Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 185 Live to see people, die to see corpses!

Chapter 185 Live to see people, die to see corpses!
At the critical moment, when Lin Xuan was about to leave everything else behind.

Lin Xuan's cell phone vibrated.

It was Hua Jieyu's message: "Call me within 3 minutes."

The meaning is concise.

Lin Xuan was shocked immediately and woke up immediately.

The mother leopard and the head of the sect are not ordinary people, they are all terrible existences.

How can it be enough to pay more public food?

Regarding the mother leopard and the head of the sect, if the two girls meet, I haven't thought about how to explain or fool it.

Suddenly, another boy with a cute face appeared.

The mother leopard and the head were annoyed.

Maybe it's possible to start a surge, and it's possible to click yourself down.

Not to mention.

Recently, the mother leopard, who was angry with herself, upgraded the three chapters of the contract...

"Xuerou, what you said, uh, I know all about it."

"As for me, besides going to class, I happen to have something else to do today. Let's talk about it later." After Lin Xuan made up his mind to deal with the mother leopard first, he issued an order to evict Little Lolita. Didn't say anything dead.

"But then..."

Shangguan Xuerou was slightly disappointed.

Just now, when she saw Lin Xuan, she was so moved that she almost took off her pants.

She is also a little deer in her heart.

Another surprise, another doubt.The surprise is that brother Lin Xuan still cares about him, but the doubt is whether he is doing the right thing by taking the initiative.

The result can be...

Suddenly a message, everything changed again.

Seeing that Lin Xuan had already made a decision, Shangguan Xuerou couldn't force it.

That hand that stops.

I had to keep buttoning my coat.

"Brother Lin Xuan, what about the doll's kiss, tell me something, I've been waiting for a long time." Shangguan Xuerou still asked expectantly.

"I really have something to do. I'm busy. Let's talk about it later."

Lin Xuan explained again.

Having said that, for the little loli who ordered a baby kiss.

His only bad impression was that last time in Jiangcheng, little Lolita was arrogant and self-willed, and her behavior was vicious, which almost put him into a trap. She is a proper little sister.

But other than that, it's all good.

Especially when she was a neighbor when she was young, because she was a child relative, little Lolita followed Lin Xuan all day long and even gave him a lot of candies.

Just no way.

At present, there are two tigresses in the family, so they are not easy to mess with...

Seeing that Shangguan Xuerou cleaned up pretty much.

Lin Xuan took the initiative to open the door.

"But Brother Lin Xuan, if you don't answer the question, I'll take it as your acquiescing agreement to the question of whether Baby Kiss will continue to be valid!" Shangguan Xuerou muttered dissatisfiedly before leaving.


Send the little loli away.

Lin Xuan dialed Hua Jieyu in the dormitory.

I thought if it was about four chapters of the contract.

Then I have no choice but to go all out and do my best!

"You still know how to call me!" On the other end of the phone, Hua Jieyu came up and said angrily, "Call me in 3 minutes as you said, isn't it too late?"

"No! How long will it take 3 minutes..." Lin Xuan laughed.

"Really?" Hua Jieyu asked.

"Of course it's true, I see the time is only 2 minutes and 58 seconds!" Lin Xuan tried his best to defend.

"2 minutes and 58 seconds..." Hua Jieyu on the other end of the phone sneered slightly, "It took a long time! According to this time, it's morning, and you should be ready to wash up and go to class, but you But dawdling... Tell me honestly, is there a girl in your dormitory who spends the night and shares the same bed with you?"

Girls sleepover?
A quilt?
When Lin Xuan heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

By the way, the mother leopard is really amazing.

Did she really know that Tong Yanmeng spent the night in his dormitory and got under his bed?
It's not a scam, is it? !

After thinking about it, Lin Xuan decided not to admit it, and said in a firm tone: "How is it possible! How can there be such a mess in the school dormitory, I will study hard all day, okay?"

Anyway, he made up his mind, asked, but refused to admit it.

Once you admit it, it's over.

Jumping into yellow can't even wash it off.

Besides, he and Tong Yanmeng are big friends. Although the two of them have been facing each other frankly for one night, nothing has happened.

Except saving her twice.

That is to chat, to talk about life trivia or something.

"Only you, study hard all day? Sleeping is about the same." Hua Jieyu obviously didn't believe it, "Also, it's no wonder that the school dormitory is not messy!"

For this evaluation of the school dormitory.

It's really hard for Lin Xuan to refute. As a human being in two lives, of course he knows where the school dormitory is, it's really messy.

It is Zhongzhou Academy.

It's only been a few days since the school started, and there are men and women who are arrogant, coming in and out in pairs...


Listen to the tone of the mother leopard.

He probably didn't know about the matter between him and little loli.

Lin Xuan was amused.

So he deliberately approached: "I said my wife, is it a mess or not, you can come and have a look and you will know?"

"Tch, who is your wife!" On the other end of the phone, Hua Jieyu immediately retorted.

"Then you come to my dormitory some time, really, I'm the only one in my dormitory." Lin Xuan laughed again.

"Don't go!"

Hua Jieyu resolutely refused.

How could she not understand what Lin Xuan meant.

I just made an agreement with this kid for four chapters.

Although there is a sense of punishment.

But now, when he went to the school dormitory, and he was the only one in his dormitory, wouldn't that be a self-inflicted trap?The two of them are inside, and there is nothing else to do except to do bad things...

"Okay, it's fine that you didn't flirt with women!"

After Hua Jieyu gave a warning, he said solemnly: "Now I will tell you something serious, Blackbeard, do you remember?"


Lin Xuan immediately laughed and said, "That black beard is our old man, if it weren't for the black beard, we wouldn't be able to get together, hehe..."

"Lin Xuan, can you be more serious? Talk about business!"

Hua Jieyu on the other end of the phone said in an angry tone.

His face also turned red.

Although she disagreed with her tone, what Lin Xuan said was true.

If there is no black beard.

She and Lin Xuan really can't get together...

After a pause, he continued:

"Blackbeard is a wanted criminal of our Ability Bureau. He has a C-level cultivation and is very cunning, so he has not been caught. Recently, according to reports, Blackbeard has been haunting the western suburbs of the magic city for the past few days. Seriously injured."

"Now, as the director of the Ability Bureau, I officially entrust you with a task, which is to capture Blackbeard."

"Because of this task, you don't have to attend classes at school. I have already asked you to take two days off. In addition, you have a helper who is an old employee of our Ability Bureau. He also has a high level of cultivation. Others It's near the Xijiao Railway Station, and when you arrive at the station, he will take the initiative to find you!"

"In short, it's up to the two of you to complete the task."

"Blackbeard this time, he wants to see people when he is alive, and he wants to see corpses when he is dead!"



(End of this chapter)

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