Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 189 Something is wrong in an instant

Chapter 189 Something is wrong in an instant
"OK then."

The two women responded and began to undress.

"What the hell! Didn't I ask you to do push-ups?" Lin Xuan was surprised, and unconsciously swears, "What are you doing?"

Although radish and cabbage have their own preferences.

Some people like immature, some like mature, and some like Boss Cao like other women.

It's nothing.

But compared to old man Li, he never tires of it.

Lin Xuan is really not good at this, and he can't lift his spirits just by looking at it.

The two women heard Lin Xuan's words.

I was also very surprised: "Didn't you say you want us to do push-ups? Do you want us to do push-ups together?"

"I asked you to do push-ups, but why are you taking off your clothes?" Lin Xuan said.

The two sisters were puzzled: "Do push-ups, otherwise how should I do it?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

Only then did I realize that this "push-up" is not the other "push-up", but in this kind of place, there is nothing wrong with the two girls thinking that way.

So he restrained his expression.

Simply put the words clearly: "It's not what you think, I mean it literally. You don't have to do anything, just do push-ups, on the floor."

"On the floor? Do push-ups?" The two girls finally understood what Lin Xuan meant.

But the expression is hesitant.

"I said, little brother, are you making trouble on purpose, calling the two of us to do push-ups on the floor?" a girl said.

"Yeah, little brother, don't play tricks on us, it's not easy for us..." Another girl echoed.

"Do a push-up, 100 yuan. Do as much as you want, do you want to do it or not?" Lin Xuan said lightly.

Two sisters: "Do push-ups, 100 each?"

Lin Xuan: "Yes."

The two girls said in unison: "Do, do!"

Without further ado, I immediately lay down on the floor and started doing push-ups.

Each counts: "1,2,3,4,5,6, [-], [-], [-], [-], [-]..."

Doing their business all emphasizes integrity.

The two of them are not worried at all, Lin Xuan will not give the money when the time comes.Anyway, this is in their territory.

If Lin Xuan cheated, they also have a solution.


The second floor of Jade Pavilion.

In a luxury private room next to the stairs.

A bearded man was resting on the bed. After resting for a long time, he was half asleep and half awake.

It was the black beard himself.

This guy has been chasing Dongzang XZ by the Ability Bureau, and he has indeed been haunting the western suburbs of the magic city recently.

In fact, Li Yunchang was right.

Blackbeard is indeed the same as him, with similar smells, good thing, he likes to visit clubs.

They've all reached an extremely unique level.

Li Yunchang is a Taoist priest, no matter where he goes, the first thing to do is to find the club first.

Blackbeard might be even worse.

Dongzang XZ didn't delay him from going to the club, and because he was married before, he became obsessed with going to the club, and because of this hobby, he even gave up his wife.

at this time.

Blackbeard was confused for a while, and opened his eyes.

It wasn't long before he came to this clubhouse, only a few hours before and after.

A few days ago, it was very hard to avoid the pursuit of the Ability Bureau, so as soon as I arrived at this old base, I took a good look and called two leading girls to come over to wait on me.

After several tosses, Blackbeard was tired and weary.

Just rested for a while.

When he woke up at this time and wanted to relax again, he suddenly found that the two top cards were gone, nowhere to be seen.

Didn't you say it's a good deal for a day?

Why is it gone!

"His grandma's, labor and management are so regular customers, and they're cheating on me!" Blackbeard suddenly became angry, put on his big underpants cursingly, and rushed out shirtless.

"I said, what do you mean? Am I short of your money, or what? There is such a trick for me!"

"How long is the agreed day?"

"It's not the first time I've come back, this is how you treat guests!"

Blackbeard went out.

He rushed to the woman named Sister Liu and yelled loudly.

"Brother Big Hei, don't tell me, how dare we!" Sister Liu smiled all over her face. For an old regular customer like Heibeard who is a big spender and a strong practitioner, their principle is to try not to offend as much as possible.

"Don't you dare?"

Blackbeard still looked angry, "Don't you dare, where did the two cards go? Labor and capital are paid for a day's money, how long will it take?"

"I won't say anything else."

"Hurry up and send those two girls over, we're fine."

Sister Liu knew a little bit about Blackbeard, she had a bad temper, she was said to have done a lot of evil, and even killed people.

At this time, I heard what Blackbeard said.

With a troubled expression on his face: "Then... well, big black brother, do you want to wait a little longer?"

Blackbeard looked at the situation.

Immediately understood what was going on.

Immediately snorted coldly, and said again: "Where are you now, tell me, which private room is it in? Don't challenge my patience!"

Sister Liu hesitated for a moment.

Pointing to a room: "206, why don't you go to that private room to have a look..."

Blackbeard snorted again, sure enough!

Furious, he walked towards private room 206 with a gust of wind.

Sister Liu saw that the momentum was wrong.

He rushed to the side in a hurry, calling for people to be alert.


in the private room.

Li Yunchang called his sweethearts again, and he was overjoyed.

Although he assured Lin Xuan.

This is required by the mission, to catch Blackbeard.

I really thought so at first.

But as soon as he saw the "sweetheart" and the two girls were still free, he didn't care about it and forgot about everything else.

That kid Lin Xuan can report to the Ability Bureau.

He himself lost his part-time job in the Ability Bureau.

Anyway, Li Yunchang didn't care.

The murderer Blackbeard's wife can be rejected, and it's no big deal if he doesn't want a part-time job in the Ability Bureau.

That "darling baby" is the name he, Li Yunchang, gave to the two girls.

In fact, one of them is called Yunyun and the other is called Cuicui.

At this moment, Yunyun Cuicui is just dancing to add to the fun.

Li Yun took off his long underpants.

Watching it with gusto, eyes are straight.

I didn't say anything, let's talk about it first, even if the flood is overwhelming!

At this moment, suddenly, boom!

A loud bang.

The entire door of the private room was kicked away.


I saw a bearded man rushing in angrily.

"Fuck, a woman who dares to play with me! I don't want to live anymore!"

Li Yunchang was taken aback.

I was also furious, didn't see Grandpa, am I having a good time playing, how dare you disturb the interest of labor and management!

However, when he and the bearded man met their eyes.


Something is wrong in an instant!

The two looked embarrassed.

I fuck?

Li Yunchang? !black beard? !

(End of this chapter)

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