Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 181 Ice Muscle Jade Bone Body

Chapter 181 Ice Muscle Jade Bone Body

Lin Xuan was shocked when he saw this scene.

This childlike face is cute!What is this?Beauty trap?Sex show?

But this kind of pediatric raid can also be called a beauty trap? !

Scary enough.

"Put on your clothes quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Xuan quickly put on his clothes and said coldly.

Anyway, this little loli is too much!

When I woke up early in the morning, I suddenly found that a person I didn't welcome appeared in my bed naked without knowing the purpose.

Whoever leaves this matter will have to go crazy.

Lin Xuan's first reaction when he saw it, apart from being astonished, was to quickly check his whole body to see if there were any missing parts or something.This is so inexplicable,

Sure enough.

Then he questioned the little loli.

Although the tone was a bit cold, but thinking about this situation, I was afraid.

If little loli really wants to assassinate or murder herself, or if little loli is a man...

This is so special!
Isn't it the end of the calf? !
And at this moment, Lin Xuan was particularly puzzled, since he was a C-rank anyway, and the dormitory was locked, how did this little loli come in without anyone noticing it!
Although it is worthy of being childlike and cute.

Big and white and round.

But in such a bizarre event, are these details necessary?It doesn't matter at all, okay?
Faced with Lin Xuan's questioning and "threats".

Shangguan Xuerou over there did not immediately defend herself, instead she just put on her clothes slowly and quietly.

Lin Xuan saw it.

A little restless again.

So calm, is it a habitual offender?Or the little loli has sneaked in before?

But she obviously just passed D level.

If you enter your own house, will you not be able to make a difference?

"Shangguan Xuerou, I hope you can explain clearly what is going on here?"

"Why are you in my room?"

"Chiguo got into the bed, what's the plan? Also, have you done similar things before? If so, how many times and when!"

There was a burst of questioning like a cannonball.

To be honest, it was the first time for Lin Xuan to experience such a strange thing at such a young age.

It was the first successful KISS with the master.

I've never been so shocked.

"Can you listen to me and explain?" Shangguan Xuerou put on her clothes and said calmly.

"Yes, I was going to listen to your explanation just now!" Lin Xuan resisted the urge to continue questioning, and said with a bad face: "You'd better explain one, two, three, otherwise, don't blame me for not being sympathetic .”

This kind of words have been said.

It shows that Lin Xuan is really in a hurry.

But Shangguan Xuerou over there still buttoned up her buttons leisurely, bit the corner of her lips, and gave Lin Xuan a deep look.

After that, he said with a slightly angry tone, "Got it."

Lin Xuan watched anxiously: "..."

He wanted to beat her up with hatred.

Shangguan Xuerou took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Actually, I had no choice but to do this. I came to your room, and even... stripped off and got into your bed, just because I was afraid of the cold , I hope you can save me."

Lin Xuan was surprised again.

The little Lolita took off her naked body and got into bed in the middle of the night, unexpectedly she had no other choice.

Is it because she is afraid of the cold and specifically asks for help?

Depend on!
Could the reason be any more bizarre?
"I know you are confused, but I really have no choice but to ask you for help..." Shangguan Xuerou said calmly.

"Why?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Because of my special constitution, I have icy muscles and bones. Let's just call it a disease. It will attack intermittently. Once it occurs, my body will be as if frozen, and it will be very cold." Shangguan Xuerou stretched out her hand. Arms like lotus roots, "If you don't believe me, touch my hand."

Lin Xuan touched it, and it was indeed very cold.

Like it came out of the freezer.

But he still wondered and asked: "What kind of icy muscle and bone body do you have? It's cold when it's cold, but what are you doing in my bed in the middle of the night?"

"Of course I'm asking you for help."

Shangguan Xuerou took it for granted, "Because my body is cold and I need to keep warm, general fire sources and the like are basically ineffective, so I can only be with you... otherwise my life will be in danger."

While speaking, a blush flashed across his face.

After all, this kind of rescue operation came to a man's room, Chi Guoguo, in the middle of the night, under the bed...

Still too unusual.

"So, you found me, at night... looking for me to keep warm?"

Lin Xuan looked surprised.

A strange picture appeared in front of him.

I also suddenly thought of a certain period of time last night, it seemed that I was indeed holding an ice cube in my arms, but because of the soft bounce, I thought it was a dream.

"Yes." Shangguan Xueju said.

"Then, why are you looking for me? Can't others do it?" Lin Xuan asked again.

Shangguan Xuerou: "No."

Lin Xuan: "Why?"

"Because..." Shangguan Xuerou paused, "Because the other person is not you."

Lin Xuan: "..."

While sweating profusely, goose bumps covered his entire body.

Speaking of this Shangguan Xuerou, since the goodbye, her behavior is very different from before. Either there is a conspiracy, or her head is flooded!
But then.

Still asked a very important question.

"How did you get in?"

"Of course it got in." Shangguan Xuerou smiled indifferently.

"Get under the quilt, of course I know you're sneaking in! Please, what I'm asking is, my doors and windows are closed properly, how did you get in..." Lin Xuan became more and more impatient.

But immediately.

He opened his eyes wide again.

Because of the scene in front of him, he was very surprised.

I saw Shangguan Xuerou easily burrowing into the ground... That's right, she burrowed into the concrete floor covered with tiles!
Then got out again.

Drilled into the ground in the bedroom, and then drilled out in the living room.

It was like magic.

It's like a fish burrowing around in the water.

Simply divine!
Lin Xuan was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

I fuck?

No wonder it was able to come in without a sound!It turns out that this girl, a 36-drop little lolita, can escape from the earth? !

(End of this chapter)

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