Chapter 184 Unspeakable Hidden
Although the cultivator's body is much stronger, the little loli's cultivation base is also D-level, which is not low.

But such a cold speed still surprised Lin Xuan.

If she hadn't known the situation in advance, she might have thought that little Lolita still had ice abilities.

And it took a long time.

It is also possible that little Lolita died because of this.

Although Lin Xuan is a C-level, but in terms of medical treatment, except for Gu, he is basically a novice.

Seeing that the situation of little Lolita is not good.

Therefore, apart from putting her under the quilt and passing part of his spiritual power there, he couldn't think of any other way.

But the little loli had no effect.

The freezing situation is getting worse.

Lin Xuan also racked his brains and thought of various ways, but in desperation, he remembered the situation when he woke up in the morning and found that little loli had slipped into his bed.

And yourself.

In fact, there is a habit of sleeping.

So is it that...

Treating each other with sincerity can make this little loli warm up?

Lin Xuan hesitated for a moment.

Intense ideological struggle, I don't think we are some philandering carrots, just because saving people is the most important thing.Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!
So he followed the situation when he woke up in the morning.

Just came again.


Half an hour passed.

Finally warmed up the cold and cold little loli.


Shangguan Xuerou woke up leisurely, opened her eyes, and saw Lin Xuan hugging her.

There was surprise on his face.

"Brother Lin Xuan, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone, you're so kind!"


All of a sudden, he jumped up and put his arms around Lin Xuan's neck.

Not excited.

It was just a matter of planting a few strawberries on Lin Xuan's neck.

Lin Xuan's eyes were covered with white snow.

Suddenly it was dazzling.

Then, he was pressed tightly by the double balls again, his neck was tightly entwined, and the fragrance of the girl's hair and body filled his nostrils.


It was miserable.

"I said sister, wake up as soon as you wake up, don't be so excited, okay?" Lin Xuan frowned.

"Okay." Shangguan Xuerou said immediately.

So he let go of Lin Xuan's neck.

But her thigh accidentally touched something hot under the blanket... Little Loli didn't know why, so she grabbed her hand out of curiosity, and it turned out to be like grabbing a soldering iron, and quickly let go.

what? !

Little Lolita was startled. After trying to figure out what it was, she glanced at Lin Xuan and couldn't help blushing.

Brother Lin Xuan reacted just now?
While secretly delighted in my heart.

He still tried his best to calmly say: "No matter what, thank you brother Lin Xuan."

He glanced at Lin Xuan.

Seeing his embarrassing situation relieved a bit.

Then he asked again: "Brother Lin Xuan, how did you know that you saved me with this... method?"

"It's nothing, Hu Meng's." Lin Xuan said.

"Haha, Hu Meng's is fine too..." Little Loli said with a smile: "My icy muscle and jade bone body has an attack, and my body is too cold. No other method will work. I can only rely on body temperature to keep me warm..."

"It can only be warmed by body temperature?" Lin Xuan was surprised.

"That's right, my body with icy muscles and jade bones is quite special. If you want to save me, the only way to save me is by warming your body temperature." Little Lolita looked at Lin Xuan, covered her mouth and smiled softly: "Actually, as long as it is body temperature, wearing Clothes are fine too..."

After speaking, he giggled.

Hearing the narrow meaning of little lolita, Lin Xuan glanced at the looming and throbbing little rabbit opposite him, his throat dried up and his old face blushed.


Nima, you are too cautious!
Thinking about it at that time, the small clothes were still struggling.

It took a long time to open...

"Don't talk about it, get dressed quickly! You still have class in the morning!" Lin Xuan had a premonition that if he went down, the gun might go off by accident, so he said hastily.

"As ordered!"

Little Loli stopped laughing, and immediately responded crisply.

Even so.

Intentionally or unintentionally, it reveals a large piece of beautiful scenery.

"Brother Lin Xuan, I have had icy muscles and jade bones since I was a child, but it only happened once in a few years. Before that, my mother helped me warm it up. It was only recently, especially after I awakened the earth element ability, that I suddenly More frequently..." Little Lolita explained to Lin Xuan while putting on her clothes.

"It happened once in the first few years, and recently it happened once a month. If you are weak and emotional, you will also have just now, it happened again."

"However, fortunately it is brother Lin Xuan!"

He looked at Lin Xuan meaningfully: "Actually, if I want to cure my icy muscle and bone body, I just need to find a man to marry me. It's actually quite difficult to talk about, but I don't want to just find someone... ...It's cured, and I still want to find someone I like."

"Brother Lin Xuan, in fact, the person I've identified has always been you. Including when I got married, and last time in Jiangcheng, I deliberately opposed you and was fierce to you..."

"For so many years, I have never forgotten you."

As he spoke, he stopped moving his hands.

Looking straight at Lin Xuan: "Brother Lin Xuan, what do you think?"

At this time, Shangguan Xuerou has a cute and childlike face.

Pretty blushed slightly, her hand rested on the penultimate opening of the jacket, not sure if she wanted to button it or untie it.

In the air below, there are two white legs.

The two big eyes were watery, like a clear spring, full of anticipation.

By this time, the meaning has become obvious and cannot be more obvious.

Lin Xuan over there.

Ben is packed.

Hearing what little loli said, she glanced at it by the way.

Immediately, there was an unstoppable impulse. She never thought that Shangguan Xuerou would still think about baby kissing, and would actually do this...

The little brother was even more furious.

Lin Xuan's head was dizzy.

Thinking about it, I'm still hesitating, I might as well just do the Fa-rectification on the spot.

As for the head and the mother leopard, they are not satisfied.

Take the time to pay more public food.


(End of this chapter)

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