogance and viciousness of the little loli at that time, he wanted to laugh a little: "Let's forget it, there's no need to be like this, really."

Little Lolita still didn't want to give up.

Eyes full of expectation: "Brother Lin Xuan...can you give me another chance?"


Lin Xuan directly refused, "I repeat, I am not your brother."

After speaking, I went to rest.

Anyway, squad leader Bai Tao said for a while, it's meaningless to stay here any longer.

Shangguan Xuerou, who looked disappointed, had no choice but to return to her class.

As the two left.

Among the students in the second class, the pot was blown up for a while.

One after another whispered below.

"What's the situation? Just now, Shangguan Xuerou helped Lin Xuan to speak. Listening to the conversation between the two just now, Shangguan Xuerou confessed to Lin Xuan? This is a story between the two of them!"

"That's not right! You didn't see Shangguan Xuerou's extremely disappointed expression when she left just now..."

"Tsk tsk, Lin Xuan rejected Shangguan Xuerou!"

"By the way, how long has it been since school started? Just now, Lin Yanran and her seniors asked our class about Lin Xuan, and now there is another Shangguan Xuerou!"

"Our squad leader is actually not bad, but compared with Lin Xuan, you know..."


Bai Tao was in front, so he naturally heard the discussion.

Just now Lin Xuan and Shangguan Xuerou made him lose a lot of face.

At this time, he frowned even more.

Immediately shouted: "Practice martial arts, practice martial arts, whisper! Hurry up and practice for me, today's martial arts class, if anyone can't get to the beginning, don't even think about dismissing the get out of class!"


Afterwards, Lin Xuan finished the class calmly, and Bai Tao didn't look for anything else.

Lin Xuan also sent messages to Hua Jieyu.

Prepare to "plead guilty" or something.

But the mother leopard didn't know if she was busy or still angry, and she didn't reply to his message.

There was still no news until after school in the evening.

Lin Xuan had to go back to the school dormitory.

Dormitories are single rooms.

Moderate decoration, well-equipped home appliances, if you want to cook is also possible.

It's just that for Lin Xuan, cooking is impossible.

After making do with a meal outside, I went to bed.

Silent all night.

It's just that when I woke up the next day, I suddenly felt that the surroundings were a little different.

Rubbed his eyes.

Only then did I realize that there was another person in the bed, it was... Shangguan Xuerou.

This is so frightening!

Lin Xuan almost jumped up.

By the way, this childish face is cute, is it really haunting?Also, how did she get in here? !How did you get under the covers? !Won't you do something to yourself? !
Lin Xuan thought in shock.

Without saying a word, he pulled the little loli out of the bed.

But after pulling it out, he quickly put it in again.

Because, what a little loli.

It turns out that Guangguoguo...


(End of this chapter)

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